Chapter 7

I Can't Make You Love Me (by stargazer25)

Chapter 7

I looked around and saw no one. As I looked up at the abandoned building there a rush of memories came back to me. It was right next to the beach, one of my favorite places of all time. Suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder, as I turned I was greeted with a smile from Prince Charming.

“Hey you made it.” He said with a smile

“Yeah, I had nothing better to do at 5 in the morning.” I said with a giggle

“So what are we doing here?” I asked

“We are going to watch the sunrise.” He said looking forward


“I don’t know, whenever I watch the sunrise I always feel more energized then I would on a day I don’t.”

“Really?” I said a little bit skeptical

“Yes really.” He said with a smile.


“Can I please know your name now?” I said

“Shhh it about to happen; watch.”

As I looked forward I was the sun on the water. It reflected on it like a million mirrors on the water and how it slowly rose up into the sky.

“Wow that really was beautiful.” I said mesmerized

“It was. My name is Xiu. If you’re still wondering.” (Yes, Xiu from Love Buffet I know that a lot of you want Prince Charming to be George but he is Gui Gui’s older brother, sorry if I didn’t make that clear in the story. Now back to the story.)

“Well nice to meet you Xiu. I’m Gui Gui.” We both shook hand and laughed at how silly we both we bring.

“Oh here’s your jacket by the way. Thanks for loaning it to me.” I said handing it back to Xiu.

“Your welcome.” He smiled back.


“Well I have to get going.” said Xiu “See you around Gui Gui.” He said as he walked away.

I watched him walk away for a while, then when he was far enough I turned walking back to my car a burst of energy. I looked down at my watch and saw that it was 5:30 the exact time my favorite bakery open. I hopped into my car and drove off the Flavor of Love. (lol another on of my old stories that I was never able to finish.)

I must have laid in bed for what seemed ages until Gui Gui got back home. I could hear her drive up to the house and turn off the engine. The sound of her foot steps echoed in the halls until our room. She opened the doors slightly and glided her way in, the sun was already up and from what I could tell it was already 6. I am usually out of the house by 5:30 but today I don’t have anything planned until around 2 in the afternoon today.

I could sense Gui Gui moving about the room, though I didn’t open my eyes. Gui Gui slipped back into bed and with the covers going all the way up to her chin. She never liked the cold and she could never sleep without a blanket on top of her, ever if it was summer time and it was 99 degrees (F) outside. Knowing that Gui Gui was back home gave me a sense of reassurance. Though I didn’t know what I needed it for it was there and it seemed that I was able to relax. Suddenly my eyes started to feel heavier and heavier and I drifted off to sleep.

I woke up back at around 9 and Aaron was still in bed. I my side to wake him.

“Aaron you have work.” I said softly while I slightly moved his shoulder.


“Aaron.” I said slightly louder

“Mmmmmm” He grunted

“Don’t you have work today?” I asked

“At 2.” He said loudly into his pillow

“Okay then. I’m going to make food, come down if you want some.”


‘That’s strange Aaron is working so late today. Oh well.’ I thought to myself while I walked down the stairs into the kitchen.

I woke up to the smell of bacon, eggs and pancakes. As I checked the time it was around 10 and suddenly I felt hungry. I was too lazy to put clothes on so I just walked down stairs with only my boxers on. When I saw the amount of food Gui Gui made it looked like she was going to feed an army.

“What’s with all the food?” I asked as I picked up a slice of bacon.

“Oh your up.” Gui Gui seemed a little startled

“Yes, so what’s up with all the food.”

“Oh this? I’m bring it to the orphanage.”

“This looks more like it can feed 30 grown men instead of 10 small children and 5 nuns.”

“Well Jiro, Calvin, and Chun are coming over for breakfast too. They also said they have something to talk to you about.”


I tried not to think about last night and what happened, all I needed to do is wait for the boys to eat and then I can go to the orphanage.

When the boys finally arrived, they headed into Aaron’s den to talk first, while I went to go eat in front of the tv. I turned the tv on to the news and as I knew it would happen, their top story was about Aaron like it is every other week. When I couldn’t take it any more I packed up food for the orphanage, got changed and left.

“So what do you guys want to talk about?” I asked as I sat in my desk chair.

“What the hell were you thinking last night Aaron? Showing up with Hebe like you did? Did Gui Gui even know that you were going to do that?” started off Jiro

“Really Aaron what was that? Gui Gui is your wife and yet you show up with your ex-girlfriend?” said Calvin through gritted teeth.

I looked at Chun to see if he was going to say anything but when I did he just looked away.

“So what if I showed up with Hebe. Gui Gui is still my wife.” I said brushing off the matter like it was the nothing I knew it was.

“Really? Is that your excuse? Aaron we know your secret.” said Jiro

I looked up at Jiro with a questionable look.

“What secret?”

“We all know that you and Gui haven’t been the loving couple you two make it seem to be. YaTou told us that there was one night that Gui Gui didn’t come home and that she spent all night crying because of you. Because of what she saw you do.” said Jiro trying to control his anger and his tone of voice, most likely so that Gui Gui couldn’t hear.

“For the love of God Aaron if you are going to hate Gui Gui so much, just divorce her. She has done nothing but be nice to you, and yet she is still willing to go through all the pain just to be with you.” said Calvin in a sad tone

“Don’t you think I’ve tried?! Don’t you think that I want to stop hurting her?! You know she was my friend before any of this happened?! Before the drama. Before the marriage. She use to be one of my best friends and now look at us. Both stuck in a one sided marriage and nothing can be helped. I don’t want to hurt her, I really don’t but I can’t love someone just because I’m married to them.” I stood up and went to the window. “I tried the first couple of months I really did, I tried to adjust and told myself I could love her if I really tried but it just wouldn’t happen.”

“So what about divorcing her?” Chun said still not looking at me.

“I’ve had papers drawn up over and over again. I’ve signed every single one of them and yet she wasn’t happy. She could always find a reason to turn it down. But when everything was perfect and nothing else was left to bargain she said those words that still haunt me until this day. Why can’t you just love me? Is what she said and every time I see her sad and depressed eyes that line rings in my ears like a broke record player that just repeats itself until I can get away from her and clear my head! She still has all the papers, I’m just waiting for the day when she signs it.” I said the last part in a hushed tone.

I could feel their eyes perching through my back. After some time of pure silence they all shuffled out of the room. Except for one...

“Your a monster.” said Chun in a low disappointed voice and with that he left out of the front door with the rest of them.

I stood there silently until I heard their car leave and I kept looking out the window not really looking at anything particular until my eyes land on the patch of lavender that Gui Gui planted and I said to myself.

“I know.”

So how did you guys like it?
Tell me what you guys think about Prince Charming?
Also a huge thanks to changminXmc from for making me such a beautiful poster and background.
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Evenwu #1
Update please