Nothin' but Xbox

Love is Love

Soon the boys arrived at Chanyeol's house. Baekhyun was in awe of how beautiful it looked. He followed Chanyeol into what looked like a game room where there was a big tv and an Xbox. Chanyeol turned the tv on and the words, 'Nothin' but Xbox' appeared on the home screen. Baekhyun smiled and sat next to Chanyeol. He saw that Chanyeol had Mario Kart. "So, uh..." he began. "Ready to get your best in Mario Kart?" Chanyeol quickly turned around. "Oh you are so on!" Both boys laughed as Chanyeol put in the game and handed Baekhyun a controller. 

A few hours later....

"OH MY GOD DUDE STOP PUSHING ME OFF THE EDGE OF THE CLIFF!" Chanyeol yelled as Baekhyun cracked up. Both boys screamed as Baekhyun crossed the finish line first. "Haha I told you!" He laughed. "I don't remember you telling me anything." Chanyeol mumbled but he was secretly smirking. "Do you wanna see me beat your again but in Halo?" Baekhyun challenged. Chanyeol smiled and said, "You mean I beat your !" 

A few more minutes later...

player two wins

"OH MY GOD!" Chanyeol screamed. "HOW?!" Baekhyun's face was red from laughter. "I guess I'm that good!" Chanyeol attacked him with tickles and kisses. It soon came to an end when Baekhyun's phone buzzed. "It's my mom, I gotta go." He said. Both boys stood up, kissed again, said their goodbyes and Bakekyun left. Chanyeol felt so happy for the first time in his life that he had someone he loved and someone that loved him.

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