Chapter Eight | Snow Balls

Project A

Chapter Eight |  Snow Balls 

This day couldn't get any 'better', you get me? It was nice to see Jiyong's dog, Gaho and his lovely mother who keeps feeding me with cookies and teas.
But, she wouldn't register the fact that I am NOT Jiyong's girlfriend in her mind. My oh mine. You have no idea how many time, I denied. 
But she just laughed it off and replied me with a 'sure' along with her raised brows and cheeky smile. I guess that's where Jiyong gets his smiles from.
I got tired of explaining myself along the way and Mrs. Kwon just told me to shut up and eat her home baked cookies. 
"Umma, you need to stop feeding her! She's going to gain weight and complain to me," Jiyong whined like a kid at his mum, while his mum shoving cookies at me.
WHAT?! I CAN'T EAT MY COOKIES WITH PEACE? I gave him a glare and so did Mrs. Kwon, pwahahhah. Mrs. Kwon is on my side! 
When did I ever whine about my weight to Jiyong anyway? Okay. Maybe once...and a few more times... cough. 
"Shut up, she's not fat. She's perfect, Miss Park is perfect." She's so nice! And that totally shut Jiyong up. Kekekekeke.
"Please, Mrs. Kwon just call me Park Bom." I smiled at her before shoving another cookie in my mouth. Ah, this is perfect. 

"Or Cookie Monster." WHUT?
& then there's Gaho, sitting by the sofa staring up at me begging shamelessly for a bite of my cookie, but I said no.
Gaho whimpered and stared up at me with eyes full of hope. Awe.
"Give him one," Jiyong nudged me. 
"No," I shook my head at him and got the last bite of my cookies.
"Aish, you won't share with your son?" Jiyong stared at me in disbelief. WHUT? 
"He is not my son," I said between my gritted teeth. I love Gaho and all, but I don't want to be his mom that's because Jiyong is his dad. That makes us his parents?
Jiyong just grinned at me before resting his hands around my shoulder, aish. "Umma, I want to bring Gaho back with me."
"You want to do what?" My eyes widened like ping-pong balls at him, 
"I want to bring Gaho home," 
"Well, I suppose if it's okay with Hyun-nie, you can do so."
"Oh, Hyunnie it's my pet-name for Seunghyun. That kid is so handsome." Mrs. Kwon giggled at the thought of Seunghyun. Oh dear lord, his an ahjumma killer too? 
HYUNNIE? I laughed out loud and Jiyong nudged me, "It kills hyung a little whenever my mum calls him that,"
"Talking about Seunghyun again aren't you?" Another voice interrupted us and we were welcomed with a happy looking man, resembling a little of Jiyong.
Gaho ran after the man immediately and jumped up and down at him, tail wagging furiously. "Hello to you too, Gaho."
"Dad?" Jiyong got up and pulled me up with him, 
"Oh, uh hello, uncle." I greeted back and bowed a little. 
"Well hello to you too, pretty lady." He smiled a little before taking a seat next to Mrs. Kwon, kissing her on the cheek. Awe. 
"So who's this pretty lady?" 
"She's my girlfriend dad, so she's off the market," Jiyong added a wink at the end. Oh god, now there's gonna be more misunderstanding.
"Yeah, but she keeps on denying it." Mrs. Kwon added, 
"Ugh. I would deny it too if I'm dating this punk." Mr. Kwon added and I laughed immediately. Finally. Mr. Kwon is definitely a man with humor.
Unlike Seunghyun or should I say, Hyunnie? KEKEKEKEKEKEKKEKE.
"Aish, dad." Jiyong groaned. "I'm not a punk."
"Yeah, you're way more worst than a punk. What's your name by the way, sweetheart?"
"I'm Park Bom, Mr. Kwon."
"I see, are you staying over for dinner?" 
"Yeah, we're making a big feast tonight. Would you like to stay for dinner, Park Bom?" 
WOULD I? I was about to nod my head and say a freaking yes. But Ji, he just UNF.
"Nah, I've got the whole day planned." He added a wink in the end. Is that his signature move now?
"Where are we going?" I pouted. I'm going to miss out Mrs. Kwon's cooking. I mean she bake GREAT cookies, just imagine her cooking!
It's going to be really effing delicious :C 
"You'll know, now let's pack up Gaho and we're good to go." Jiyong and grabbed my wrist leading me to upstairs. To his room? 
"On second thought, go ahead. I want a boy!" WHUT?!
"This is my room," He said and opened the door for me, pushing me in. Gaho following closely behind me, the cute little mutt. 
"Are you sure this is your room? Looks more like our apartment..." I mumbled to myself, finding myself staring around and then there's this big round bed!
I couldn't resist and jumped on it. Gaho, did so too. Kekekekekeke, gah, this is is so comfortable, I want this bed. 
"I want this bed," I said and rolled around,
"Hey, you can't just jump into people's bed like that, grandma." 
I sat up and crossed my arms at him, "I don't think I like grandma any better than ahjumma,"
"We'll have plenty of time to work on our pet's name later," He winked a little before joining me in his comfy bed.
"Can't you please just call me Bom like everybody else?" I rolled my eyes at him before picking Gaho onto his bed. 
"I prefer calling you Honey." I rolled my eyes at him once more, 
"If you roll your eyes anymore, your eyes will go away and you'll be blind and no one will want you except for me."
"Shut up Jiyong." I gave him a little glare before scratching the back of Gaho, he seems to enjoy it. 
A little while longer, Jiyong packed up a little suitcase and tote bag for Gaho and some other of his stuffs and loaded them into his car.
They better not be s o________O and we bid our goodbyes to the lovely Kwon couple before driving away.
"My parents seems to like you a lot." 
"That's because their son is a punk and they probably see me as the perfect daughter," I grinned while petting at Gaho who was sleeping on my lap. "Isn't that right, Gaho?"
"Gaho can't talk back. His a dog." Jiyong mocked me. "Do you have any idea where are we going now?"
"I don't know. Uhm," I thought hard and the only thing that came out was, "Spaceship?"
"What? No!" He bursted into a fit of giggles, "We're going to my secret hideout."
Secret hideout? Turns out it wasn't so secret after all. 
I mean it's not top secret like a under the sea hideout or something between a mock mountain or a hidden hideout in a volcano.
Maybe I think too much, it's actually a cute and small cottage by the countryside and boy oh boy. It's beautiful!
As soon as we got down from the car, I started running around the snow with Gaho barking at me. 
"Hey, don't take picture of me!" I yelled after Jiyong, before gathering some snows in my hand,
"Or else what? Yo-" Too late. I threw a snowball and it aimed directly at him. HAHAHAHAHHAAH.
This is fun and did he looked pissed off? Yes he did. ^____^ "Yah. Park Bom!" He wiped the snow out of his face and immediately gathered snows in his hand.
Meanwhile, I ran as fast as I could hiding behind trees and such. Panting for air, I sat behind the tree and panted. Phew. I think I've lost him...?
Okay, I didn't. He was right behind me and I didn't know. He threw a whole bunch of snows at me. COLDDD.
About an hour later, the chase wasn't our and so is the snow battle. I was running after him and I was catching up.
But I missed out the little Gaho who was sitting on the road pavement and tripped. 
Like any other cheesy romance film. I fell down, on top of Jiyong who turned around just in time. What a 'coincidence'?
& where are the odds? 
I fell down on top of him, and I was about to get up and dust myself but he turned around, and hovered over me. 
"Hey, I think this is where you're suppose to move away.." I said awkwardly. Logically speaking we're suppose to feel cold. But I felt hot like I'm going to melt if I don't move away any longer.
His god given brown orbs staring down at me, while his smooth cheek turned a little red and his mouth agape. I..
He smirked and that got me squealing. I literally squealed like a love sick teenage fan-girl. Oh ..
"What was that?" He laughed, not willing to move away. Still on top of me.
"Not until this," What is this? 
He leaned down and pressed his lips agaist mine and it just felt so right, until he moved away.
"Don't stop." . DID I JUST SAY THAT?!
End of Chapter Eight.
Sorry for the long time no update and the short chapter. Been working on school works and the story got me hanging.
There's really not much storyline but uh more fluff? I think the real tiny drama starts two chapters after this or soon?
Sorry for all the topbom lovers :P Guess there's only 0.01% of them in this chapter? 
Anyway, I posted a new GBOM story from the point of view of Seungri. If you're interested this is the link,
Working on comments/replies ;) 
P.S / Did you guys miss my poster? ;)
On a side note, Park Bom's birthday is coming soon. Do you guys want to leave her a birthday message?
Or donate some money to buy the Spring Godess a gift? You guys can always help welovebom.wordpress.
They're planning lots of good stuff. GO GO GO~
Leave her a birthday message or submit any fanart if you can't afford to donate :) For any further info, visit this

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tami1712 #1
Chapter 16: Its 2016 and I still hoping for ab update :) plisssss
kratepow #2
update T.T
jeremyss #3
Chapter 16: Aiisshhh..please update authornim;)
mildes #4
Chapter 16: its been a long time. but i still wait for an update authornim :)
hanhyosang #5
Chapter 15: .."From staring at us from the balcony with his telescope.".. HaHaHaHaHa .. I love TOP =))
hanhyosang #6
Chapter 3: OMO !!! Daebak !!!! I laugh so much reading your fic !!!! :)))))) :X
Andrina27 #7
Chapter 2: Authornim, you're the best!!!! Your so funny :)... I hope you keep writing and updating with all your awesome ideas from your awesome mind ;D <3
obyeahbb #8
I love it pls update soon!!
Chapter 16: JIBOM team?? seriously Seunghyun, u're a part of delusional addicted now LOL
Chapter 16: Hahahaha!! I love TOP's character here. He's the best! He made me laugh all the time, yay he's team JiBom! Hihihi