Chapter 10

I wish I could tell you

Youngmin looked up at Kwangmin.

"I'm sorry Kwangmin, I love you, but we can't be together." Youngmin hugged Kwangmin, he stood up and smiled at Kwangmin, his smile was filled with sadness.

Kwangmin stood up and left the room, he sat by the door and began to cry. Youngmin heard him crying and felt tears coming down his face, he sat on his bed with the paper still in he's hands, he unfolded the paper and started reading, as he read it he started to feel as if he's heart was breaking in pieces.

Kwangmin, I love you, but we can't be together... It would never work, it would only bring you more pain. Youngmin put the paper away in his drawer and left the room.

"You should sleep." Youngmin said to Kwangmin when he went downstairs.

"Where are you going?" Kwangmin asked.

"I just need some fresh air.... I will... I will be back soon." Youngmin left the house.


Kwangmin turned off the television and laid down on the sofa.

I will wait for him to come back before I go to sleep.




"Yes?" Donghyun opened the door to his house, Minwoo was outside.

"Minwoo-ah, what is it?"

"I decided." Minwoo said, he walked into Donghyun's house.



"You." Minwoo hugged Donghyun. Donghyun turned sad.



"I'm sorry."


"Why?" Minwoo looked at Donghyun.

"Cause I can't."


"I can't be with you."


"What?" Minwoo let go of Donghyun.

"You deserve someone better then me, I am horrible."

"Hyung, I don't understand."


"I thought about it some more while I walked home. And you need someone better, so just like before, I want you to forget me. Like before. Just leave me alone." Donghyun looked at Minwoo and forced a smile.

"Really?" Minwoo asked, Donghyun nodded.
 Minwoo looked at the ground.

"So that's how it is then, I lose both the people I care for, Youngmin hyung and you." MInwoo started to cry.

"I really am alone now." Minwoo turned around and ran out of Donghyun's house.


"I'm sorry." Donghyun said.


"I can't take this anymore, why is this happening to me? Why do I lose everything I care for?!"

Minwoo ran to the same park him, Youngmin, and Kwangmin were at before.

"This is the place I first met Donghyun hyung, three years ago, I was on the swing and I wanted to go higher, but I couldn't, then Donghyun asked me if I wanted him to help. So he pushed me on the swing and I went higher... That day, I was very happy, because even when Donghyun was meant to leave, he stayed with me, when no else would, he was nice to me when no one else was... Since then I go to this park when I feel lonely." Minwoo sat on the swing and looked at the sky.


"Do I have to forget that day and this park also? I don't want too." Minwoo started to swing.

"Minwoo-ah." Someone called Minwoo, he turned around and saw someone walking toward him.




Youngmin opened the door his house and saw Kwangmin sleeping on the sofa.

I said to go to sleep in your bed, not on the sofa. Youngmin went over to Kwangmin and picked him up, he took him upstairs into their room, he laid him on his bed and looked at him.

"Goodbye Kwangmin... Goodbye my brother... I can't do this anymore. I'm sorry." Youngmin smiled at Kwangmin sleeping then stood up, he took something out of his pocket and put it on top of Kwangmin's dresser. he opened the door, and looked behind him at Kwangmin again.

"Goodbye, and goodnight. I love you, now and forever." Youngmin left the room and closed the door.




Kwangmin woke up and yawned, he looked to the side of him and saw Youngmin's bed was empty and didn't look like anyone slept in it at all.

"Hyung?" Kwangmin got out of bed, he looked at his dresser and saw a piece of paper on it, he took the paper and began reading. When he finished he dropped the paper on the floor and ran out of the room, he looked around the house, he opened the door to the house and went outside.

"Youngmin hyung!!" Kwangmin sceamed and began to cry.

"No, no... no, please.. don't go.. stay... Youngmin!" He sceamed and fell to his knees.

"No... This can't be happening, please let this be a bad dream, it can't be true... I'm dreaming, but when will I wake up?" Kwangmin was crying waiting to wake up.

He went back in the house and ran upstairs, he picked up his phone and called Youngmin. It said that this number is not is service.

"Hyung, please don't do this... why? WHY?!!" Kwangmin threw his phone on his bed.




The person came closer to Minwoo.

"Hello?" Minwoo called.

"Hello Minwoo-ah." The person came closer.


"Youngmin hyung." Minwoo could see who it was now. Youngmin smiled at Minwoo.

"I came to say goodbye."


"Minwoo, I do love you, but I love Kwangmin more. I came to say goodbye. This will be last time seeing you." Youngmin went closer to Minwoo and hugged him.


"Be nice to Kwangmin for me, take care of him." Youngmin said.


"I'm sorry... Goodbye." Youngmin let go of Minwoo and smiled at him, he turned around and left.


"I lost both people I care for the most, why?!" Minwoo cried as he watched Youngmin walk away.




Kwangmin was lying on his bed crying.

"It wasn't a dream after all." Kwangmin was holding the piece of paper in his hands. He unfolded it and read it again.

Hello Kwangmin. How are you right now? I miss you so much already. You may be wondering where I am, well that is what this letter is about. I decided that I couldn't stay with you and hurt you, but I also couldn't be together with you and hurt you more. So I ran away... I wanted it all to end, six years of this, I couldn't take it anymore. I won't be coming back, I'm sorry. I won't tell you where I am, but I am very far away, please do not try to look for me. I told Minwoo goodbye already, please be nice to him. Kwangmin, find someone else, forget about me, I never was there with you... You never had a brother, say that to yourself and you will forget me in no time. I want you to forget me, but I will never forget you. Please behave Kwangmin, and stay healthy, don't get sick.

I think that is all I needed to say. Kwangmin, I love you very much, and I am very sorry. I miss you so much, I wish I could see you right now, you are most likely crying right now, I wish I could comfort you.

I love you, now and forever. I will never forget you Kwangmin.

From, Youngmin.

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@chattykitkat I had mixed feelings about it too, but I made it for my friend so I let her read it, she liked it and told me to put it AFF, so I did. lol
I have mixed feelings right now, it's just ugh. But great story!
I like the 2nd ending more kekeke^^ I don´t like bad endings but it´s really interesting seeing both sides of a story! Well, I love that story a lot^^ Good work^^
@ChocolateCookie I am updating right now, the story is already finished I just have to upload it all, I can't add it all tonight though cause it is 6:30 AM and I haven't went to sleep yet. lol
Very interesting^^ Update soon!