2. Powder (Daejae)

31 Days of December

Youngjae watched as Daehyun swung his mallet, pounding the mugwort rice cake. He loved the way Daehyun's muscles glistened in the sunlight, his eyes eating up how they bulged as he hit the rick cake hard. They were hard at work, making food for tonight. Youngjae was making a delicious bibimbap, sitting close to Daehyun as he made the rice cake for their dessert. Youngjae slipped his hand into a plastic glove and mixed bean paste into a pile of spinach. He added a little bit of garlic and sesame oil before setting it aside and started working on the beansprouts. He smiled as Daehyun wiped the sweat off his forehead, knowing he must be really hungry since he started working faster. But that meant he grunted since he swung the mallet harder and Youngjae blushed as they reminded him of last night when Daehyun took him against the kitchen table. 

He shook his head, needing to focus on finishing the bibimbap. He had a small cooking stove which he pulled towards himself, grabbing a pan and pouring a small amount of oil. He added garlic and carrots, lightly cooking them before putting into a plate and moving onto cooking some bell pepper. They had spinach, beansprouts, carrots, bell peppers, raw beef (which Daehyun loved), eggs, zucchini, green onion and some roasted seaweed. Simple and yet it would be so delicious because he made it with love. He got their bowls and filled them generously with seasoned rice, adding a small layer of shredded seaweed. He adding the ingredients in small circles on their bowls, neatly arranging them. He sprinkled both bowls with sesame seeds before adding the raw beef and egg yolks on top. He added spoons to each and set them aside to see how Daehyun was doing. The rice cake seemed to not stick to the mallet so he patted Daehyun on the shoulder and gave him a small kiss on the cheek. “Good job baby, how about you rinse off and I'll dust this with soybean powder.”

Daehyun nodded, “Thanks Jae, is the food ready?”

Youngjae nodded, “Yep. So go quickly or I'll eat without you.” Daehyun kissed Youngjae gently and set down his mallet, running off to quickly shower. Youngjae grabbed his bag of soybean powder and coated his hands in it before touching the mugwort rice cake. He covered the rice cake in soybean powder and set it down on his cutting board, cutting it into smaller pieces. He sprinkled them with a tiny bit of sugar and even more soybean powder before putting them on a plate. He went inside the house to get cups and a liter of soda before going back outside to their backyard. He set everything up on their small table on their porch and made sure they had everything. Bibimbap, kimchi, radish soup and their rice cakes. He sat down on a cushion and poured himself some soda, sipping it as Daehyun popped out of the house. “Hey beautiful, everything looks amazing. I'm so hungry.”

Youngjae wrapped his arm around Daehyun and picked up a rice cake, smearing the powder all over Daehyun's lips. “Oops! Looks like I made a mess, guess I have to clean it up.” Daehyun chuckled and kissed Youngjae, the rice cake going back on the table as Youngjae wrapped his arms around Daehyun. They stayed like that until Daehyun's stomach growled loudly, startling Youngjae. He grinned, “Time to feed the tummy.”

Daehyun grinned and picked up the rice cake that Youngjae put down, setting it at his lips. He wiggled his eyebrows at Youngjae, who rolled his eyes and met Daehyun in the middle of the rice cake, kissing him gently before chewing on the very delicious rice cake. Daehyun cuddled into Youngjae's body and grabbed his bowl, mixing everything before taking a big spoonful, making Youngjae laugh. “Slow down before you choke.”

Daehyun swallowed, “I can't help it, it's so delicious. You cook so well baby.”

Youngjae kissed Daehyun's shoulder. “You did well on the rice cakes too Daehyun.”

They spent the rest of the evening eating and watching the sunset, talking about going out and buying some plants to make a garden together. Full of food, they laid out on the grass and held hands, falling asleep to Nature's sounds. 

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Kuitti91 #1
Chapter 18: Jinkook♡
Chapter 61: It short but really fun to read..i love daejae..thank u for sharing
JINKOOK AND DAEJAE!!! AAAAHHH! I'll read soon!! I'm suuper excited! Jinkook is my ultimate otp and i REALLY loves Daejae :33 (waaah you shipp eunhae too!! Me tooo ❤❤)
Be ready for my comments! I really love these otps :3 See you soon!!
altosankun #4
Chapter 61: awwwwww happy daejae ♡.♡
JungJin7 #5
Chapter 62: I look forward for ur stories every single day. Time flies! It's been an awesome 31 days! Thanks authornim! Hope to read to more fics!

Teletabsi #6
Chapter 57: Ohhh this one was really cool and unique, almost like a prologue to a chaptered story:3 I liked it a lot~
altosankun #7
Chapter 37: why u made youngjae die a lot .. man my poor heart T.T
kayandrawa #8
ShawolTowelette #9
Chapter 40: wah...regrettably I've been an awfully silent reader but I've been reading these oneshots almost every day XD I look forward to seeing my story update notifications go off for this collection XD This one in particular is just so adorable, short and sweet :)
altosankun #10
Chapter 25: jaejae♡daedae .. daejae i luv uu