xix. The Assistant

The Kingdom Club

xix. "right-curly-bracket.pngThe Assistant"

You are more than an assistant, you've been a close friend...


Jungkook was high on pride. He felt confident and in charge at the fact that he perfectly tore down his father’s idiotic words.


He felt like he could rule this entire company. The feeling of power is a drug, it seeps into his system and simply travels slowly throughout his body and consuming his sense of reality. He felt unstoppable, power slowly making his hands clench into a fist as he passed by all of the starting eyes that kept on whispering maliciously about his accident.  


And that is when it hit him.


The felicity that derived from the taste of power, from its addicting and simply contagious dose, begun to fade away as fast as it came. A high has a deep low, and he was slowly entering that deep low the moment his breath hitched, and all the confidence washed away slowly. And suddenly, he found himself stopping in the middle of the hallway and saw what he was just thinking and where he was thinking.


He hated the company, he hated the work, he hated to be the future CEO, and yet there was this inevitable taste in his mouth that hypnotized him and made him believe he wanted it. He indulged himself in the aftertaste of what it was like to take charge, to look down at someone and tear someone done for the sake of climbing above them, all with his words.


And the bitter sweet taste was something he loved. Something he was feeling a craving for, but it was something he always hated to even have.


He blinked, taking a note of his surroundings.


His breathing was slightly on the fast side, but he could vividly make out the large food court as the smell of fresh bread was beginning to take his minds out of his cluster of thoughts.


His thoughts were all over the place, he wasn’t even sure he was thinking clearly at all or if he was just having abstract ideas. But one thing is true, he could feel his own mind betraying him, he could feel his own soul turning into a walking bank.


He was still puzzled at what just happened, with his mind and his body. It all came and went so quickly, but he was certain what helped fuel it all. He has in fact used his power in a malicious manner, but it never felt as powerful as now, when he tried to tare down his own father.


“You okay sir?” Moonbin asked, his voice coming down from an amused, and very much laughing, state due to something Junhong was saying.


Jungkook has not been paying attention to anything that the two have been speaking about, he very much tuned everything out once he decided that he didn’t care about the whispering and gossiping in the company.


Jungkook nodded, pushing the door to the food court and letting the smell of fresh breath grab his senses and cradle them.


They were able to get from point a to point b simply because this was routine. Whenever Jungkook came back from a break or simply a day off, he would have brunch with Moonbin to discuss what happened in his days of absence. Jungkook just blanked out the journey to the food court.


“Yeah, I was just thinking. Grab some food, it’s on me today,” Jungkook spoke, his voice soft yet firm as he was trying to sound confident, as if something wasn’t bothering him.


When in reality, everything bothered him. He wasn’t sure why that was, he hated being there at the company, it was not a foreign feeling, but this time it was a different feeling. It was a feeling he couldn’t quite describe, but for some reason, suffocated seemed fitting.


It could be due to the encounter with his father, or simply the fact that everyone has been talking about him and simply giving him some serious side eye, the fear of being fired not quite stopping the gossiping right before him.


He just felt suffocated, like he couldn’t breath nor talk nor think clearly. He wanted to run out, feel the air against his face and simply do something that isn’t work. He wanted to go to Han River again, to just look at the scenery, watch the people and distinguish the good and the bad in the population.


“I almost lost you,” the muffled, cracked and simply pained voice of Yein echoed through his mind, and he realized he couldn’t go back to Han River. Jungkook can’t remember what happened that day specifically, why he ended up at Han River, why he didn’t go home straight from work or did he even go to work in the first place. He can’t remember even waking up, all he could see what that terrible girl throwing away a good guy.


He bit his lip, getting his food in silence as Moonbin and Junhong seemed to be bonding over the suffering tales they shared at university. It was great seeing Moonbin smile, he doesn’t get to see the younger smile much at work nor be his age.


“I have your contract ready to go, all you have to do is revise it and sign it,” Jungkook spoke, cutting up a new conversation as the three ate.


Junhong, on que, pulled out the manila colored folder from his bag and handed it over to Moonbin. Jungkook spent long hours last night on the contract, he was thankful that the company lawyer was able to pass the contract as acceptable that same morning.


In the company, all the contracts that are made have to go through the team of lawyers. This is his father’s own way of preventing any type of law suit due to unfit conditions or pay and such. It is smart, but it also means that his father can use all of his power to sway the team into revoking any contract that passes through them.


Meaning, that if his father found it fit to punish Jungkook by revoking Moonbin’s promotional contract, then the man has the power to do so. All he needs to do is give the order, that is why Jungkook knew this had to be solved as soon as possible, before his father gets the idea.


“But sir, the assistant contract hasn’t even been nullified,” Moonbin asked, his voice wary as his hands were hesitant in taking the contract.


It wasn’t a lengthy packet, it was simple and straight to the point. Jungkook hated writing very complex and confusing contracts, there was no point to it. He kept this one simple and he had some sense of pride in having completed it and with no mistakes. But the length nor thickness of the contract wasn’t what made Moonbin taken aback.


His own contract as Jungkook’s assistant has yet to end, and Moonbin doesn’t recall a sub clause in the contract that will have it terminated at will before its end period. Jungkook wasn’t sure at what point did he decided that he needed to relieve Moonbin of his assistant contract.


All he remembered vividly is that the subject of contracts came up when Jungkook had to write some up for a group of his workers. That is when he told Moonbin to start figuring out what position he wanted in the company. But Jungkook just wanted this thing to pass, he just wanted Moonbin to be where he needs to be.


Jungkook had had to take some leaves in the past couple of weeks, and Moonbin has been able to handle all the workers, all the paper work. If Jungkook was the king of the marketing branch, then Moonbin was the hand. And he can’t recall when he decided to just push the boy to where he needs to be, he just knew it was the right thing to do.


“There is a sub clause in the contract. I can have it be terminated and rewritten if something needed to be added,” he spoke, his voice soft as a lingering smile begun to change the mood of that had entrapped the three of them.


Moonbin looked confused, there was this sudden and very so slight movement of his head backwards, retracting. Jungkook knew that Moonbin didn’t catch onto that clause, mostly because Jungkook keeps it hidden among all the big areas, it is something that he writes only in certain contracts, in case someone needs to be removed or placed in certain areas in an instant.


“Instead of rewriting it as an assistant contract, he rewrote it to be in your new position,” Junhong spoke, his voice light and simply, filled with amusement.


Jungkook smiled slightly. Feeling a sense of satisfaction that Junhong was able to read up on everything this past day. Jungkook had emailed him many things, many instructions and so many documents, but Junhong wasn’t wavering in the environment.


He was merely a bartended Saturday night. He was a little flower in a garden, simply just there, waiting for rain and sunshine to continue living. And that little flower was just thrown into a jungle, where sunlight can be hard to find due to the much grander trees, and where water can become too much, that little flower can drown.


But he looked determined, like he was not going to let the change of environment, the world of suits and ties, the world of walking banks, simply tare him down.


“Yeah, you are getting the contract that all the marketing managers get, only with a few modifications by my part,” Jungkook spoke, taking note that Moonbin was looking at him with raised brows for a second too long.


“I took delivery of highlighting the modifications that he made to the manager contract,” Junhong spoke, his words being spoke as Moonbin begun to simply flip through the pages and find that it was drowning in sticky notes.

Rather than defiling the official contract, Junhong used small sticky notes that had points, almost like arrows, which were used to mark important lines. Jungkook felt his lips tug into a smile, he was content, mostly because he never told Junhong to do such thing.


The boy must have already some sense on how contracts work and overall, the process it takes to sign one in an office environment. Jungkook also had this hunch that itched the arch of his foot, it told him that Junhong must have known that Jungkook wanted to get this contract signed as soon as possible, and a way to do that, is having Moonbin know the most important parts and simply all of the clauses.


“For someone’s first day, you sure are acting like hot ,” Jungkook spoke out of slight impulse as he could see that Junhong was proud of his work and simply praising himself mentally.


Moonbin chuckled, a bright smile simply radiating as he looked the happiest Jungkook has ever seen him in the time the boy had been his assistant. Moonbin’s felicity was great to see, but it also made his heart ache for a second. That radiating smile simply worked as a reminded that Jungkook has not provided the most satisfactory job environment for him.


“I act how I am,” Junhong spoke with cockiness spilling out of his mouth as his brow squinted, giving his countenance a look of an obnoxious child.


Jungkook had forgotten the dreadful feeling of suffocation, he had forgotten how that feeling bubbled in his stomach and was hard to even breath without it asking fir attention in a rather painful way. It was all forgotten when he sat down, tore open the fresh bread and saw the two boys with him bond and connect as if they were long lost friends.


“Moonbin, I know that this is all sudden and rushed, but you are the only one I trust with my team. You are more than an assistant, you've been a close friend and someone I trust with my branch,” Jungkook spoke, his voice suddenly turning the tone over to a more serious yet heart wrenching scenery.


Moonbin looked at him, his dough eyes simply wide and cheeks puffed, as he was caught in the middle of chewing on his rice. Jungkook smiled softly, noting how neat Moonbin was eating, the way his hand always clutched onto a napkin, so he can clean his fingers after every bite. The way his back was perfectly straight and he wasn’t hunched over. The way he would take a perfectly sized bite out of his food and made sure never to spill, that was the person he needed in the front lines.


Thanks to Cinderella and Yein, he was able to see Moonbin in a new perspective. Moonbin hated change simply because its hard for him to control the outcome. He liked being neat and tidy, because it’s the best way to get fast and clean results. He was loyal to the person that gave him a shot among the pool of highly qualified workers. But above, he was a good friend.


“It means a lot sir, I apologize for my behavior the past couple of meetings we’ve had. I know it isn’t my place, but I didn’t want to leave my position in fear of leaving you alone,” he spoke, having chewed his food to the full as he hated talking with even the slightest grain of food in his mouth.


“You know, you usually have to pay for this kind of bromance,” Junhong spoke, his voice full of sarcastic teasing as he simply cupped his hands on top of his lips and leaned back.


“Shut up you tart,” Jungkook spoke, his voice full of amusement as he completely ruined the mood of the situation.


He was feeling a little tug at his heart hearing it all from his own lips rather than Yein’s lips. He was feeling happy that Moonbin didn’t want him to be all alone only to have this idiot ruin it with a bad joke.


“And I guess now you made a new friend. I will take your offer sir, even if it’s a little nerve wrecking since it’s so unexpected, I will accept with the condition of having brunch with you two,” he spoke, his voice soft and warm, a smile spreading high on his lips as he looked back and forth between the two.


Things went smoothly after that, Moonbin signed the contract after reading it and understanding every line. He had some concerns mostly because Jungkook was giving him extra benefits not provided to other managers. Concerns Jungkook shot down by simply saying, if they have a problem, they can take it up with him right after they finally get the paper work done correct in one try.


When Jungkook got back to his office with Junhong, his father was far from gone. Of course, his entire floor was simply staring as they all heard the bickering that happened that morning. But the fact that Jungkook could walk into his office, sit down in his chair and simply feel a little less suffocated was pleasing.


“Jungkook, can I speak to you?” He hasn’t heard those words in a long time, better yet, he hasn’t herd the voice say those words in a long time.


Jungkook looked up, seeing Jin hoovering by the doorway. He didn’t know what Jin could need to talk to him about, better yet, he didn’t want to talk to Jin yet.


Jungkook didn’t even say anything the day before when Jin picked him up from the hospital and took him home. He hasn’t even looked at Jin since the car ride, let alone said anything to him. Jungkook hoped he’d have more time, he wished that Jin would give him more time before he waltzes into the room and starts speaking.


“About?” He spoke, the simple word being the only thing that he could say.


Jungkook kept his gaze down, he didn’t want to look at him in the eye. He didn’t want to see the look that his step brother was shooting him because was sure it was going to make him really angry or really guilty. And he is done feeling guilty about what happened.


“I’m sorry for what I said on Wednesday, I was out of place and I was just angry and I’m really sorry,” Jin spoke, his voice shaking and drowning in apologetic sorrow.


Jungkook looked at him confused, not knowing what he was even talking about. He can’t remember anything about Wednesday, that was for sure. Yet Jin came apologizing as if something happened on Wednesday.


“What are you talking about?” Jungkook asked, his voice held a little force as he was confused as to what was going on.


Jin looked at him with an arched brow, his eyes were slightly red as there were heavy dark circles under them that could pass as designer hand bags. He had the same puzzled look that Jungkook was modeling, only that his was more shocking.


“You don’t remember what happened Wednesday morning, do you?” Jin spoke, his voice soft and loosing power as he simply sighed and looked down at the floor.


Jungkook felt his heart pulsate and in a rush, anger begun to run through his system and consume all of his reasoning. All he could think about was that Jin was lying to him, that he was simply trying to tell him that something happened when it clearly didn’t happen. Nothing happened on Wednesday that could involve him, nothing. So why was he there, bringing a terrible sob story of guilt as if that will make something happen.


And then it hit him.


“Is this your sick way of making me talk about what happened?” He spoke through gritted teeth, not believing what the older’s true intentions were.


Of course. Jin was trying to get Jungkook to talk, to tell him what happened on Wednesday, to get answers as to why Jungkook did what he did. And it made him angry, his fist clenched tightly as his nails dug onto his palm as he felt his heart race.


All he saw was red, and all he wanted to do was yell and scream and throw something at him for this. For believing that he can lie to him and fool him and manipulate him into talking about the incident.


“Jungkook,” Jin whispered, his eyes suddenly glistening with tears at there was a clear knot in his throat that prevented him from speaking with confidence.


“Get out!” Jungkook yelled, his throat burning and soar from the raw scream.


He didn’t want to see him, he didn’t want to see Jin cry as if he was somehow a victim. Jungkook has seen enough tears, and he didn’t need Jin to play a victim card to try and get him to talk about something he doesn’t want to talk about.


And just as the anger reached a boiling point in his blood, he felt his gut begun to swell and his heart begin to throb as he saw Jin begin to shed a few tears before he turned around and walked away. His straight and broad shoulders giving him a bold image as he walked away, but the older was still in tears and consumed in sadness.


Jungkook felt this sting in his eyes, he felt the knot in his throat get bigger and bigger, it felt like someone was choking him with one strong hand and suddenly, he rushed to the door. He didn’t know what overcame him so fast but he was rushing to the door without much thought.


What am I doing? He thought as his shadow lay against the door, he didn’t even know what he was going to do. He moved just as fast as his anger evaporated. And he simply held a grip on the handle and the room felt like it was shrinking, slowly entrapping him and suffocating him further.


“Has she found the solution?” Jungkook could hear the voice, the soft and broken voice of Jin speaking through the door.


“She’s almost there, she just needs one more piece of data,” the second voice was muffled, it was said in a hushed and secretive whisper.


“It’s getting worse, she has to ask him this week, this needs to end now,” Jin spoke, his voice gaining confidence and sounding defiant.


He sounded determined and above all, fed up with it all. Jungkook didn’t know what he was talking about, he just knew that whatever it was, Jin was determined to make it all end as soon as possible.

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I just want to say again, thank you for reading my story, it was a wonderful journey and I didn't think I'd get this far, but we did.
Hope you enjoyed this ride, it is now time to exit this rollercoaster, you can catch me on the next one.
Thanks for reading!! You are awesome!


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aienahajeerah #1
Chapter 27: Its good. Its nice. We do need friend that can accept us for who we are. Be with us during ups and downs.
DaniSaysHi #2
Chapter 27: This whole fanfiction was beautiful. Everything about it was beautiful.
tulip040920 #3
Chapter 3: Yasss that first meeting was amazing! New reader here whose very glad to find a jungkook x yein fanfic ^^
Czq0-0 #4
Chapter 27: Honestly, it was really great to had read this chapter and that you still brought so meaningful messages across till the epilogues. I really like this heavy atmosphere but your new story with a lighter mood would be great as well(: I’ll subscribe that too.
Czq0-0 #5
Chapter 26: I think I felt the warmth and the message you wanted to send across in the last few chapters. Well, between friends there’s love too. And everyone do have hard times and it doesn’t mean that people who have mental illness at that moment is weak. Because everyone is weak in their own ways. And if they show or not. It’s better to show actually, even if it means you are labelled with a illness for a period of time. And one day, just someday, one could realise the person who is always there from the start. There’s so much more I felt through this journey but I’ll stop here.

Thank you for writing(:
Dhanashree #6
Chapter 26: This was such a great story... I really loved it...
The ending was also great.. It would have been great if there were some moments between jungkook and yein...
Really love the story...
kpoplovelyzwoollim #7
Chapter 26: Finally Jungkook and Yein !!! They are finally in love
Chapter 26: thank you for producing such a masterpiece! i've really enjoyed the whole journey. x
Czq0-0 #9
Chapter 24: Elements of flashbacks till the end!
RachelHoon #10
Chapter 24: Am I the only one that’s happy that Yein is to Cinderella actually I mean I always felt that Cinderella was supposed to have a deeper story and bigger character behind her