Chapter 3

I wish I could tell you
Minwoo left his house for a walk, he was walking to the park.
Boring today, nothing to do.
He took out his phone.
"I wonder if Youngmin hyung is doing anything." He said as he called Youngmin.
{Hello?} Youngmin answered the phone.
"Hello hyung. Are you doing anything right now?"
{No, why?}
"I just thought, maybe you wanted to go somewhere together?"
{Sure. Where?}
"The park?"
{Okay, I will be there in  a few minutes.}
"Alright. Thank you hyung. Bye."
Minwoo hung up and as he was putting his phone away someone called his name, he turned around and saw Donghyun.
"Hello, who were you talking to?" Donghyun waved to Minwoo
"Oh, hello hyung. I was talking to Youngmin hyung."
"You seemed happy about something."
"I was just... just happy to... talk with Youngmin hyung." Minwoo looked away from Donghyun.
"I see, so your going to the park with Youngmin-ah?"
Minwoo nodded.
"Well, have fun." Donghyun smiled and walked away.
Minwoo watched Donghyun walk away.
He seemed angry, did I do something wrong?
Minwoo messed up his hair and walked towards the park.
Minwoo was sitting on a bench at the park, he waited for Youngmin to come.
"Where is he?" Minwoo looked around for Youngmin but did not see him.
"Maybe he's not coming." Minwoo became sad as he thought that maybe Youngmin wasn't coming.
"Should I call him and ask?" Minwoo took out his phone he was thinking of calling Youngmin.
"Call who?" Youngmin smiled at Minwoo.
"Hyung! You scared me."
Youngmin laughed and sat down.
Minwoo smiled at Youngmin and saw that Kwangmin was with him, he stopped smiling and became angry when he saw Kwangmin.
I only wanted it to be me and Youngmin hyung, why did he bring Kwangmin hyung with too?
Minwoo looked away from Kwangmin.
"Hello Minwoo-ah." Kwangmin waved to him as he sat down.
"Hello hyung." Minwoo waved to Kwangmin.
"So, what do you wanna do?" Minwoo asked.
"I wanna go on the swings."
Young sat up and went over to the swings and sat down on one.
"Your just like a little kid." Minwoo smiled at Youngmin being childish.
Youngmin wasn't listening to Minwoo and started swinging on it.
Minwoo watched Youngmin and then went over to him, he went behind the swing and started pushing Youngmin on it.
"You don't have to push it."
"I want too." Minwoo smiled at Youngmin and started pushing Youngmin on the swing.
Kwangmin watched Youngmin having fun with Minwoo.
Why are you two so close? Stay away from him... Stop... go away... Kwangmin got up from the bench and went over to them.
"Having fun?" Kwangmin asked Youngmin while staring at Minwoo.
Youngmin nodded.
Minwoo saw Kwangmin watching him and stared at him, Kwangmin didn't look away but kept staring at Minwoo.
Don't look at me that way. Wht did I do?
"Youngmin hyung, I am going to stop, my arms hurt from pushing." Minwoo stopped pushing and stared at Kwangmin, he walked over to the bench and sat down, Kwangmin didn't look at Minwoo as he walked past.
"Youngmin-ah, want me to-" Kwangmin stopped talking as Youngmin got off the swing and ran over to Minwoo, ignoring Kwangmin.
Kwangmin turned around and watched Youngmin running over to Minwoo.
"Are you okay?" Youngmin asked Minwoo.
"Yeah, I'm fine... just tired." Minwoo looked up at Youngmin and saw that he looked worried, he smiled at Youngmin.
Don't ignore me. Youngmin hyung, come back to me.
Kwangmin sat on the swing and looked up at the sky.
Kwangmin opened his eyes, he yawned and looked to his side.
Youngmin was not in his bed.
"Youngmin-ah?" Kwangmin sat up and looked around the room but he was not there.
Kwangmin got out of his bed and went downstairs.
"Youngmin-ah?" Kwangmin called when he went downstairs.
"Yes?" Youngmin was calling from the kitchen.
Kwangmin went in the kitchen.
"How come you didn't wake me up?"
Youngmin was helping their mother make breakfast.
"Cause you looked sleepy, and no school today."
Kwangmin watched Youngmin cooking then left the kitchen, he went back upstairs.
When Kwangmin was done getting dressed he went downstairs and saw Youngmin hanging up his phone.
"Who was that." Kwangmin sat down at the table and began to eat the food.
"Minwoo-ah." Youngmin sat at the table.
Minwoo-ah again, he always seems to call Youngmin-ah, doesn't he have anyone else to talk too? What about Donghyun hyung? Kwangmin was mad at Minwoo for always talking to Youngmin.
"What did he want this time?"
"Don't be rude, he only asked me to come to the park with him."
"Are you?"
"Of couse
"Can I come with?"
"Sure. You should hurry and eat then." Youngmin smiled at Kwangmin.
Kwangmin nodded.
Youngmin and Kwangmin left the house when they were done eating.
"Are you sure you wanna come with, you don't look so happy?"
"Of couse. I like spenting time with Minwoo-ah." Kwangmin lied.
Youngmin could tell something wasn't right with Kwangmin but he ignored it and nodded.
"Where is he?" Youngmin was looking around for Minwoo, Kwangmin was staring at someone.
"Do you see him?" Youngmin asked Kwangmin.
After a minute Kwangmin pointed to the person he has been staring at.
Youngmin looked at where Kwangmin pointed and saw Minwoo looking around, he looked sad.
Youngmin walked over ther, Kwanmin followed.
"Should I called him and ask?" Youngmin was walking toward the bench from behind it, Minwoo could not see him.
"Call who?" Youngmin sat on the bench, scaring Minwoo.
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@chattykitkat I had mixed feelings about it too, but I made it for my friend so I let her read it, she liked it and told me to put it AFF, so I did. lol
I have mixed feelings right now, it's just ugh. But great story!
I like the 2nd ending more kekeke^^ I don´t like bad endings but it´s really interesting seeing both sides of a story! Well, I love that story a lot^^ Good work^^
@ChocolateCookie I am updating right now, the story is already finished I just have to upload it all, I can't add it all tonight though cause it is 6:30 AM and I haven't went to sleep yet. lol
Very interesting^^ Update soon!