Chapter Four | Beautiful Hangover

Project A


Chapter Four | Beautiful Hangover
"Urgh. Where's the corn?" I rolled around on what I think is my bed and frowned at something beside me.
Wait, there's something beside? I blinked my eyes opened and turned to my left and right. There's two sleeping figure beside me, namely Kwon Jiyong and Choi Seunghyun. What the hell are they doing in my bed? Trying my best to think what happened last night but I got nothing but a headache. 
Hangover. Oh god. 
"YAH." I nudged the both of them, and just like what I expected, they wouldn't budge. 
"Shh, let's sleep." Seunghyun turned around and muttered opening one side of his eyes glancing at me before wrapping his arms around me pulling me closer to him.
I hate to admit this, but I grew red of the sudden closure the both of us share and how y he looked like. 
But then I remembered what happened last night, 
Oh my god. 
"Shut up." I felt something soft hitting my face at full force, it's a shirt. Wait this is not just any shirt, I think this is Jiyong's shirt...
"AHHHHHHHHHHHH," I picked up his shirt and threw it away at where ever it landed. First they're sleeping in my room, now one of them is topless? 
Wait. I'm in bed with Choi Seunghyun and Kwon Jiyong and they're both super hot. Kekekekeke...
"Why are you smilling so sheepishly?" 
"Because I'm thinking of ways to take advantage on the both-WHAT?" I snapped my head at Seunghyun, he smirked at me.
ParkBom, you need to stop speaking your mind. FFUUUU.
"I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that, now take advantage of me, while I pretend to sleep." Seunghyun winked at me before closing his eyes 'sleeping'.
ARHHHH. I sat up from sleeping and pushed Seunghyun's hands away and stomped all the way to the toilet. 
I can't take advantage of them now that one of them is awake. I wasn't really going to take advantage of them though, I'm not that type of the girl.
Well, maybe just some staring and smelling.. but nothing harmful.
Anyway, I cleaned my face and did all my usual morning routines to look fresh and clean ready to slap the out of everyone. 
& then there's Jiyong asleep on my bed. Seunghyun was checking his phone at the dressing table.
"Merry Christmas," Seunghyun wished me before looking up at me. Even after knowing him for so long, I still blush and go ga-ga everytime he looks at me like now.
It's hard to describe how he looks like with my limited words but his eyes could get you pregnant or melt down. 
"Uhh.. Merry Christmas to you too. Now get Jiyong out of my bed and why are you guys asleep on my bed and most important of all why is Jiyong topless!" 
How is it that I can stand living with the both of them is still clueless, maybe because I'm such a goddess.
"Don't I get a good morning, merry christmas kiss too?" Seunghyun pouted weirdly at me. Cute doesn't fit him, but he definitely looks like a kid,
"No." I knocked his head lightly before going over to my bed, HUL.
"But it's Christmas," Seunghyun sighed, 
Jiyong is deep asleep with KISS marks all over his face. WHUT. ARE THEY MINE? .... I gasped as he turned his face and I saw more kissing marks down his neck.
Wait. Park Bom you should be relief if they're not yours, not worried. Crazy girl.
"They're yours." Seunghyun's deep voice interrupted my thoughts.
"Just kidding," 
"Fuhhh." I glared at him before doing my karate chops at him,
"They're from Seungri. You know how drunk you guys can get,"
"Seungri did what?" Just from the thought of it, I was laughing like a hyena. I can't. Seungri kissing Jiyong. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA with LIPSTICKS!
"But one of them is yours." Seunghyun quickly added ending my pack of laughter. 
"PWHAT?!" My eyes widened at him then at Jiyong's kissy face. Oh my god. Which lipstick stain is mine? "Which one?"
"I won't tell you, so you'll have to ask him." Seunghyun raised one his brows at me smirking evily,
"KWON JIYONG! WAKE UP!!!" I yelled at him before tugging on my comforter! "Seunghyun, wake him up, help me pull the comforter you binguTOP!" 
Jiyong furrowed his brows and started groaning, "LEAVE ME ALONE," And pulled onto his, I mean MY comforter.
"FASTER!" Seunghyun said,
"NOOOO!" Jiyong groaned, 
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Jiyong moaned and pulled on the comforter stronger this time.
"I SAID FASTER!" How can one guy beat two people alone? I mean his body is pretty small after all and Seunghyun is pretty taller and bigger.
"PUSH!" Seunghyun yelled.
"Push?" I stopped tugging on my comforter and stared at him hard. "Did you just say push?" 
"Are you guys having ?" Someone asked, wait. Who's voice is that?
Both Seunghyun and I turned around and saw Seungri's curious head popping behind my door. "I guess not, MERRY CHRISTMAS YOU GUYS!" 
After much yelling, Jiyong was still asleep but Seungri the mischevious maknae managed to woke him up by kissing him on the cheek.
Reminding him of whatever happened last night. 
"I hate you." Jiyong spatted out before wiping his face with a wet towel. "I'm covered with your lipstick stain!" He pointed at Seungri accusingly.
"Hyung, I was drunk okay. I'm sorry." Seungri apologized before looking down at his feet, his dressed in red today. 
"Sorry doesn't make up for the trouble you caused yesterday. You idiot." Jiyong glared at Seungri, I swear, he looked like he was going to chop his head down.
"Can we open our presents now?" Seungri asked. 
"Wait, did you crashed into our condo last night?" I asked Seungri,
"Yeah, yesterday we were so wasted, our party continued in the condo. Did you forget?" Seunghyun added before handing me a cup of hot coffee.
"Thanks, but I'm afraid I don't remember anything that happened last night..." At least that's what I'm hoping for. 
"Hey," Jiyong called for me and tugged on my wrist pulling me into the toilet, "I uh.." He cleared his throat.
"You really don't remember anything from last night?"
UH OH. PARK BOM SAY NO! SAY NO! "Y-No. I don't remember anything at all."
"Really?" He sounded dissapointed, "Well, last night your lips was here," He pointed up at his pouty lips. 
HOW DARE HE REMIND ME! URGH. I couldn't even begin with how I feeled but I definitely flushed deep red! AHHH.
"Do you want me to remind you how it feels?" He chuckled, 
I glared at him, sending him daggers before stepping HARD onto his feet. Catching him off-guard. 
"OUCH!!!" He groaned and started jumping around with one leg while holding onto his other leg.
"I don't want to hear about what happened last night. ANYMORE. You hear that?!"
"URGHHHH," He continued groaning.
"Are they having inside?" I heard Seungri asking once more. Oh my god, this boy NEED to stop watching .
After much cleaning up. We headed towards the living room, seated in a big circle with me in between of Seunghyun and Jiyong. 
Why am I always stuck in between them? It's like I'm destined to or something.
"So, merry christmas you guys." Seungri wished us awkwardly. We were staring at each other with a blank look.
"Where's Bae?" I asked,
"Tsk, Is he all you ever think about?" Jiyong asked, 
"Are you jealous hyung?" Seungri asked. Pfft. His definitely jealous, /flips hair.
"Shut up," Jiyong rolled his eyes at him,
"I think he said he and Daesung hyung got to be at the church or something. He'll drop by later though." Seungri answered, I nodded before sighing.
What will he think of me after seeing Jiyong kissing me? Not once but twice..
Flashbacks last night,
Around three, everyone was drunk as hell. Even me. Well, I wasn't a heavy drinker to even begin with.
But after Jiyong kissed me abruptly, I wanted to drink really badly. I wasn't sure why though. But I did.
Then we started playing Truth Or Dare, while we were drunk. Great idea, Park Bom!
& then out of no where, Seungri had a bright red lipstick in his hand and started applying them as a dare from Daesung.
"EW! You're a woman!" Seunghyun exclaimed in disgust while pointing at Seungri's hillarious bright red lips.
"What's wrong with being a woman!" I yelled at Seunghyun.
"Nothing. Now Seungri ma boy. I DARE YOU TO PLANT KISSES ALL OVER Ji's face, and if you do. I'll give you a y nuna's phone number," Seunghyun suggested earning a high-five from Daesung.
"Really?" Seungri's panda eyes widened at Seunghyun's 'reward'.
"Pfft, Seungri wouldn't do that." I chuckled at the thought.
"Well I bet he does," Seunghyun said, 
"I bet he doesn't." I raised my voice a bit. 
"What if he does?" He asked intimidatingly,
"The you guys betting for! It's my face, there's no way Seungri is kissing my face." 
"I'll do anything you say." I said without giving a second to think and oh dear, I hate my drunk self.
"EWWWWW." Daesung covered his eyes and exclaimed in disgusts. Youngbae shook his head while laughing. 
" OFF SEUNGRI!" Jiyong exclaimed with his eyes shut tightly before kicking Seungri away.
" YEAH!" Seunghyun got up from his seat and started doing those ridiculous dance!
"NOOOOOO. SEUNGRI HAVE YOU NO DIGNITY?!" I yelled at Seungri, almost on the edge of pulling all my hair out. 
Of course he doesn't. That panda was drunk. REALLY drunk.
"Now ParkBom. You'll have to do what I say, so you'll have to kiss Jiyong on the lips!" 
& being the drunk self I was, I walked towards Jiyong and kissed him on the lips, before throwing up all over his shirt. 
Does that explain why he was topless this morning? ._______________________________________.
Drunk ParkBom is bad Park Bom. 
"Here, this is yours." Seunghyun broke my train of embarassing thought when he handed me a bright red box. "Merry Christmas."
"Thanks," I beamed at him before eyeing the bright red box in my hand.
"This is from me, babeh." Jiyong said attempting to do his sulty husky voice before earning a glare from me.
"Don't call me babeh, thanks though." I took his big red box from his hands. 
"Nuna, this is from me!" Seungri exclaimed before throwing a small red box at my direction and I caught it. NINJA BOM IS ON.
"This is for you guys," I beamed at them before handing them presents. We all started opening our presents excitedly like little kids. 
First off, I got a pair of beautiful Christian Louboutin shoes from Seunghyun!
"I'VE BEEN EYEING FOR THIS FOREVER, SEUNGHYUN-AHHH!!!!" I grabbed the shoe and started rubbing them on my cheek. MY PRECIOUS BABY!
Seunghyun responed with a small nod. 
And then I opened Jiyong's gift, it was the beautiful Louis Vuitton Monogram bag! "JI YONGGGGGGG! THANK YOU!'
"You can always give me a kiss," He winked at me before earning a smack in the hand. I never want to hear the work kiss coming out of his mouth, ever.
And then there's Seungri's gift. I was really excited at the small box and I was drawing up a list, and and and jewels was on top of the list
but then i saw the farmiliar box.
the farmiliar shape 
the farmiliar logo on the box
and uh oh
all I got was a red underwear. As soon as I pulled up the red underwear from the box, Jiyong laughing maniacally like a hyena. Almost choking.
I got the same gift as that for the guys.... 
"Did you and maknae went shopping together?" Seunghyun asked me with his brows raised at me.
"What's wrong with the red underwear?" Seungri asked cluelessly, until both Seunghyun and Jiyong pulled out their red underwear from the box.
"It's festive and you guys can wear them and look at the cute santa at the back!" 
"Yah, you went shopping last minute didn't you?" Jiyong stared at me accusingly.
All I did was look down at the beautiful heels and bag they bought for me. I feel so bad..
"Give us back the bag and shoes, you no good Parkbom!" Seunghyun started reaching out for my precious babies, but I pulled them into my safety arms.
"Aish, no. This is unacceptable, we've spend weeks trying to get a hold of your shoes and bag and you spend hours for ours!"
"Aigooo." I frowned, "At least I put in some thoughts into it right?"
The both of them gave me the 'are-you-kidding-me' look. Uh-oh.
"You can't have them until you grant us both a wish!" Seunghyun managed to grab a hold of my precious babies either way and I slumped down on the floor.
"AIGOOOOOOOO." I frowned. Aish, 
"I think we should get you a calender for your birthday present." Jiyong added.
"I want my precious babies," I sobbed.
"Not until you grant us a wish,"
"What wish?" 
Jiyong and Seunghyun exchanged glances before smilling at each other. I smell something fishy. UH-OH.
"Go on a date with each of us." The both of them said.
"AHHHHHHHHHH." I groaned at the thoughts. NOOOOO.
"Can I join?" Seungri added quietly.
author's note. 
Okay. I updated after a week more. Mianhe.
No more excuse :P This chapters seems pretty long.
Is it long, dear readers? They're all for you. I love you guys so much!
Keep the support & comments coming! :3 
I think this is my worst chapter so far though... not sure why. 
Leave me comments and tell me what you think about them ;) 
& tell me who do you want ParkBom to end up with :D 
Personal Replies ;) 
@rockyourlove - Heheheheh, thanks for the support and comment! You'll have to read to find out ;)
@daydreamer76 - Kkeekek. I'm glad you liked the scene ;) I like cheesy Ji-Bom scenes too! KYAH!
@twiddlebug - Glad you liked it! Thanks btw :D 
@deijuvenile - Hehehhe, good to know I made your wish come true! ;)
What more do you wish for? Thank you so so so so much! :D 
@ppuing2 - :D Great to know you enjoyed my fic. :O Should I make your eyes pop out more with more touchy scenes then >:D Thank you for the comment. I think i'll come up with more springtempo scenes soon ;)
@purevipblackjack - Thanks for the comment and support :3 Did that come out too feisty and un-Bom like? LOL. Seems like all my readers are g-bom fans :D 
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tami1712 #1
Chapter 16: Its 2016 and I still hoping for ab update :) plisssss
kratepow #2
update T.T
jeremyss #3
Chapter 16: Aiisshhh..please update authornim;)
mildes #4
Chapter 16: its been a long time. but i still wait for an update authornim :)
hanhyosang #5
Chapter 15: .."From staring at us from the balcony with his telescope.".. HaHaHaHaHa .. I love TOP =))
hanhyosang #6
Chapter 3: OMO !!! Daebak !!!! I laugh so much reading your fic !!!! :)))))) :X
Andrina27 #7
Chapter 2: Authornim, you're the best!!!! Your so funny :)... I hope you keep writing and updating with all your awesome ideas from your awesome mind ;D <3
obyeahbb #8
I love it pls update soon!!
Chapter 16: JIBOM team?? seriously Seunghyun, u're a part of delusional addicted now LOL
Chapter 16: Hahahaha!! I love TOP's character here. He's the best! He made me laugh all the time, yay he's team JiBom! Hihihi