Chapter 15

I Can't Make You Love Me (by stargazer25)

Chapter 15

This will be the last chapter for this story so I hope you guys enjoy!
Aaron's POV

It's been a two weeks since Ya Tou's last charity ball and I still can't get the song that Gui Gui sang out of my head. It showed me how stupid I was for ever letting Gui go. I never really ever gave her a chance; I was so wrapped up in my own world and what I wanted, that I never thought to stop and think about Gui. What she was feeling and what she had to go through. She was after all my wife, and she cared for me even if I didn't deserve it. Actually I didn't deserve it. At all. Now I'm here, 3 years after Gui left me and I'm still not happy.

I thought that without Gui I could finally marry Hebe and that we could get our happily ever after.

I was totally wrong.

About a month after Gui left, I felt lonely and couldn't take the emptiness of the house anymore. So I had Hebe move in with me, but that didn't help much either. If anything it make it worse. When Gui was around, even if I didn't like being in the same house with her, she always made it feel like home. A place that was only ours. She was the constant in my life. If was work was getting too frustrating or I was just having a bad day I always knew that I could come home and Gui would be there waiting for me. Trying to do anything to win my approval.

I never felt that with Hebe around.

But being the dumb I was, I didn't love Gui enough. I pushed her away and never acted like the husband I knew she deserved to have. I always thought that when I got married I would take over my father's company and be a loving husband to my wife. Making sure that my wife would be happy and have a smile on her face everyday. Then after a year or two of marriage we would start making our family. Having 3 or 4 kids running around the house and would always be there when I got home. But as life being what it is, things didn't turn out to be like that.

I became greedy and an to the people that loved me. I lied to my friends and family that Gui and me was a happy and loving couple, when we both knew we where so far away from that. These past three years I have been reflecting on what I've done to Gui and how much I want to take all of it back. Though I know I can't; I've already lost her to that Xiu guy and she looks really happy with him. But I think that I could make Gui love me again if I really tired.

Though I don't know if I even have the right to have her love me again.

I can still remember the time when I really did love Gui Gui. It was at one of my parties when I got drunk and Gui was that one that helped me into bed. That was the night I saw Hebe kissing another guy in the hallway. To think I loved this girl and that I wanted to marry her. I realized, through all these years Gui was always there for me. No matter if it was 3 in the morning and I just needed someone to be with she would come running, and I took that for granted.

I knew she like me but I still wanted to go out with Hebe anyway. I can still remember the look on her face when I introduced Hebe to Gui and Ya Tou. It looked like her whole world just came crashing down and yet I still did nothing about it. I let my lust for Hebe get in the way of the love I had to Gui. I just can't believe I've let it go on for this long.

About 6 months after Gui left Hebe asked if she should start planning our wedding. I don't know why she would even ask that, I didn't even propose to her. I told her that she should wait until I asked to marry her before she starts planning for it. And as Hebe being who she is she started to kill me with all the questions of what I was waiting for, what is taking me so long and why didn't we do this months ago? I already knew that answer but I was a coward and didn't want to face it. Instead I buried myself work treating Hebe the same way I use to treat Gui. I was turing back into my old self. A monster.

All the while Gui was having the time of her life in New York, most likely meeting new people and experiencing different things. I became angry at the fact that Gui wasn't with me. That she went off to have adventures of her own while I was stuck here running a company I no longer wanted. Each day after she has arrived back I've become more bitter towards her.

It's funny to think that after all this time of wanting to divorce Gui I would actually make it official. But I haven't. The version that Gui signed was the original, given to her first right after it came out of the printer. I never was able to sign it before hand and to this day I haven't. I'm not ready to let Gui go. I know it's crazy to think but Gui is mine. She has always loved me and that's how I want it to stay. Just me and Gui, with no one else. I know it may sound greedy and unfair but she loved me first. It just took me sometime, well actually a long, to realized that I loved her too. That I wanted her to be just mines and I was willing to give anything to have her. Two years back when I told Hebe that I didn't want to marry her anymore and that I didn't want to let go of Gui, she took it hard. She started to say that she loved me and that we were the one's meant for each other and no matter how much I wanted to believe her I just couldn't. I wanted Gui. I needed Gui, and I still do.

That's why this time I'm not going to give up without a fight. This time I'm going to face my feelings and tell Gui that I really do love her and that if she is willing to take me back she would never be sad again. That I would love her no matter what and I would treat her the way I should have teated her the first couple of years we were married. With love, respect, honesty and devotion that she deserves.

I called in Angela and asked her to being in Gui. When she finally returned she told me that Gui was out for the day, booked with meetings for the new ad campaign that we were about to launch. So now I'm here sitting in Gui's office at 10 o'clock at night still waiting for her to come back from her meetings. I sit on one of her many couches that over looks the view from her office window and I look at the city lights twinkle. Looking down on the people on the street busing about trying to get home to their families after a long day's work. Suddenly I hear the door open and I see Gui walking in looking down at her phone, not even noticing that I'm in here with her. She walks to her desk and starts to look of the on switch to her dest lamp. Once she get's that on she starts to file ways her folders for the night. Still no noticing my presents I announce I'm here with a slight clearing of my thought.

"Dear God Aaron! Are you trying to give me a heart attack?" Gui asks as she looks over at me after she almost fell out of her chair.

"No actually I wasn't, I was just waiting for you to get back."

"So you decided that you would sit in my office in the dark and wait for me?" Gui asked looking like she was about to start yelling.

"Well yeah I guess I did." stating blandly.

"Whatever. So what do you need Aaron?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well you just said that you were waiting for me to get back so obviously you need something from me."

"Oh I just wanted to talk to you about some stuff." I said not able to look directly at Gui Gui.


"Are you going to tell me what you wanted to talk about or are you just going to stand there?" Gui Gui asked bitterly.

I could see in her eyes that she didn't want me here but I didn't care I needed to talk to her.

"So how was the meeting?" I asked not wanting to jump my true intentions of being there onto her.

Gui looked at me skeptically but answered me. "It was fine. They liked the new ads but wanted to negotiate new wages. They wanted to get 20% from their original 5% but after hearing them out and bargaining with them we settled on 12%"

"That's good at 12% we can still hold the main profit share."

She just nodded her head at the statement. I continued to watch her work and shuffle things around her desk. I just couldn't keep my eyes off of her. After a few more minutes of her typing away on her computer Gui tilted her head and looked at me.

"Is there anything else you need Aaron?"

I took a moment to think.

'Do it you little chicken! You know you want her back. Now it's time to face it like a man and get the woman you love back into your arms.'

"Aaron. Aaron. AARON!"

"What? Sorry. No I don't need anything else."

With that I got up and started walking to the door, while I was mentally kicking myself in the for being such a coward. As I got to the door Gui resumed her typing on her computer, as I turned back to look at her she was just stunning. Her hair was still slightly curly from when she did it this morning, she wore tight fitting black dress that came down past her knees with ruffles on her shoulders and deep plunging neckline. You could most defiantly see her cleavage but I'm not complaining. Though being the idiot that I am I wasn't looking where I was going and hit my head on the door hard. Before I out all I could see was Gui above me calling out my name.
Here is the link if you want to see the dress:
Gui's POV

After hearing huge bang I saw Aaron on the ground passed out. From what I could make out he hit his head on my door but I couldn't understand why. After a few minutes he didn't wake up, so I decided to just take him home. Though it took me some time just to get him up off the ground we made it to his home. Luckily Aaron didn't change the place where he put the spare key so I was able to get into the house easily. My main obstacle were those damn stairs. After making 5 stops on my way up, I used all the energy I had left and pushed myself to get Aaron into bed.

I gave out a sigh of relief once I flopped Aaron onto his bed. I thought about just leaving him like that, but I couldn't being myself to do it. As I started to look around the room I saw that Aaron kept everything the same. All the pictures, how the room looked and hell each vase that I use to put flowers in looked like it had been up kept with new flowers. Though something was different. The more I looked around the more I noticed that even though everything was the same there were more pictures of me. I only put out me and Aaron's wedding photos in our bedroom. A few select ones but now there must be 20 or so picture in here now. There are more from our wedding but in the mix were pictures from when I was in high school and lot of pictures of me and Aaron together, when we were still friends.

I shook off the thoughts that were starting to brew in my head. I looked over at Aaron and I knew that he hate sleeping in his suites. I flipped him on his back and started to undress him. I went to his closet and got him plain white tshirt and pajamas. Once he was finally dresses I tucked him into bed and was about to leave. Though when I got off the bed Aaron grabbed my arm and stopped me.

"Please don't leave Gui. Please don't leave me again." Aaron said in a small voice before he drifted back to sleep. There was a tug on my heart telling me not to leave him. So I decided to spend the night, but it was only because Aaron well, nothing more.

The next morning I found Aaron's arms wrapped around me holding me right into him with his head buried in my hair. For some odd reason I liked this feeling. This is one of the many things I craved when I was still married to Aaron but now that we aren't married I shouldn't want this. I have Xiu now and Aaron and I are a thing of the past. As I tried to get out of bed I could feel Aaron pulling me back in, not wanting to let me go.

“Aaron. Wake up, we are going to be late for work.” I said slightly shaking him.

All I go in return was a soft grunt and Aaron pulling me in again.

‘Why couldn’t he have done this when we were still married?’ I asked myself as I looked Aaron’s sleeping face.

“Come one Aaron get up.” I said while using all of my strength to get out of his embrace. Just as I was half way up I was suddenly pulled back and I found Aaron on top of me looking at me.

As always I got lost in his eyes. They were always my favorite thing about him, besides his smile. Thought this time it felt like he was me in, never wanting to let me out of his sight. Like he was taking me to a place that was only for me and him. Then just like that he started to slowly lean down and kiss me. It wasn’t hard or rushed like on our wedding but it was soft, warm and loving. I can truly say that it took me by surprise and I knew it was wrong but I couldn’t being myself to pull away. His lips were just so good that I started to kiss him back. All the love that I felt for Aaron came rushing back and I deepened the kiss even more. I laced my fingers into his silky smooth hair while his hands wrapped around my waist.

After a few more seconds I pulled away and pushed Aaron back knowing that what we were going doing was wrong. I looked back at Aaron and he looked confused and hurt.

“We can’t do this Aaron. You are married to Hebe and I’m about to marry Xiu.”

Aaron gave a light chuckle and then looked up at me. “You think that Hebe and me are married?”

“Well aren’t you? That was the whole reason why you wanted to divorce me in the first place. Plus she lives here. Right?”

“They answer to both of your questions is no.” Aaron said as he got up from the bed and sat at the edge of it.

“After you left I realized that I didn’t love Hebe anymore. I thought she was the one I wanted. When all along it was you. Only you. Gui I love you, please take me back.”

I couldn’t breath. All the things I wanted to hear from Aaron before was now said but it was all wrong. It was too late, we were divorced and I was about to marry Xiu.

“You’re too late Aaron, we’re already divorced and now I have Xiu.”

Aaron took a long breath in and put his head down.

“We legally never got divorced.” He said in a small voice.

“What?” I asked almost yelling.

“I didn’t want to let you go so I never filed the papers. So we are still legally married.”

I took a moment to process the new information.

“So all this time you knew that I was going to marry Xiu but never thought to tell me that we are still married?”

“Please Gui I love you. I realize that now. Please give us another chance.” He said as he extended his arm trying to reach for my hand. I stepped away from him not knowing what to do.

“Please Gui.”


For what seemed like forever we stayed silent. Trapped in the thoughts of our own minds.

“Gui.” Aaron said sounding like he was pleading with me.

“I can’t Aaron. You hurt me so much and I don’t know if I want you in my life even as a friend.”

“Please Gui. Once chance. That’s all I need to make you see how much I love and need you.”

“I can’t.” I said softly and I walked away, leaving him there by himself.
7 Years Later

Aaron’s POV

It’s just another day at work. Dealing with the numbers and the stocks of the company. Making sure we are all hitting our numbers and that all the employes are doing their jobs. After doing this for some time now, I can do all of this from home. Which on most days I do, today just so happen to have an important meeting that I needed to attend. Now I was on my way back home after a long day. As I walked through the front door the house was empty and the lights were all off.

Suddenly all the lights and a group of people yelled happy birthday. As I looked around at all the smiling faces everyone I knew was there. My parents, college buddies, co-workers, Jiro, Chun, Calvin, and even Angela. Though I was looking for a particular face in the sea of people that were in my house. Well actually 5 to be exact. Then I saw her across the room looking lovingly at me, with her smile reaching all the way up to her eyes.

My Gui Gui. My beautiful and stunning Gui Gui.

As I said my thanks to the people around me I made my way to her. Before I got to her I got attacked by my 4 little monsters. My eldest son AJ, Aaron Jr., hugged me first attacking my left leg. He was just turned 5 and couldn’t wait to go to school. Next were my twins James and Oliver. Both turning 4 next month and where both little balls of energy all by themselves. They wasted no time attacking my right leg, copying their older brother. Lastly there was my princess, Gema running towards me and running up into my arms. She never settled for less, it was either be carried or nothing. I didn’t mind though she had me wrapped around her little finger with her just turning 3 two weeks ago. She had Gui’s big brown eyes and light brown hair, actually all my children had Gui’s wonderful eyes. Only one of the many things I loved about my children. I gave them all kisses and thanking them for the wonderful surprise.

“Okay kids off your father. He just got back home and must be very tired.” Gui said as she was peeling the boys off my legs. But seeing as they were all feeding off the happy energy that was flowing around us, the kids didn’t seem to pay attention to her.

“Your mother is right kids daddy is super tired. But if you are all good and behave at the party you all can have some cake later okay?” I said bargaining with my own children.

“Okay!” They all said before they ran off into the crowd of people.

Then I was left with Gui. I looked at her and smiled as I pulled her into a loving kiss. She giggled at me after we pulled away and gave me a brilliant smile.

“So how do you like the party? Where you surprised?” Gui asked me as she leaned her head on my shoulder.

“The party looks magnificent and yes love I was truly surprised.” I kissed the top of her head and gave her a light squeeze.

“I hope you didn’t stress yourself out thought, you know stress isn’t good for you or the baby.”

“Oh please Aaron. I have birthed out 4 of your children already, I think I know my limits when I’m pregnant.” She said as she gave me a light poke.

“Well you know I don’t like you doing anything that might make you strain yourself, with you being so close to your due date and all.”

“I’m fine Aaron, believe me our baby is perfectly fine he is just happy that his daddy is home.” Gui said as she started to rub her belly.

I smiled and kissed Gui again. It’s times like these that I’m happy that Gui gave me a second chance. She knew it, in herself that she wasn’t fully over me and Xiu understood that. He said he was happy if Gui was happy. That made me feel like Gui should have picked Xiu but she loved me. She truly did and I loved her back twice as much.

It took me a year to get Gui back into the house though, seeing as we were taking things slow and we didn’t want to rush things again. But once she moved back we couldn’t be apart anymore. We would spend every moment with each other. Once we found out that Gui was pregnant with our first child I decided to start working from home, knowing that I wanted to be there for Gui every step of the way. After AJ was born Gui and I were just starting to adjust to becoming parents, so we had our rocky times. But it didn’t break us, if anything it made us stronger. A year later Gui was pregnant with the twins. Gui hoped that they would be girls but it turned out to be both boys. It was okay though, we wouldn’t trade our twins for in the world. They were both extraordinary kids, both knowing how to read and write already, all thanks to the help of their big brother which could do the same at their age. Then two weeks before my birthday my wonderful little girl came into the world. She took the longest to come out seeing that Gui was in labor or a little over 24 hours. By the end of it Gui was a strong little trooper and gave birth to our wonderful Gema. To this day our little Gema always does everything on her own time, always doing things when she sees fit. It can get a little frustration sometimes but we wouldn’t have her any other way. Now we are expecting out fourth child which is a boy again. We are thinking about naming him Liam pronounced like Lee-um. It was Gui that came up with the kid’s names, I got to name our first child and all I could come up with was Aaron Jr so I let Gui take over with coming up with the creative names.

“So when do you think you are going to pop.” I asked Gui as I rubbed her belly.

“The doctor said maybe in a week or two, but we should be on guard. Why? Isn’t 4 children enough for you Aaron?” Gui said teasingly

I turned Gui around so that she was facing me and I put my arms around her.

“You do know that I am expecting to make a basketball team out of all of our children. So I need to know when we would be able to start working on our next baby.” I said as I kissed her nose.

“You know, that basketball team is not going to make itself baby.”

“Haha whatever Aaron if you want a basketball team you can birth them out yourself.” Gui said as she lightly slapped my shoulder.

“You know that’s physically impossible for me so I guess my wonderful wife would just have to do it for me them.”

“Nope. You can’t make me.” She said crossing her arms over her chest.

“Oh you know I have my ways.” I said as I started to pepper Gui’s neck with kisses.

She smiled with a small sign and brought my face back to looking at her.

“I love you Aaron.”

“I love you too Gui.”

The End.
If anyone wanted to know how many children Aaron and Gui had, they had a total of 10.
Well I hope you guys liked it.
Let me know what you guys think.
Peace. Love. Starbucks.

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Update please