Chapter Five | Moomin and Kisses?

Project A

Chapter Five | Moomin and Kisses?

Remember what happened on the last episode of The ParkBom Show? I have to go on a date with two hot eligible bachelor because I got them horrible Christmas gifts?
All the girls back at work would die to be in my shoes well except that one girl, me. No, I'm not a lesbian but I would much rather go on a date with Chaerin or Dara.
Have you any idea what crazy ideas will they come up with just for a date? They're crazy and unpredictable.
Today is apparently Seunghyun or TOP's day. Which means, his taking me out for a date. The banana-eating aelien's day. 
It just so happen they played paper, rock and scissors to decide who gets to go on a date with me first. I didn't realize I was a freaking prize until then.
He better not take me out to some weird place like a banana factory or some zoo or worst. A toy store. You know, I bet there's where his taking me.
He was no where in sight since this morning but he left me a note in his kiddy ugly writtings or scibbles. 
'Be ready by twelve, it's going to be a long day. I'll pick you up by then'
He drew a banana in the end of his signature by the way. Way to be a grown up. I was planning to spend my last week of holiday in a spa with Chaerin and Dara and nothing else but pure relaxing and eating. But guess my spa plan is cancelled for now, until my next holiday. Bye-bye beautiful spa, pure relaxation and the super hot masseuse. ;___________________________________________;
So it's currently half-past one and there's still no sign of Seunghyun, that IDIOT! I actually made the effort of putting on a little makeup. 
"Are you wearing make-up?" Jiyong asked, poking at my forehead.
"Do you have to ask?" I sighed and rolled my eyes at him. He gave out a cute chuckle before sitting beside me.
"Will you put out this much effort on my date?" He leaned in closer and closer, "Or more?" He continue leaning closer and-
"I'm home, is Park Bom the aelien ready?" 
"Here!" I stood up abruptly and knocked Jiyong's head on the way. Ouch. 
"AHHHH," He winced in pain while rubbing his forehead. 
Uh oh. I apologized and grabbed my bag and coat before heading towards the door where Seunghyun stood tall and proud in his suit.
While I'm dressed in just a pair of comfy jeans and sweater. I feel under-dressed. 
"Why aren't you dressed in a proper attire?" He asked on the way out.
"I am in a proper attire, in case you haven't notice." I glanced at my perfectly comfy clothes. 
"Nevermind," He groaned and we continued walking until we stopped infront of a Hyundai Sonata. "Get in,"
Oh, for all those who do not know, Choi Seunghyun my boss who's twenty-four years old, he got no driver's license.
Yeah, what a weirdo. I mean he can a lot of nice cars considering how rich he is but he prefer being drive around?
What a guy.
"Where are we going?" I asked. 
"You'll know when we reach." He couldn't help but let out a deep chuckle.
"We're not going somewhere fancy right? Is that why you asked why I'm not dressed nic-" Seunghyun interrupted me when he placed his finger on my lips.
"Be quiet, you're giving me a headache with your voice." 
"Really Mr. Choi? That reminds me, why were you late?!" I reached for his neck and began my plan of stranggling him. "Have you any idea how hungry I was huh?"
But he successfully pushed my hands away, "Don't call me Mr. Choi. Call me Jamsil's Handsome Man." 
"That doesn't answer me why you were late." I frowned at the thought of me calling him that. Ew. Jamsil's Handsome Man? More like Jamsil's Weirdest Man.
"I had to deal with some bussiness?" He avoided my judging eyes unknowingly.
I knew it, his hiding something from me! I don't remember any meeting or any sort of 'bussiness' that he had to attend today.
Trying to lie to your personal assistant? Not going to work, you idiot.
"Look, we're here!" He pointed out the window and sucessfully distracted me. 
"Moomin Cafe?" 
"You brought me to freaking Moomin Cafe on a date?!" 
"Seunghyun!" I growled at him, "I ing love you!" I gave him a tight hug before running out of the car, MOOMIN CAFE!
There was a HUGE Moomin standing by the entrance and I just squealed at the sight.
"Seunghyun! QUICK TAKE A PICTURE FOR ME!" I yelled at Seunghyun who was taking his own sweet time from getting down the car.
He just stared at me before chuckling to himself. What?
"And you told me I was childish." He shook his head at me. 
"What? Moomin is cute okay? QUICK! Help me take a picture!" I pouted at him, 
Apparently, the Moomin was cafe was opened just yesterday and surprisingly I have no idea about it at ALL.
I think my Moomin Fanclub Newsletter is being a bit lazy, I think I'll have to write a complain letter.
Anyway, I cannot believe he brought me here. It felt like a Moomin paradise for me alright.
I ordered numerous Moomin pastry and food and I was talking about Moomin all day long.
Seunghyun just stared at me, I'm not sure if he heard me though... but he looked like he was interested or amused by something.
"And that's Moominpapa, father of the family!"I squealed and pointed at Moominpapa's photo hanging on the wall.
Feeling a little dry, I reached for my Moomin Coffee and took a sip.
"Hahahahahah," He suddenly bursted out in a fit of giggles.
"You."He stared at me once more before laughing, gah what's wrong?
"You, have a little.."
"Aish." He got up and leaned close my face abruptly taking me by surprise. "This," Seunghyun lifted my chin up and kissed me.
He kissed me. O_______________________________________o
"There was some foam around here, but it's gone now," He flashed me a wink before sitting down again. "All thanks to me."
I stared blankly at Seunghyun. He did not just did the Secret Garden Foam Kiss on me... O________O
"Park Bom? . You're bleeding nose. I mean . Your nose is bleeding!" 
Next thing I know, I out in the Moomin cafe. Aigoo.
I woke up several hours later to a very angry and furious Jiyong. I could tell by the way his crossing and glaring at me. 
What did I say or do while I was asleep? 
Hmmm. Was the foam kiss just a dream? I mean I've dreamed about the foam kiss with Hyunbin once, it can happen again. 
"You." He pointed an accusing finger at me,
"What? What did I do?" I sat up from my bed and felt a wet a towel on my forehead. "Ehh?"
"You. Why didn't you black out when I kissed you. Do you know how much my pride is hurt right now?" Jiyong started going all dramatic while sobbing.
It can't be, I started holding onto my hair and then something caught my eyes. Seunghyun standing by the door with his arms crossed looking very proud with his sly smirk while staring at me
/the foam kiss at the Moomin Cafe replays in slow motion
I pulled the covers over my head and started screaming at my pillow. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"
I was just hoping the bed to eat me up or something this is embarassing. I, Park Bom fainted after being kissed by Choi Seunghyun!
KYAHHHHHH. I think I'll have to avoid him for some time...
"See, I must've been a real good kisser to do that. Beat that, Kwon Jiyong!" I could hear Seunghyun's sinister laughter filling up the hallway. He did not just say that. It wasn't that hot. It was the coffee and the weather. Must be the weather that's why I was bleeding. 

"Are you challenging me, Choi Seunghyun?" Jiyong asked with his competitive tone.
"What if I am?" Are they idiot?
I pulled onto my Moomin plushy tighter towards me. This can't be happening!

"I'm going to make Bom pop her eyeballs out." Jiyong said, 

"YAH! I'M NOT A TOY!" I yelled from under my covers.

"You're going to murder her and dig her eyeballs out on your date? Dude, that's sick."

"What? That's not what i meant. I mean I'm going to make her feel 10000000 times better than your kiss."

I can't even describe how I feel about the kiss and here's Jiyong challenging Seunghyun about making me feel better?
Is he going to have with me or something? ARHHH! How did this dirty thoughts get in here? GO AWAY!

I think I should start going to the church to pray from now onwards. I need a pure mind, soul and heart.

"Whatever Jiyong. You know you're going to lose anyway. Bommie our date is not over, let's go grab dinner,"
Dinner? Gulps. For the first time I don't feel like eating. KYA +____________+
End of chapter five. ______________________________
Hello everybody. Sorry for the long time no update and Happy Lunar New Year! It's the year of the DRAGON everybody! :3
Are you guys having fun cause I'm surely am. Kekekekekekeke. For those who have no idea about Moomin,
it's a cartoon character orginally from Finland that Bom likes a lot. She actually name hers Poong-poong and he appeared in 2NE1TVS3 and her very own twitter account. ^________________________^ & there's actually a Moomin Cafe in Japan but none in Korea so far. 
^ Bom's own Poong-poong and another one as a gift from her fans :D 
Sorry for no poster this time around btw. I'll make one when I'm free from now on.
Did you guys liked my poster by the way? They're all made by me ^________^
The Moomin Cafe was a suggestion by Nikai. Thank you for the date suggestion btw! :D 
HUL. I'm also surprised by the number of people who want Springtempo. I thought no one wanted them.
But apparently, some people wanted Springtempo including my deskmate, so I'll have to reconsider the coupling ;)
I think I'll have to make a poll for my next update or i'll just go with what I want. BWAHAHAH >:) 
Till then, goodbye and thank you for the support, comments and of course subscribing :D 
Personal Replies.
@bomierah - LOL. Did you like the G-Ri moments? Kekekekek :P Drunk bom is drunk Bom :P
@SHINeeSHINee - Hello new subbie! Thank you for subscribing! :D THEY'RE SUPER CUTE!
@kwonmimi - Top's y eyes can you make you pregnant in a milisecond :P 
@rockyourlove - Really? Thanks that means a lot to me :) How about this chapter? I think it's a little too short :P Kekekekeke, you'll have to read to find out why ;)
@miss_ai - Thanks! I'll update as soon as possible, GBOM FYEAH! 
@melon-bun - AWE :3 REALLY? That's a relief, I'm glad to hear that. Your comments always put a smile on mine btw :P Interesting choice, but why? Just curious :P 
@Kay37541 - Kekkeke, we're all so dirty minded :P I would I mean you're right. Louboutin and LV? HERE I COME! LOL 
@ZozBombshell - WOOHOO. Gbom lover here! :D I'll see how the story go ;)
@GeeBom - You're welcome and thank you for the support ;) Next date is Ji's ;_
@ohayou87 - another Springtempo over here? :)
@iheartlife - Thank you the comments and supprt! :D I'll update asap next time ;)
@deijuvenile - Kkekekeke, GBOM addict you must be a tad bit disappointed with so little GBOM scenes :P Hmm, apparently they're a few springtempo over here, so I'll reconsider but thanks for the comment and support! :D 
@cimmotabi  - Hmmm. I have no specific couple in mine yet, but I'll consider Springtempo! :D LOL. 
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tami1712 #1
Chapter 16: Its 2016 and I still hoping for ab update :) plisssss
kratepow #2
update T.T
jeremyss #3
Chapter 16: Aiisshhh..please update authornim;)
mildes #4
Chapter 16: its been a long time. but i still wait for an update authornim :)
hanhyosang #5
Chapter 15: .."From staring at us from the balcony with his telescope.".. HaHaHaHaHa .. I love TOP =))
hanhyosang #6
Chapter 3: OMO !!! Daebak !!!! I laugh so much reading your fic !!!! :)))))) :X
Andrina27 #7
Chapter 2: Authornim, you're the best!!!! Your so funny :)... I hope you keep writing and updating with all your awesome ideas from your awesome mind ;D <3
obyeahbb #8
I love it pls update soon!!
Chapter 16: JIBOM team?? seriously Seunghyun, u're a part of delusional addicted now LOL
Chapter 16: Hahahaha!! I love TOP's character here. He's the best! He made me laugh all the time, yay he's team JiBom! Hihihi