Chapter One - The Introduction

Over At The Frankenstein Place

Mark is starttled out of his head counting when he feels a grip on his arm. He is met with the pouting face of JaeMin. "Mark Hyung, come sit down and let's go. Everyone is here. You've already counted twice". Mark pushes up his glasses before he ruffles the younger boys hair. "Alright, but you can never be too sure". JaeMin just shakes his head at his over-anxious hyung. "Whatever you say Mark Hyung".JaeMin then goes back to his seat as Mark goes to inform the bus driver that they are ready to leave.

Mark is the oldest child currently residing at St. Adrian's. St. Adrian's School For Boys is a school and housing faccility for teenage boys who have been bereft through death or dissapearance of both their parents. He resides there along with six other boys and this is the first trip the school has allowed them to take in over a year. The headmistress entrusted the boys care to Mark since he is the oldest, so you can see why he would want to make sure everyone is accounted for.

Mark goes to the drivers seat where the driver is waiting for instructions. He tells him that they are ready to go and takes his seat as the bus pulls out of the school grounds. Their destination is a carnival that happens to be a couple of towns away. The headmistress thought it was a little too far for the boys to be headed alone, but with some persuation (aegyo from ChenLe and JiSung) she agreed to leave them in Marks care for one day.

Mark takes a look around the bus at all the excited faces. "I can't wait to play games"! "I can't wait to go through the spook house"! "I just want cotton candy". Mark smiles to himself as he leans back in his seat to catch a nap on the way there. 

Let the journy begin.



Just a reminder once again. This is loosely based off of The Rocky Horror Picture if any dialouge seems familiar that's why. I give full credit to Richard O'Brien for anything that may be used. There obviously won't be any musical numbers and there won't be any . I am sticking to the science fiction route of it.

Science Fiction Double Feature

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Lualmu #1
Chapter 5: The image of Jaehyun (Firetruck era look) in Dr. Frank's outfit is now stuck in my head.
(Is it bad that he's hot in it?)
Chapter 4: I have a question. Are u going to have "Sweet Transvestite" and "Touch-a-touch-a-touch-a-touch me" in the story? Those are my two favorite songs from the show. But I was worried because they might borderline as being ual.