Chapter 2

I wish I could tell you
No one talked the whole time they were walking to the classroom, Minwoo opened the door and walked in, after him came Youngmin and Kwangmin.
"Hello hyung." Minwoo waved to Donghyun then walked over to him. There was only Donghyun and a few other students in the classroom.
Donghyun looked at Minwoo and smiled.
Minwoo sat down next to Donghyun.
"Why are you here?"
"We were bored."
"What's wrong?"
"Huh? Nothing why?" Minwoo looked at Donghyun.
"You look like something is bugging you."
"No, I'm fine." Minwoo forced a smile and then looked away.
Donghyun did not believe Minwoo.
"Has Hyunseong-ah come yet?"
"Yes, he came not to long ago, he was with Jeongmin hyung a few minutes ago." Minwoo replied.
"That's good, wonder why he was late."
Minwoo looked at the twins, they weren't talking,
"Did something happen between them?" Donghyun asked when he saw them.
"... No, their... their fine."
Minwoo and Donghyun were talking, after a few minutes Donghyun looked at the clock.
"Guess Jeongmin-ah and Hyunseong-ah has started class already, mine will start soon too."
"We should go to then, if yours is starting soon."
"Bye." Donghyun waved to Minwoo.
Minwoo waved back then went over to the twins.
"We should go, come on."
Youngmin looked at Minwoo.
"Okay." Youngmin sat up, Kwangmin did not sit up.
"Kwangmin hyung, come on, it's time to go." Minwoo looked at Kwangmin.
Kwangmin did not move, Youngmin grabbed Kwangmin's hand and made him sit up.
"We have to go." Youngmin left the classroom while holding on Kwangmin's hand to make him follow.
Minwoo watched them then looked back at Donghyun.
Donghyun was looking forward, not at Minwoo, wating for class to start.
Minwoo smiled at Donghyun then left the classroom.
Youngmin was still pulling Kwangmin with him.
"Why are you being like this?"
"Stop it!" Youngmin turned around and looked at Kwangmin.
"What are hiding from me!?" Youngmin was looking at Kwangmin.
"Answer me!!" Youngmin slapped Kwangmin.
Kwangmin was ready to cry, but held the tears back.
"Your being stupid!" Youngmin looked like he wanted to hit Kwangmin really hard, but did not.
Kwangmin just stood there.
Youngmin turned around and left Kwangmin.
Kwangmin started to cry.
A few minutes later he heard someone coming. He rubbed his eyes and looked behind him.
It was Minwoo.
"Hyung, what happened? Where's Youngmin hyung?" Minwoo ran over to Kwangmin when he saw him.
"He left."
"....We should go." Kwangmin forced a smile at Minwoo and started walking, his legs felt weak.
Minwoo stood there then ran up to Kwangmin and grabbed his wrist to stop him.
"What happened?"
"Hyung, I can tell something is wrong. So please, tell me what it is."
Kwangmin looked at Minwoo.
"It's nothing. I'm fine." Kwangmin started walking again when Minwoo let go of his wrist.
Minwoo followed Kwangmin.
"Why can't you tell me?"
"Nothing is wrong to tell you about." Kwangmin kept walking without looking at Minwoo.
"Did Youngmin hyung do something?"
Kwangmin stopped walking next to the classroom door
"Youngmin hyung... didn't do anything." Kwangmin walked into the classroom.
Youngmin was sitting at his desk, he turned his head when he heard the door open.
"Hello Minwoo-ah." Youngmin smiled at Minwoo and sat up.
Kwangmin sat at his desk and waited for Youngmin to sit at his desk which was the one next to Kwangmin's.
But Youngmin sat at a desk next to Minwoo's. Kwangmin looked down when he saw Youngmin ignore him.
I feel like this is my fault. But I don't know why, I haven't done anything. Minwoo say Kwangmin and felt sorry for him.
After class Donghyun left the classroom, he checked his watch.
Their class should end soon, I will wait. Donghyun went outside to wait for Minwoo.
A few minutes later Minwoo and Youngmin walked out of the school, they were talking, Kwangmin came out a few seconds after them.
Donghyun went over to Minwoo and waved.
Minwoo saw him and waved back.
"Hello hyung." Minwoo smiled.
Youngmin waved.
A few minutes later Jeongmin and Hyunseong came out of the school.
"Hello." Youngmin waved to them, they went over to them.
"You two looked really happy together eariler." Youngmin smiled at them
"Huh?" Jeongmin was confused.
"We saw you eariler, hugging."
Both Jeongmin and Hyunseong turned red.
Youngmin laughed at them.
"You two are so cute together."
Minwoo nodded when Youngmin said this, and smiled.
"We should go now. Come on Kwangmin-ah." Youngmin and Kwangmin waved to everyone and left.
Youngmin opened the door to their room, Kwangmin was asleep in his bed.
Youngmin had just got done washing the dishes from dinner. He went over to Kwangmin, he moved the hair away from Kwangmin's eyes.
There was no answer.
Youngmin smiled at Kwangmin sleeping.
"Kwangmin... I..."
Youngmin stopped, he looked at the away then looked back at Kwangmin. He moved his face closer to Kwangmin's.
"I'm..." He paused again, he moved closer to Kwangmin.
"I'm sorry." He whispered to Kwangmin.
"I'm sorry." He said again, he looked at Kwangmin for a while then stood up.
Kwangmin, I really am sorry. Please understand. I can't do it... Please, understand, that I am so sorry. Youngmin smiled at Kwangmin, it was filled with sadness reather then happiness.
Youngmin went over to his own bed and laid down, he pulled the blankets over him and went to sleep.
Kwangmin opened his eyes, he turned over and looked at Youngmin.
Why... Why are you sorry? Is it about today? If so, then don't be, you didn't do anything wrong...
For some reason, I feel like... it is about something else...

Kwangmin closed his eyes again and went back to sleep.

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@chattykitkat I had mixed feelings about it too, but I made it for my friend so I let her read it, she liked it and told me to put it AFF, so I did. lol
I have mixed feelings right now, it's just ugh. But great story!
I like the 2nd ending more kekeke^^ I don´t like bad endings but it´s really interesting seeing both sides of a story! Well, I love that story a lot^^ Good work^^
@ChocolateCookie I am updating right now, the story is already finished I just have to upload it all, I can't add it all tonight though cause it is 6:30 AM and I haven't went to sleep yet. lol
Very interesting^^ Update soon!