Chapter Twelve | Truth?

Project A


Chapter Twelve | Truth?
Park Bom glanced at Jiyong , something was weird about him tonight she thought. He seemed pissed off but his not really showing it at the same time.
Years of being friends and living with Kwon Jiyong, Park Bom has learn a lot about him and of course, Choi Seunghyun too. 
And just who is this Kim Ji Eun too? She thought she was pretty with her long black curve with her snowy white skin. She's beautiful.
"Hello," Jieun smiled at each and everyone, especially at Park Bom. 
For a mere moment, everyone was in silent mode. 
"Oh. Ji Eun noona, you're back?" Seungri was first to break the silence, as always.
"I am standing here right now aren't I?" Ji Eun raised her eyebrows playfully at Seungri, leaving him in awe. He felt a little dumb at her remark. 
Ji Eun turned to Bom," And you must be Park Bom, Seunghyun here told me a LOT about you. Nice to meet you. I'm Kim Ji Eun," Ji Eun's let her hand out.
Park Bom took it and shook hands, feeling a little tingle in her. 'Kim Ji Eun? Have I heard that name some where before?'
"I hope his only said good things about me," Bom glared at Seunghyun a little. "I'm Park Bom. Nice to meet you too," Park Bom smiled back, 
The two break off their hand shakes and shared a few nods of acknowledgement before everyone took their seats.
"So what's the occasion?" Youngbae asked, taking off his uber cool Ray Bans shades.
Ji Eun and Seunghyun shared one look, before turning the corner of their lips up. Seunghyun cleared his throat, "I've gathered you all here to tell you this,"
"That you're gay? We already know." Daesung interrupted.
"No bozo, Ji Eun and I, we're officially going out." Seunghyun announced and held Jieun's hand up in his proudly while she smiled. 
Jiyong and Bom's eyes widened at the sight. Their heart beat racing against each others. 
'Tell me this isn't true.' Jiyong thought as he clenched his fist.
'Officially going out? Well, guess I'm back to Youngbae my old root. YOUNGBAEEEEE OPPA!' Bom screamed in delight in her thought. 
The truth was, Bom was never REALLY in love with Choi Seunghyun. It was what you call a little crush??
Maybe it was the little intense stare they share or the super hot kiss they shared in the park or merely just his presensce?
One thing's for sure, she didn't fall hard for him. She didn't get a heart attack. She's back to fangirling over Youngbae.
"Congratulations Bro! I thought you were gay!" Daesung raised his hands up for a high five to which Seunghyun glared at him and he slowly lowered his hands.
"I'm happy for the both of you." Bom wished them, and raised her napkin to her eyes wiping the unexpected tears from the bottle of pepper Seungri was playing with.
"There's no need for tears, Bommie nuna are you on your period again?" Seungri made a disgusted face, and Bom turned the brightest shade of red.
OH NO HE DIDN'T. He just talked about Bom and period in front of YOUNGBAE! 
"Shut up Seungri! I'm not, I'm just happy!"
Jiyong glanced at Bom, he thought she was heartbroken like him. He stared at JiEun who was laughing with Seunghyun.
He couldn't take it, he hit his fist on he table and stood up. One of his hands grabbed Bom's wrist and he gave JiEun a look before stomping away with Bom.
The table was in a mere silent, before Seungri broke the silence once again, "I think they're going to get freaky in the bathroom."
Youngbae and the others shot him a dirty look, 
"What? They could be, you know?" Seungri shrugged and placed the bottle of pepper back to it's original place.
"JIYONG! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!" Bom cried and tried to free herself from him,
Jiyong ignored and tugged on Bom's hand and made way for his car. 
"ARE YOU DEAF NOW?" Bom continued yelling, this is hungry emotional Bom. 
Jiyong shot Bom a look before literally throwing her into his car and marched off to the driver's seat and drove off.
"I WANT TO TRY THE FINE ITALIAN GOURMET! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW HARD IS TO GET A BOOKING IN DEVIL'S KITCHEN?" Bom huffed and crossed her arms. Her brows knotted together as she continue throw a chain of curse words.
"I don't want to see you in there, pretending like you're happy." Jiyong said, his eyes were screamed angry. He sounded angry. Actually, he was furious.
Whatever the reason was, Bom was eager and dying to know. 
"But I'm not.. I really just want to eat and i'm happy for Seunghyun, I thought he was going to come out of the closet and confess to you one d-"
"I KNOW YOU LOVE HIM! CHOI SEUNGHYUN THAT BASTARD! " Jiyong screamed out in frustration taking Bom by surprise.
Bom stared at him for a good minute with her eyes big as saucers, before sighing.  "How many ing do I have to tell you, I don't LOVE hi-"
"Stop denying!" Jiyong hissed and looked away. 
"Kwon Ji Yong." Park Bom called in her stern serious tone. Jiyong turned at her totally not expecting a slap in the face.
Yes, Park Bom slapped Kwon Jiyong right in the face. Jiyong held a hand to his cheek, shocked was how Jiyong.
"God, if we're standing I would've kicked you in the you know where." Park Bom sighed once more before glaring, "I don't ing love Choi Seunghyun. I mean I did like for a little bit but that's just a tiny weeny crush. But that's how I feel for the both of you every day. Does that mean I love you too?" Park Bom shot Jiyong another chain of curse words, "Why so serious?!"
Both of them stopped and stared into each other's eye, the only sound heard was the sound of their heart beat and their uneven breathing.
"So. You're saying you love me too?" Jiyong asked, one of his eyes brows raised in confusion.
"God. Kwon Ji Yong, you're so dense." Park Bom hissed before throwing her hands up in frustration. "I like you guys as you guys. Nothing else okay." She threw her hands up in defeat once more.
"Oh." Jiyong sighed in dissapointment. Feeling another little crack in his fragile heart. 
"Stop misunderstanding me okay." Bom noticed the sudden change in Jiyong. He look sad about what she said, "If it makes you feel any better, I like you more than Seunghyun by a 1%,"
"Really?" Jiyong smirked. "I knew it."
Bom shook her head and laughed to herself. "You're so easy."
Easy? Well, the right word for Jiyong would be a skilled actor, he scoffed and looked away. 
His never easy, but only for Park Bom, he thought.
"So. What about you and Jieun? Why did you behaved so weird just now?" Bom asked out of the blue,
"She." Jiyong hesistated before sighing. "Never mind." 
"Ahhhhh." Park Bom whined and rolled her eyes. "Tell me!" She demanded with a pout. 
Usually Jiyong can't say no to her cute pout and childish like tantrum but tonight, he said not. 
"I won't tell you. Unless," He grinned. Park Bom know that grin very well. That mischivious grin that sends chills to Park Bom's spine. "Unless, you kiss me. On the cheek."
"Hey. My kisses are not that cheap okay. They're for Youngbae." Bom said Youngbae's name dreamily.
"Sure." Jiyong rolled his eyes and went on driving to wherever he felt like.
"Uh. So. Never mind Jiyong and Park Bom, let's carry on with our dinner?" Daesung said awkwardly, trying to break the silence.
Jieun and Seunghyun exchanged a few glances before nodding their head and proceed with dinner.
"I've always know Jiyong-hyung had like a thing for Bom noona," Seungri bragged.
"Yeah, but you were never team JiBom remember? You were team ChoiBom. But I guess not anymore, huh?" Daesung retorted back.
Jieun stared at Seunghyun for an explaination but he shrugged and went on with his soup. 
"No. I helped out Jiyong hyung when he went to stalk on Seunghyun-hyung and Bom-noona's date last week or like a month ago, remember?" 
"Date?" Jieun widened her eyes. "You went on a date with Bom?" Jieun dropped her utensils. 
"." Youngbae cursed and shot both Seungri and Daesung a look.
 "Why are we at the beach, Kwon Jiyong." Park Bom crossed her arms and stared hard at Jiyong's back. Throwing curses from time to time.
"I just felt like it?" He replied back and spread his arms out, taking a deep breath of the cold breeze.
"Damn it. It's winter you know. I'm freezing in my dress and I'm hungry. I hate you. You're such a jer-" Jiyong approached Bom and cut her off short by tapping her lips with his fingers.
"Ew. Take your fingers away from m-"
"Here," Jiyong took off his blazer and covered Bom with it. "There, better?"
Bom smiled, satisfied with the warmth. Although it's just a blazer, Bom feels warm from it and felt just comfortable and very Jiyong.
She sniffed the blazer and it smelled like, Jiyong. 
"You weird stalker. Don't smell my blazer like that." Jiyong find Bom amusing and couldn't let go the chance of teasing her.
"It doesn't smell nearly as good as Youngbae's."
"Oh please, have you even got the chance to smell it?" Jiyong retorted back and it was a total burn moment.
Park Bom shot him daggers and stomped towards the chilling cold beach.
"Oh come on, I was joking." Jiyong groaned at the sight of Bom's walking away. He liked moments like this. Just him and Bom, alone.
Park Bom mumbled and cursed Jiyong at every step she took, 
"That no good Jiyong. Taking me out in this cold when I could have been eating at The Devil's Kitchen enjoying French gourmet and sharing a few eyes with Youngbae."
Park Bom find herself on a bench, alone. She looked around and there was no sight of Jiyong. Where did he go? 
She scanned the chilly cold beach with her eyes once more before cursing once more.
"AISH. I could have dropped by napkin by accident and Youngbae would pick it up for me and we would share a 'moment' and-"
"And what?" Jiyong's sudden head popping out almost shocked the life out of Bom. 
"HUL. Don't simply pop out like that!" Bom whined and knocked the back of Jiyong's head with her knuckles.
Jiyong giggled and took a seat next to Bom. "I can't believe you're still dreaming of Youngbae."
"Why? Just because you're single and miserable doesn't mean I have to be just like you too, okay?"
"It's just that, his not the man for you."
"Oh, and you are?"
"How right you are. I am. All for you." Jiyong said, looking into Bom's eyes.
Park Bom rolled her eyes at Kwon Jiyong's dreamy eyes and laughed them off. "Where did you go just now? I couldn't see you for a moment there."
Jiyong turned around and presented Park Bom, food. "I went to get you food. Good old Korean street food." 
Bom's eyes widened and the corner of her lips curved up as she reached out for them.
"They're warm." She cooed and took a bite of the Ddeobokki. "Yummy."
Jiyong smiled at the sight. "It seems your perfect match would be food. You should get married to them."
"Sure and your perfect match would be Seungri. You bastard." 
"So, Jieun noona, it was basically like nothing serious, they just went out on a casual dinner nothing else." Youngbae tried to explain to Jieun about the Bom and Seunghyun situation. Bascially they weren't even a situation.
"Yeah, I just took Bom out for dinner," Seunghyun added with a nod.
"Yeah and hyung just kissed her until she fainted. Nothing ser- ."Daesung slapped his mouth with own bare hands.
"She fainted?" Jieun crossed her arms and glared at Seunghyun hard.
"Thanks a lot Daesung. ." Seunghyun cursed. "Jieun, I love you. Trust me, it was nothing." Seunghyun confessed in his unusual serious tone. "I'm sorry."
"I trust you. It's just that I like to see you worried and troubled." Jieun giggled to herself. 
Seungri and Daesung stared hard at Jieun, trying to figure her out. Not sure if she's so mad at Seunghyun that's she gone mad or she's really that cool.
They decided she was just cool in the end. 
Seunghyun stared hard at Jieun giggling. "I..I don't get it." That made Jieun giggle louder. 
End Of Chapter Twelve.
Hello people. I have updated and I am still alive. My finals are not over and I know I said I'll be back when my finals are over.
okay I lied. I have one last paper/exam that is on next Thursday and I just find the time to write a little and update this.
Thank you for the constant support and comments! Your comments and support are highly apreeciated and they are what keeps me going. Thank you very much :) Until my finals are over,  <3 Take care, Rin.
Oh, is this getting boring or draggy or confusing? Leave me some feedbacks and give me some ideas.
I'm dried out and honestly. I feel like restarting the story. I feel like i'm rushing things a little bit here, what do you think?
P.S follow me on Twitter if you want to know what am I up to. lol. @ferociousteh
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tami1712 #1
Chapter 16: Its 2016 and I still hoping for ab update :) plisssss
kratepow #2
update T.T
jeremyss #3
Chapter 16: Aiisshhh..please update authornim;)
mildes #4
Chapter 16: its been a long time. but i still wait for an update authornim :)
hanhyosang #5
Chapter 15: .."From staring at us from the balcony with his telescope.".. HaHaHaHaHa .. I love TOP =))
hanhyosang #6
Chapter 3: OMO !!! Daebak !!!! I laugh so much reading your fic !!!! :)))))) :X
Andrina27 #7
Chapter 2: Authornim, you're the best!!!! Your so funny :)... I hope you keep writing and updating with all your awesome ideas from your awesome mind ;D <3
obyeahbb #8
I love it pls update soon!!
Chapter 16: JIBOM team?? seriously Seunghyun, u're a part of delusional addicted now LOL
Chapter 16: Hahahaha!! I love TOP's character here. He's the best! He made me laugh all the time, yay he's team JiBom! Hihihi