Chapter Six | A walk to...?

Project A


Slightly. A bit rated. :P
Chapter Six | A walk to...? 
I thought I would have to avoid Seunghyun for days or weeks actually months. But he made me no choice when he started dragging me away from my bed and treaten to kiss me again. I can't believe my lips. They got kissed by both Jiyong AND Seunghyun. How lucky. 
Okay, maybe a little yes. 
Anyway, I was dragged out of my bed after blacking out. According to some 'doctor' (Seungri) I was over heat? Apparently I'm too hot. BWAHAHHAAH
That's a fact and that's why I nose-bleeded. Not because of Seunghyun's kiss. 
Which was pretty hot because I've always wanted a foam kiss after watching Secret Garden.
So here I am, on the verge of dying from embarassment. I'm dressed in a dress which Seunghyun personally picked.
I'm surprised he didn't pick anything racy like a bikini or something though or worst. Something like an aelien suit.
We're dining in a high end Italian restaurant by the way. There's a lot of range of different size of spoon and forks.
But I honestly just want to eat with my bare hand, the food taste a lot better that way. 
"You can stop hiding yourself behind the menu," Seunghyun spoke in his deep dark voice.
I wasn't hiding. Okay I was, I just feel a little weird seeing Seunghyun now after the kiss. Weird enough I didn't feel like this after kissing Jiyong.
What is this weird feeling? Ugh. The menu is not even interesting, there's only small cursive French words and there's absolutely no pictures.
I like my menus colorful with pictures. This is too fancy for my liking.
"I wasn't hiding." I said and looked away from the menu and then I caught him looking at me for a mere moment before hiding behind the menus once more.
Phew. That was close, I could've gotten pregnant from his y I mean aelien stares. Close call Park Bom!
"Sure you weren't," Sarcasm in his voice. "Don't worry I already ordered for you. I know you couldn't read French." 
How intimidating. I placed my menu down and crossed my arms at him. 
"So you knew and decided to embarrass me? What a gentleman." I rolled my eyes at him. "Wait, you knew how to speak French?"
"Well, there's a lot about me that you don't know, misseure," Seunghyun raised his brows at me along with his sly smirk. Weird enough. I find it pretty hot.
& then he gestured for the waiter and he started blabbering in some French that I didn't understand at all and the waiter smiled at me before leaving.
Maybe I should take up French class. Wait, Chaerin know how to speak French right?
"So," Seunghyun began, "What do you think about the kiss?"
I turned deep red at his words. WHAT A JERK. ( a hot one too..sigh ) "Shut up Seunghyun. Before I karate chop you!" 
"I would like to see you try." 
"Oh shut up already." I rolled my eyes at him. Chessus. If he wasn't THIS hot. I would've kicked him in the shin the very moment he approached me.
He let out his usual deep chuckle before sipping his red wine. I skipped the red wine and went straight for ice water. I don't want history to repeat...
Seunghyun and I was sitting across each other at the long table with a chandelier hanging above us and some classy music playing in the background.
& surprisingly we were the only one in this restaurant today.
"I booked the whole restaurant today."
"You did, WHAT?" 
"Keep it down woman,"
"Sorry," I glared at him before repeating myself in a soft whisper, "You did what?" 
"I wanted to be alone."
"This is stupid. You could've hide yourself in your closet, that way you could be alone too." I laughed maniacally at my own joke. I'm such a genius.
But he didn't laugh. No sense of humor. He just glared at me and that made me stop laughing...
This is really boring. Seunghyun is checking his phone and my eyes wandered around. The classy music is making me sleepy.
I guess I don't fit in the fancy category... I'll never find a rich husband.
Just as my eye lids were getting heavier, I smelled food and food it is. A few waiter approached us and served us our food.
The portion made me frowned. I hate small portions, well at least they smell good. 
"Enjoy your meal,"
I grabbed my spoon and fork and started munching on my food but then I noticed Seunghyun who was eating gently like a real gentleman.
& here I am. Munching on my food like a barbarian...
Around the corner of the restaurant I spotted a flash of light and then I saw two figure hiding behind the big bush.
"Seunghyun," I whispered, he shot me a 'What?' look, "I don't think we're alone. There's two people there."
"What?" Seunghyun placed his utensils down and stared at the direction from before and then his brows raised in confusion.
"Aish, it's them." He stood up abrubtly before the culprit could dash away and caught them by the sleeves of their shirt.
"HYUNG MADE ME DO IT." Okay, it's the panda. Seungri. 
"What? PSH. Why would i do that?" And the loser, Jiyong. 
"Because you're a loser." Right on Seunghyun! 
"I am NOT." Jiyong crossed his arms and yanked Seunghyun's arms away from poor maknae's shirt. "We were getting coffee."
"Behind a bunch of bush? Dude, I booked the whole restaurant. You're not even suppose to be get in. How?"
"Hyung flirted with the waitress and got us in."
"That sounded so much like what Jiyong would do." I rolled my eyes at them before continue digging into my small portion mushroom soup.
I looked up from my bowl of soup and all the guy's eyes were size of the ping pong balls. What? Did I sounded too loud. 
"ParkBom. Have you no table manners?" Seunghyun said and shook his head.
"Well, MR. CHOI. I'm sorry, that you took me to this fancy restaurant and that I have no corns about any of this table manners,"
Truthfully I was a little mad. Because of the small portion and the food isn't that good. Too creamy for my liking.
& the portion is TOO SMALL and and and I don't know which is the correct spoon to use. They all look the same to me.
"I'm sorry I embarassed you."
"What. That's not what I meant, I...I was joking." Seunghyun looked a little nervous, that's unusual.
"Is it the time of the month, nuna?" I shot Seungri a really REALLY treatening glare but he got pulled away by Jiyong.
Truthfully, I was really having my period...
"Sorry, I won't interupt you guys. Just be ready to be blown away, Park Bom sweet heart." And so, Jiyong and Seungri officially walked away and caught red handed. Spying on us on a date? 
Be ready to blown away? Is he taking me to a rocket ride or something? That idiot.
"Don't call me sweet heart."
"Only I can call her that." Seunghyun yelled back at Jiyong.
"You can't call me that either." I spatted back at him.
"But I already claimed you with my foam kiss." That made me blush like mad. Seunghyun and his words.
"That doesn't mean I'm yours you idiot. I'm full can we go somewhere else? I hate fancy places." 
"Alright," He chuckled before paying out. 
Seunghyun lead me the way out of the restaurant, along the way a few waitress shot me a dirty look. It's certainly not a crime to be pretty.
But I'll let them pass, because I'm simply too tired. 
Once outside the restaurant I notice the snow was falling a little and it's definitely a beautiful sight with some stars shining brightly at us. 
"Here," Seunghyun's deep voice snapped me out of my thoughts and he wrapped his scarfs around me.
"Ehh? Thanks." I held onto his checkered Burberry scarf. Wow. It smelled like.... Seunghyun. *_______*
"Are you okay?" I nodded at him, "Then let's go." He started walking ahead of me.
That's when I notice, Seunghyun was walking the exact opposite way home.
"Seunghyun, the way home is that way. Have you lost your mind?" I pulled on Seunghyun's sleeves but he wouldn't budge.
"We're not going home first, we're going somewhere else." He shot me a killer smile, and I swear I saw stars in his eyes.
"Where?" I'm actually really tired and I just want to bath and sleep or I can have supper first...
"Hmmm," He leaned down to my height (truthfully I'm pretty short without heels) and whispered next to my ears, "It's a secret."
How cheesy, but that made me blush like mad once more. He straightened up and chuckled at me. Did I turn bright red tomato?
"You look like a comic character," He chuckled and pinched on my nose. 
"Oh yeah? Well you look like an aelien."
"Thanks, aeliens are rare. You know, would you like to come see my space ship?" He slipped his arms around mine and started pulling me away.
"No, that sounded a little creepy." We walked side by side under the snowy night.
This definitely sounded like a part from a movie. But it was so surreal, and really romantic. Until... 
"The park?" I stared at the park nearby our condo, dumbfounded. We took a long romantic cold walk in the night to reach this park?
"Yeah. What's wrong?" Seunghyun is pretty serious about this park idea.
"Oh nothing. So uh," I stared around awkwardly, I rarely go here but there's a few swings and bench and some spotlights oh and a great view to the stars.
"The stars look really pretty." Seunghyun said, I nodded and turned towards him. 
"Can we sit the swings? PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE?" 
"You're such a kid." He sighed and shook his head before speeding off towards the swing....DA ?
"I'll race you to the swing, last one there is a fat aelien!" He yelled while running...
"YAH! I DON'T WANT TO BE A FAT AELIEN. YAHHHHH!" And so I started running towards the swing. But my short legs wouldn't bring me anywhere fast. 
"YAHHH." And then I started losing my breathe. Aish. This is why I should get a membership at the nearby gym, I heard BaeBae works out there *____*
"You're a fat aelien." Seunghyun said and started swinging himself.
"No fair, you started earlier."
"Are we going to talk about this the whole night, fat aelien?"
"YAH." I took the swing next to him and began swinging myself. This is nice and the cold chilling breeze, wee. ACHOO. 
"You cold?"
"No, I'm hot." I said bluntly, aren't I just the funniest? PWAAHAHAHAHA
"Fat aelien." He clearly got no sense of humour.
Somewhere in between our swinging and 'joking' session, we heard some weird noises coming from the corner of the park.
& we stopped swinging and stared at each other.
O H  M Y  C O R N S. WHAT ARE THEY DOING?! My eyes widened at Seunghyun and I could feel myself turning all hot and red..
Meanwhile, Seunghyun's eyes lightened up like a kid on a Christmas morning, TCH ERTS.
"What the hell are they doing? This is a public park, the-they could be kids playing you know.." 
"I don't know about you. But in the public park sounds hot to me. Let's go watch!" Seunghyun suggested and got up from his swings.
"YAH. Are you stupid, come back here you ert!" I got up and tugged on his sleeves, but he was stronger than me, or rather ert Top is stronger than me and he started dragging me along and I HAD to cover my ears, my poor innocent ears and eyes from all of this.
As we got closer and closer, the voice got louder and louder....
Seunghyun pulled me towards a nearby bush and we hid behind it and the couple on the bench I think? KYAH. I can't look! 
"I want to go home," I whispered at Seunghyun but he brushed me away and began looking between the bushes. 
"Well, girl got some s," Seunghyun whispered back at me. UNF. I really don't want to know.....
I wouldn't even dare to look but judging from all the sounds, they're getting really into it. >.< 
"Woah. The girl is real hardcore, her legs are spre-" Before Seunghyun could finish his sentence, I HAD TO cover his mouth with my hand. I HAVE TO. UNFG
He gave me a killer stare and I slowly retreated my hand... no one touch the momma boy's face.
"Don't you want to take a look?" Seunghyun asked with his sly smirk plastered on his face.
"Are you stupid, of course I don't. " I slapped hard on his arms before returning to covering my eyes with my hands.
"Hmmm, do you want to try it then?" Seunghyun asked in his deep sultry voice and pulled my hands away from my eyes. Forcing me face to him. UH-OH. 
"You know, just me and you?" He asked once more before winking. +_________________________________________________+
He started leaning in closer and closer towards my face, and and and and and and and BREATHE PARK BOM! and and an-
"YAH WHAT ARE YOU ALL DOING?! THIS IS A PUBLIC PARK!" A flash light flashed at us, catching us by surprise. UH OH.
We got up immediately and brushed ourselves awkwardly...
But the 'busy' couple behind us screamed and started running away. Apparently it was some officer on his duty?
& he was trying to shoo the couple away. Not us. 
After that, we took a short awkward and quiet walk all the way back home. I wanted to talk and make joke along the way.
But my rapid heart beat stopped me and all I could do was blush and stare at our feets as we walk home. The feeling was weird?
What is this weird feeling, upon reaching home. Jiyong was no where to be found. So I went straight to bed. 
"Goodnight," I heard Seunghyun whispering before I close the door behind me. 
Whenever I close my eyes, I picture Seunghyun the aelien's eyes staring back at me with his sly smirk or his foam kiss. 
"I LIKE YOUNGBAE. YOUNGBAE KISS MEEEEEEE!" I screamed in frustration and tugged onto my Moomin plushie.
Sorry GBOM lovers, this is pretty much 98% of TOPBOM. This was the second part of their date.
I was orginally gonna post two chapters at once. So it'll be a double update. But that didn't happen :P
I got a little lazy, so I made a poster and posted this up.
So how was the chapter? Was it bad? .___________.  TELL ME.
Did you like the little rated? /bricked
Just finished reading ALL the coments you guys left me. ^_____^ I'm so happy they made my day and
I'm going to be very honest here, I got even more confused about the pairing after reading the comments.
T__________________T What if Bommie ended up with Bae? Dae? Seungri? Joking. :P 
LMFAO. You guys will go probably ape on me :P 
Or throw eggs at me....
Next chapter will most probably be, all GBOM or 85% GBOM ;) 
Will probably update by this week? 
Personal replies : 
@ppuing2 - Heeheheh did you? :3 Bom was being Bom? Kekekeke
@Stephine_Emma_Potter - Thank you!
@rockyourlove - After reading your comment. I don't think I'll do a poll. I'll just write as it goes and hopefully I I mean Park Bom will get her mind straight! Kekekeke Ji is so cute. I can imagine him doing that too :3 
@deijuvenile - I can't believe you commented twice! KEKEKEKE I LOVE YOU! Don't worry, I don't find them annoying :3 I don't think I've mention this but I look forward to your replies the MOST. You leave me long replies and all. I love you. Part time bunnytop? LOL Me too :P You're right, it's a GBOM party over here :P Did I disappoint you this time? Cause you'll have to wait for my next update for all the gbom love ;)LOL <3 And I thought I almost got you with the Moomin date! 
@serependity_heart - LOL REALLY? o_____O WELCOME EX-SILENT READER! Really? You'll do that? ahahaha cool. I think you'll like the next chapter even MORE! ;)
@widyanindita - HMMMM. You'll have to read more to find out ;P
@melon-bun - SPRINGTEMPO OVER HERE < I got a feeling you'll like this chapter too? :P Lol. Pretty please with GD on TOP? I just granted you more BOMTOP ;) 
@Kay37451 - There's a Moomin cafe in Japan! :D GDBOMTOP is my ultimate bias. I love them >___< I'm torn between them too! :P 
You're welcome! 
@frontelicious - SPRINGTEMPO! 
@kapabo - You're right. Bom is the Ms Aelien or she can Ms 8D and the Mr. Aelien and Mr. Flirt too LOL. She's really stuck nao! >.< 
hahaha, I gave you the butterflies too? LOL <3 
@msrianne - Aren't they cute *_______* Yeah, Pongpong is from Finland :3 
@psyched_anima - LOl. You did? Cool and thanks! :D <3
@iheartparkbom - I love your username. Kekekek I'll consider TOPBOM! <3
@GeeBom - LOL. Super GBOM addict over here? :D If you can get pregnant by TOP's stares imagine his kisses *_____*
@cloverluck - Too bad :P You'll have to wait for the next chapter for that ;P
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tami1712 #1
Chapter 16: Its 2016 and I still hoping for ab update :) plisssss
kratepow #2
update T.T
jeremyss #3
Chapter 16: Aiisshhh..please update authornim;)
mildes #4
Chapter 16: its been a long time. but i still wait for an update authornim :)
hanhyosang #5
Chapter 15: .."From staring at us from the balcony with his telescope.".. HaHaHaHaHa .. I love TOP =))
hanhyosang #6
Chapter 3: OMO !!! Daebak !!!! I laugh so much reading your fic !!!! :)))))) :X
Andrina27 #7
Chapter 2: Authornim, you're the best!!!! Your so funny :)... I hope you keep writing and updating with all your awesome ideas from your awesome mind ;D <3
obyeahbb #8
I love it pls update soon!!
Chapter 16: JIBOM team?? seriously Seunghyun, u're a part of delusional addicted now LOL
Chapter 16: Hahahaha!! I love TOP's character here. He's the best! He made me laugh all the time, yay he's team JiBom! Hihihi