His Room

Condemned Angel


Sorry.... I had exams this week but I am finished for now. hehe

Thank you to those who subscribed to me. I hope I get more readers! hehe

I am thankful you all are reading my story!

Happy reading! ^_^ 



~ Kim So Eun ~

We arrive in front of his mansion once again but even though I had been here before it still amazes me the size of his place. As we walk through the front door, all the maids and servants were lined up as if they were waiting for his arrival which could be true, he did call his driver to go pick him up.

“ Good afternoon master, good afternoon miss,” they all greeted in unison. Then most them scattered off leaving only a few of the maids.

“ Master, we hear from Dave that you were sick. Would you like something? A bath? A meal?” one of the maids asked.

“ Maybe something to eat for me and my guest. Thank you Bobo,” he replied as we walked toward the stair case.

“ Are going to stand there?” he turned around and asked me.

“ N..no,” I replied and quickly followed him up the stairs and down the corridor to a door. Jaejoong opened the door and walked in while I still remained at the door way observing the room.

His room wasn’t quite what I had expected. It was dark for him…it didn’t seem like him at school which he led a princely image. It was midnight blue which is almost a black color and the only thing that kept the room from being gloomy was the five windows which the same midnight blue color drapes were tied to and the white carpet in half of the room while the other half near the door was hardwood floor. His room of course was luxuriously huge with a nice big comfy bed in the middle. There were the same colored couches to the other side of the room with a small coffee table while not too far from the seating area was a black desk. His room was clean and simple. Jaejoong walked over to his closet and grabbed some clothes.

“ I’m going to change. I’ll be back. Take a seat,” he motioned toward his room while he headed to the bathroom next to his closet.

I looked around at his fireplace which situated a few photos. There was one that caught my eyes. The photo was that of an ideal family, with a little boy and a little girl with their parents.

“ My family,” a voiced boomed from behind.

“ Sorry, I didn’t mean to look without asking,” I explained.

“ Don’t worry, that is what photos are for right,” Jaejoong lightly said and I turned around to see him in a white sweater and dark wash jeans.

“ I like this photo a lot. My sister is in the U.S. right now attending Stanford and my parents are on a business trip for another week. Everyone is busy these days but me,” he explained with a soft voice.

“ Well exams are soon, you would be busy then.” I mentioned.

“ Yea if I study for them. I don’t need to study,” he said but I didn’t quite understand.

“ What do you mean?” I asked.

“ Well, you see I don’t need to study because I always get high marks on my exams,” he explained nonchalantly. Of course he had to be a genius. I laughed to myself, how I wish to have the same intelligence. Not that I don’t get high marks but it is more difficult and I have to put effort into actually scoring a high grade.

“ You’re lucky,” I complimented.

“ Thanks but it gets boring when exam time comes around and my friends are studying so they can’t hang out,” he proposed.

“ Are you worrying about exams right now?” he asked.

“ A bit. I have been missing too much school lately. I am afraid I won’t catch up in time for the next exam,” I said. How was I going to catch up? I wanted to stay after school today then visit mama on the way to auntie Cho’s place.

“ Sorry, I didn’t mean to drag you out of class,” he apologized.

“ Oh, you’re sick. You need to rest,” I said and pushed him toward his bed in the center. He got under the cover while I stood standing.

“ Sit down,” he patted the space next to him on the bed.

“ I’m fine,” I said.

“ Come on. Don’t be shy friend,” he exclaimed brightly and pulled me down. I flopped down in the bed which was comfy but I felt the heat rush to my face.

“ I’ve got an idea! Since I don’t need to study and you need to catch up, I can tutor you on what you missed. Then you don’t have to stay after school,” he suggested. I wanted so badly to say yes but I was afraid I would fall deeper than I was already.

“ It’s ok, it isn’t your fault that I am behind,” I rejected.

“ Come on. Your want to help a friend don’t you,” he said.

“ Huh?” I echoed out.

“ I would be bored for the next couple of weeks with everyone freaking out about the exams so you can relieve the dullness in my life,” he explained.

“ But you can tutor your other friends,” I tried to make him change his mind because my heart is already trembling.

“ They already have professional tutors that their parents hired. Come on So Eun! Please…” he pouted. I wanted to ignore but I couldn’t and it was weird how he was begging to tutor while I should be begging to be tutored. I sighed, hopefully I won’t regret this.

“ Oh… ok,” I finally agreed.

“ Yay!, let’s start now,” he joyfully voiced.

“ NOW?” I exclaimed.

“ You’re at my house already,” he nodded.

“ But you’re sick,” I said.

“ Don’t worry, I am feeling better already,” he said.

“ Ok,” I went to the sofa where I set my backpack and grabbed it. There was a knock on the door and two of his maids came with two trays of food. I didn’t realize how hungry I was.

“ May we set then here Master?” the asked as they approached the coffee table.

“ Yes, there would be fine,” he nodded as the two maids left the room.

“ Are you hungry? You didn’t get to finish your lunch because of me,” he said and walked to the coffee table. My stomach gave me away and sounded.

“ I see you are hungry,” he laughed and patted my head and I blushed.

“ Have a seat and eat first,” he motion for the seat across from him on the couch.

“ Thank you,” I said quietly and sat down.

“ Dig in,” he said while he already starting eating. I didn’t hesitate and began eating. 

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likatulay #1
Chapter 25: wow, really is good love story, I really hope to read the next update soon.. really love it..
bubble_eyes #2
Chapter 25: This is such a sweet love story and I am glad that it is Kim So Eun and Kim Jaejoong. They're one of my favorite OTP. Thank you so much for making this story and for sharing it with us. I hope to read your next update soon. I'm really excited! ^^v
Update soon
minhaesabel #4
Chapter 25: Update soon <3 :)
queena #5
update ssssssssooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn please
queena #6
next chap please
Luv ur stowy!!! KAWAI!!!!
lizaliza #8
wow thanks for the update dear!!! Really appreciate it!!! Nice chap!!!
jhen414kpopaddict #9
wah really love your update!!!!! thank you!!! very much!11