Chapter Eleven | Complicated.

Project A


Chapter Eleven | Complicated
The following morning, Jiyong who was comfortably sleeping on the double bed and covered by a thick duvet.
was awaken by the sound of the water from the kitchen and the soft farmiliar femine voice talking in the kitchen.
"Bom?" Jiyong shook in his sleep and widened his eyes. "Bom?" He called once more and sat up and felt a damp towel fall from his forehead? 
Huh? What is this? Jiyong thought and picked up the damp cloth,
"How the hell is this suppose to work?" Jiyong heard Bom's faint voice from the kitchen, talking to herself. Like always.
Hearing Bom talking to herself, Jiyong felt a little relief, before examining himself. His dressed in a t-shirt.
He was sure he was topless last night because of Park Bom? Did she help him get dressed? 
A little smile found it's way to Jiyong's face.
"What are you smilling about, ert?" Park Bom broke away the chain of thoughts in Jiyong's dirty yellow mind.
Park Bom stood next to the bed, with a cute bright yellow apron on and her high up in a bun and a knife in her hand.
Jiyong's eyes widened at the sight of the knife and his eyes never left the dangerous sharp weapon in Park Bom's left hand.
"What?" Park Bom glanced at where Jiyong was staring and she giggled a little. 
"You look like a sick obsessive girlfriend's who's about chop of her boyfriend in his sleep." Jiyong said and continue keeping an eye on the knife.
Park Bom and knife = chaos.
"If my boyfriend looks like you, I would've chopped you off too." Park Bom said before leaving the room and return to the room WITHOUT the knife this time.
"How are you feeling?" She approached Jiyong and placed her hand over his forehead, and another hand on her own forehead. Examining his temperature.
"Morning. I'm feeling wonderful, Dr. Park. But I almost got shock of my life just now when I saw a ghost with a knife in her hand."
"Well, good morning to you too. Mr. Kwon I think you're getting better. You just need to treat Park Bom better if you want to keep that ghost away, once and for all." Park Bom aimed and flicked her finger at his forehead.
"OUCH! DOCTOR!" Jiyong winced,
"You're down with fever. Probably caught from the cold from last night." Park Bom pushed Jiyong back to the bed and tucked him in, like a professional mother taking care of his son.
"And it's all because?" Jiyong teased in a taunting tone.
Even when his sick! He teases me! Park Bom cursed in her thoughts, before rolling her eyes at him. "Look I'm sorry about last night, I never should've drink that much, I probably blubbered about non-sense last night." She took a seat on the bed next to Jiyong and sighed. 
"Well, I remember what you said last night. It seems our monster Park Bom has finally set her eyes for our aelien prince, Choi Seunghyun?" Jiyong teased and grinned at Park Bom who blushed bright red.
"I REALLY AM NOT. You can't trust what I said when I'm drunk. Remember when I was the drunk on Halloween? I said I have a !" 
"Sure, sure," Jiyong raised his brows at her, before shutting his eyes close and grin plastered over his face.
"You can't be serious, Jiyong! I am not in love with Choi Seunghyun!" Park Bom slapped hard on Jiyong's thigh,
"HEY! Is this how you treat a patient? Ouch. No wonder you never passed as a nurse!"
"I'm sorry," Park Bom apologized and pouted. "And uh, thank you, for taking care of me last night."
"You're welcome, your secret is safe with me," Jiyong winked in the end before shutting his eyes close, trying to get a sleep.
"I DO NOT LOVE CHOI SEUNGHYUN LIKE THAT. AHH!" Park Bom gathered herself up, kicking at the bed once before leaving the room.
As soon as she was out, Jiyong blinked his eyes open and sighed. 
Thinking to himself, 'Why can't the one she love be me?'
Meanwhile, Bom who was standing next to the stove checking on the porridge, cursed to herself for drinking and blabbering nonsense last night. Thinking to herself, 'I DON'T LOVE CHOI SEUNGHYUN THE AELIEN! Well, maybe a tiny little crush, but really. I don't LOVE him. God. I need really need some Youngbae in my brain now! STUPID KWON JIYONG!'
Gaho was laid spread on the floor, resting and staring from Jiyong's sleeping form and Park Bom's figure. 
'What a troublesome couple, love is so complicated,' Gaho thought before shutting his eyes close, 'Well, back to nap time,' 
The rest of the day was nothing but ordinary. Kwon Jiyong and Park Bom had spent the whole day together plainly just teasing and teasing and teasing each other. Around four in the evening, Kwon Jiyong claimed that he is absolutely recovered and is healthy enough to drive back and they shall drive back for Choi Seunghyun had requested they meet for dinner.
Which is pretty rare for Seunghyun to do so. What's the occasion?
"We're home!" ParkBom shouted, like she always would when she reached 'home' after a trip. 
She ran straight for the comfortable black leather sofa in the living room, with Gaho following closely behind but failed to jump on the sofa.
"SHORTY!" Bom laughed and helped him up on the couch. Park Bom began tossing Gaho around before Jiyong joined them, on top of her. Taking her all by surprise and Gaho left her grip.
"Yah. Don't bully our son like that," He warned her and poked at her nose. "You're suppose to be his mother,"
"I'm not his mother!" Park Bom whined before pushing Jiyong off her, but he held onto her arms, thus they exchanged their positions. This time with Bom on top of him instead.
"Oh, you like being on top huh?" Jiyong raised one side of his eyebrows playfully at her before smirking.
"ert!" Park Bom walked away from Jiyong and went straight for her room.
They had thirthy minutes left to get ready for dinner. According to the 'invitation' Choi Seunghyun had sent through a text message, the location spelled 'luxurious'. The restaurant was located in the five star hotel of Seoul, where food was served by finest chef from Paris. Devil In Kitchen was the name of the French restaurant.
"Are you ready Kwon Gay Yong?" Park Bom was on the edge of knocking the brain out of Jiyong for making her wait.
"YAH! Don't call me that, I'm almost ready, Tomboy Bom." 
"I'm not a tomboy. Just because I spent less time than most girls, doesn't mean I'm a tomboy okay!" Bom knocked the squeaky toy on the floor towards Gaho, "It is you. Who spend more time than most guys!"
She was right, Kwon Jiyong had spend the last twenty minutes staring at the mirror getting his done. Twenty minutes was consider little for Kwon Jiyong. He could spend an hour in front of that mirror just smirking. You could say Jiyong's a fashionista for his great taste in fashion or you could say his cuckoo for being so self-obsessed.
"Fine. I'm ready!" Kwon Jiyong emerged from his bedroom, looking mighty handsome and prince charming material in his white fitting dress shirt and black Armani pants that fitted him to perfection. He was ready to sweep girls off their feet.
Park Bom stared, how can he look so good in simply just a pair of black pants and white shirt was still magic for her. 
She spent a lot of time picking an outfit but in the end she settled for a simple white lace Christopher Kane dress she adored. 
( Think Park Bom featuring Se7en When I Can't Sing perf. or Scream )
It fitted her well and Kwon Jiyong find himself nodding his head. 
"You look okay." Kwon Jiyong 'complimented' before taking his wallet and car keys and went for the door.
"Why thank you. You look less ugly today," Park Bom retorted right back, grabbing her phone and wallet, she followed behind Jiyong closely.
"All dolled up for Choi Seunghyun?" Jiyong questioned, to which Park Bom blushed furiously and she started hitting Jiyong repeatedly with her wallet. 
Both of them left Gaho alone in the house with nothing his squeaky toy duck and bowl of food.
Upon reaching the hotel, Jiyong passed the car keys to the valet and went to open the door for Park Bom like a true gentleman.
"Thanks," Park Bom was taken aback but then again, this is Kwon Jiyong the man who was brought up in a very well educated family.
"You're welcome, Ahjumma Bom." he smiled ever tauntingly at Bom and offered his hand for her. 
Park Bom glared at him, "I thought I warned you about calling me that." She said through gritted teeth before grabbing onto Jiyong's hand, HARD.
They reached the elevator and they stopped holding hands. Instead, Jiyong offered Park Bom to link with his hands, Bom gave Jiyong a questionable look before linking arms with him. Good, hold onto my hand like you'll never leave me. Jiyong thought to himself, a silly smile creeping on his face.
"Stop smilling to yourself like that, you look like you're having sick and ert thoughts." 
"I am. I'm thinking of you." He flashed Park Bom his million dollar smile, which swooned a few girls on the way but not Park Bom.
Who am I kidding with, Park Bom was swooned too. But she didn't show, she simply looked away and pouted.
"OH. HYUNG YOU'RE HERE WITH NOONA AND NOONA IS LINKING ARM WITH HYUNG!" Seungri was the first thing they saw when the door slid open.
"God. Seungri, we're not deaf." Youngbae shook his head at Seungri.
"But LOOK! They're dating! You guys are dating right?" Seungri was earning death glares from ParkBom but none from Jiyong.
"OOOOH! I'm totally Team JIBOM!" Daesung squealed.
"We're not dating!" Park Bom cleared this time, "Hey Youngbae." She greeted in her unusual sweet tone, unlinking her arms from Jiyong's.
Jiyong frowned when he felt her hand left his.
"Hey Parkbom. You look beautiful tonight," Youngbae complimented and smiled in the end. The kind of smile that make girls go AWWWW. 
Especially Park Bom, she was on cloud nine.
"Ugh. His just trying to make you feel better," Jiyong groaned and rolled his eyes and earned death glares from Park Bom.
"Hyung is probably jealous." Seungri added and rested his hands around Jiyong's shoulder, "You look beautiful too, tonight. There I complimented you too. Don't be bitter and compliment me back. " Seungri patted Jiyong's back.
"Are you asking for a death wish?" Jiyong shot Seungri a look and brushed his hands away.
"It's okay hyung, I'm still team JIBOM. GO JIBOM!" Daesung cheered on, earning a few glares from Bom and a thumbs up from Jiyong.
"Let's go in guys, Seunghyun is waiting for us." Youngbae suggested and offered Bom his arms, which she eargerly take.
Upon stepping in, they were greeted by a well trained waiter who showed them to their table. 
Table no. five, as they approached the table. Jiyong was feeling a tad bit uncomfortable, the reason was unknown.
"Here, please that a seat sit, sir and miss," The waiter showed them to their table.
There sat Choi Seunghyun and Kim JiEun, the woman who had stolen both Choi Seunghyun and Kwon Jiyong's heart a long time ago. She's back.
Kwon Jiyong gasped at the sight of her. 'Kim Ji Eun, you're back.' 
End of chapter eleven. 
Thank you for subscribing and always leaving me comments and words of encouragement!
I'll do replies when I can and sorry for the long time no update. Exam in two/three weeks!
Anyway, lots of love, RIN <3
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tami1712 #1
Chapter 16: Its 2016 and I still hoping for ab update :) plisssss
kratepow #2
update T.T
jeremyss #3
Chapter 16: Aiisshhh..please update authornim;)
mildes #4
Chapter 16: its been a long time. but i still wait for an update authornim :)
hanhyosang #5
Chapter 15: .."From staring at us from the balcony with his telescope.".. HaHaHaHaHa .. I love TOP =))
hanhyosang #6
Chapter 3: OMO !!! Daebak !!!! I laugh so much reading your fic !!!! :)))))) :X
Andrina27 #7
Chapter 2: Authornim, you're the best!!!! Your so funny :)... I hope you keep writing and updating with all your awesome ideas from your awesome mind ;D <3
obyeahbb #8
I love it pls update soon!!
Chapter 16: JIBOM team?? seriously Seunghyun, u're a part of delusional addicted now LOL
Chapter 16: Hahahaha!! I love TOP's character here. He's the best! He made me laugh all the time, yay he's team JiBom! Hihihi