11. Life (Daejae)

31 Days of December

When Daehyun found Youngjae, alone and huddling against the side of a building, it was December. It was cold and deary and Daehyun was on his way home from a company dinner. He was a little buzzed from all the alcohol and just wanted to be in his bed. He was glad that he had tomorrow off so he could stay in bed and enjoy being lazy. He ignored all the Christmas decorations around him and hid his distaste when glanced over at a kissing couple. Daehyun hated being lonely but with his job, he couldn't really maintain a relationship. As a doctor, he had a hard time just finding time to eat and sleep. How was he suppose to go on dates when he couldn't even find time to buy a new pair of slacks. 

He sighed and crossed the street, wondering if he should stop by the supermarket near his apartment and buy a little something to eat for tomorrow, so he didn't have to leave his apartment at all. He debated between some chicken s or fish when he heard rustling in the alleyway next to him. Daehyun turned to see a young man, back facing Daehyun, leaning against a building with a blanket over his shoulders. Daehyun realized what was in front of him and his heart broke. 

Daehyun had seen it before, young children who were abandoned or ran away from home. It made him sad when he saw them but all he could do was give them the addresses of the local homeless shelter. He wished he could give them enough money to eat but Daehyun knew that he would go bankrupt before he would feel satisfied helping them. So he usually gave them the paper with the addresses, a five dollar bill and walked away. 

But this time felt different. For one, the young man had to be at least his age. The clothes he was wearing weren't falling apart and he didn't look like scrounged around for change. This man had to have lost his job and home and it hit close to home. Daehyun had been close to losing his job when a female patient had tried to assault him but the security cameras had saved his and he was grateful when his boss had backed him up. 

Daehyun watched as the young man turned to face him, his eyes closed. That's when he noticed the bruises along the man's cheeks. He winced, now thinking the man escaped an abusive relationship. His heart felt the heaviest it's been and Daehyun found himself walking towards the man. This time, maybe he could make a difference. His coat must have made noise since the man opened his weary eyes. Daehyun smiled, hoping he looked nice as he hovered over the young man. 

“Hey I'm Daehyun, would you like a place to stay?”

The young man raised his eyebrows, eyeing Daehyun. “Why? Do you like picking up random strangers to stay at your place?”

Daehyun shook his head, liking that the guy had a sense of humor. “No. I sometimes help people on the streets. Normally I hand them some cash and a the address to the homeless shelter but I don't think that would do you any good.”

“Are you sure about your offer? I might be a murderer or a druggie.”

Daehyun shrugged his shoulders. “You don't seem to be the type to kill someone or to be high. I just want to help. Do you accept my offer or do you just want the address to the homeless shelter.”

The guy smiled genuinely and got up, using the building to help. He held out his hand to Daehyun, “The name's Youngjae and I would love to stay with you. I really appreciate this.”

Daehyun shook Youngjae's hand, feeling his heart flutter. “Daehyun and thank you for accepting.”

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Kuitti91 #1
Chapter 18: Jinkook♡
Chapter 61: It short but really fun to read..i love daejae..thank u for sharing
JINKOOK AND DAEJAE!!! AAAAHHH! I'll read soon!! I'm suuper excited! Jinkook is my ultimate otp and i REALLY loves Daejae :33 (waaah you shipp eunhae too!! Me tooo ❤❤)
Be ready for my comments! I really love these otps :3 See you soon!!
altosankun #4
Chapter 61: awwwwww happy daejae ♡.♡
JungJin7 #5
Chapter 62: I look forward for ur stories every single day. Time flies! It's been an awesome 31 days! Thanks authornim! Hope to read to more fics!

Teletabsi #6
Chapter 57: Ohhh this one was really cool and unique, almost like a prologue to a chaptered story:3 I liked it a lot~
altosankun #7
Chapter 37: why u made youngjae die a lot .. man my poor heart T.T
kayandrawa #8
ShawolTowelette #9
Chapter 40: wah...regrettably I've been an awfully silent reader but I've been reading these oneshots almost every day XD I look forward to seeing my story update notifications go off for this collection XD This one in particular is just so adorable, short and sweet :)
altosankun #10
Chapter 25: jaejae♡daedae .. daejae i luv uu