Meeting The Parents

Love is Love

Baekhyun took Sehun inside. His parents were in the kitchen and looked up as soon as they heard their footsteps.

"Baekhyun who is this?" His mother asked walking over. Her sudden move made the poor boy flinch, and Sehun quickly hid behind Baekhyun.

"What's wrong?" Baekhyun asked and smiled at Sehun, but soon he saw his mother and figured that it was her who scared Sehun, so he tried to make sure that everything was alright by introducing her.

"She's my mom." Sehun slowly peeked out from behind his friend and looked up at Baekhyun's mother.

She smiled at him. Baekhyun gave her look and she understood the situation so she moved backwards a little to give sehun enough space and not to scare him.

"Hi, what's your name?" She asked him.

"S-S-Sehun." Sehun replied.

"B-b-b-Baekhyun is my friend. "I-I-I-I normally don't have f-friends because I'm stupid."

Baekhyun's mother knew what he had meant by 'stupid.'

"Sweetie, you're not stupid." She told him.

"B-b-ut the other kids say I am." Sehun, who was now crying replied.

Baekhyun narrowed his eyes in annoyance at those stupid people.

"They're wrong, Sehun." Baekhyun told him as he wiped the tears from Sehun's face.

"Don't listen to them, okay?" Sehun nodded.

"You're stronger than them." Baekhyun's father told Sehun and his sudden voice startled the brunette but Baekhyun made him calm down by introducing them so Sehun relaxed a little.

"B-but I-I can't even lift weights." Sehun said, confused by what Baekhyun's father said.

His father chuckeld."No, what I mean is you may not be physically stronger than them, but you're stronger than them by your kindness."

They continued comforting the boy before he said he wanted to go home.

"Baekhyun walk him home, please." His mother told him.

"Sure." So, Baekhyun walked Sehun back home, with Sehun leading him to his home acutally.

"Oh there you are Sehun." Sehun's mother said when she saw him.

She looked up and saw Baekhyun. She looked worried so Baekhyun smiled to asure her he meant no harm.

"Making friends already?" She asked happily.

Baekhyum shook her hand and smiled again when Sehun grabbed his hand.

"My name is Baekhyun." Baekhyun introduced himself.

"Come in, please." She said. Both boys went inside and Sehun's mother turned to Baekhyun.

"Have a seat." She said. "Sehun, go play for a minute."

"But mama." Sehun whined. "I want Baekhyun to play with me."

"I know, but first I want to talk to him." His mother said in a firm voice.

Sehun pouted and walked away after waving at Baekhyun and him waving back.

"What is it you want to talk to me about?" Baekhyun asked.

His voice was worried but also frim. Sehun's mother sighed.

"It's about Sehun and why he's the way he is." The mother replied with her eyes turning gloomy.

"What happened?" Baekhyun asked with concern.

Sehun's mother looked at him as she broke down. Baekhyun moved closer to her and put a comforting arm around her.

"I'm sorry." She said.

"You don't have to apologize," Baekhyun told her. "Whatever you tell me about your son, won't make me look at him any different than I do now."

"You're the first person whose ever said that about him." Sehun's mother said sniffing. She wiped her tears and looked into Baekhyun's eyes, feeling ready to tell him Sehun's story.

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