11. Life (Jinkook)

31 Days of December

Seokjin often wondered about how smart s were. Sure Namjoon bragged about how smart he had been during school while Jimin and Hoseok fought to see who was more clever. Either way, Seokjin felt like he was being too obvious at times. Seokjin was an incubus who really liked feeding on ual energy since it just tasted amazing. It was musky and savory and rich and just ing amazing. As a member of a boy band, he was surrounded by ual energy from how the members jerked off in their private time. Each member tasted differently. Yoongi was like a refreshing ocean, Jimin like a very sweet cake, Hoseok's was spicy, Taehyung was fruity and Namjoon was a tiny bit sour. Seokjin liked the way they tasted but Jungkook tasted the best. He was spicy and vibrant and his energy made Seokjin's blood boil. It made him want to take Jungkook's energy the hard way. Instead of laying in his bed and reaching out for the energy with his mind, he wanted to straddle Jungkook and ride him. Having Jungkook come in him would let him have enough energy to last him for at least a week, maybe even more. 

Seokjin lazed around on the couch in their living room when Jimin came to sit next to him as he read his book, leaning against Seokjin's side. Jimin nuzzled his head against Seokjin's shoulder and he absentmindedly lifted his hand to ran his hand though Jimin's hair. He didn't notice how Jimin tossed Jungkook a smug look before speaking loudly, “Hey hyung, how you hungry? I was thinking about getting something to eat.”

Seokjin had fed on Hoseok earlier so he wasn't too hungry but it would be a little suspicious if he wasn't up for eating. “I could snack on something. What were you thinking?” 

Jimin grinned, “Well I was thinking we could go to your room and I could feed you some of my energy?”

Seokjin raised his eyebrows and looked at Jimin, confused. “What are you talking about?”

Jimin looked at Seokjin, making a face. “Hyung, we know you're not human. Taehyung found that letter between you and Taemin sunbaenim.”

Seokjin put down his book and glanced at Jungkook, who was sheepishly grinning. “Who's we?”

Jimin waved his concern. “Only the maknae line. I think if any of the hyungs knew, it would be too awkward. So what's it like being an incubus? What do you do?”

Seokjin didn't think he would be having this conversation with s. He figured that turning this conversation PG would only have Jimin ask Taemin about the details he left out. “I feed off ual energy and in the worst situation, nightmares.” Jimin and Jungkook's eyes widened. Jimin's mouth dropped, “Does that mean you know when do...you know? “

Seokjin chuckled, nodding. “I do. You guys release a burst of energy and I reach out with my mind and use it to power my core. If nobody jerks off for a while, I feed off your nightmares since they are very dense and filling.” He didn't bother mentioning that the more he fed on nightmares, the more they influenced him. He would grow an aversion to the sun and would have more energy but he liked where he was right now. Jungkook sat on the floor in front of him, fascinated. “Who was the last person you fed off?”

Seokjin laughed, these two. “If you must know, it was Hoseok. He did it about 3 hours ago and before him was Taehyung.”

Jimin scrunched up his nose, “Can you tell what someone is thinking about when they touch themselves?”

Seokjin shrugged his shoulders. “I can only catch wisps of some thoughts. I can only connect with someone mentally if I'm touching them.”

Jungkook pondered Seokjin's words before asking, “Why would you need to touch them if you can get the energy by thinking it?” Seokjin smiled at Jungkook's curiosity. “It makes the energy I get stronger and more filling. If I have with someone, I usually don't need to eat for a week.”

Jimin looked at Jungkook with a smirk before going back to Seokjin, “So you didn't answer my question, do you want to feed off my energy? You a little hungry?”

Seokjin laughed as Jungkook kicked Jimin, “You have no shame huh?” Seokjin leered at him, something that made Jimin and Jungkook swallow. “Do you want me-” He ran his hand up Jimin's thigh, his incubus pheromones kicking in. “to help? My mouth's a little empty.”

Jungkook gasped before shoving Jimin away from Seokjin, “No no no, I'll feed you hyung.” Seokjin raised his eyebrow, smirking as he caught on to Jimin's plan. “Oh? Are you up for the challenge of filling me up? I'm sure Jimin could do it if you're tired from dance practice.” 

Jungkook shook his head and tugged Seokjin off the couch, “I can do it. Jimin tell the others not to bother us. If they ask, tell them we're napping.”

Jimin watched Jungkook pull Seokjin into his bedroom, biting back his laughter when Seokjin winked at him before the door closed. Jimin sighed and leaned against the couch, thinking of a way to join them next time. It would totally be worth the trouble if the others found out. But for now he would get something to eat because he was actually hungry. 

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Kuitti91 #1
Chapter 18: Jinkook♡
Chapter 61: It short but really fun to read..i love daejae..thank u for sharing
JINKOOK AND DAEJAE!!! AAAAHHH! I'll read soon!! I'm suuper excited! Jinkook is my ultimate otp and i REALLY loves Daejae :33 (waaah you shipp eunhae too!! Me tooo ❤❤)
Be ready for my comments! I really love these otps :3 See you soon!!
altosankun #4
Chapter 61: awwwwww happy daejae ♡.♡
JungJin7 #5
Chapter 62: I look forward for ur stories every single day. Time flies! It's been an awesome 31 days! Thanks authornim! Hope to read to more fics!

Teletabsi #6
Chapter 57: Ohhh this one was really cool and unique, almost like a prologue to a chaptered story:3 I liked it a lot~
altosankun #7
Chapter 37: why u made youngjae die a lot .. man my poor heart T.T
kayandrawa #8
ShawolTowelette #9
Chapter 40: wah...regrettably I've been an awfully silent reader but I've been reading these oneshots almost every day XD I look forward to seeing my story update notifications go off for this collection XD This one in particular is just so adorable, short and sweet :)
altosankun #10
Chapter 25: jaejae♡daedae .. daejae i luv uu