Chapter One | Clueless Bom.

Project A

Chapter One | Clueless Bom.

Hello once again my imagination..
"Look, she's mental, she's talking I mean mumbling to her-" Jiyong that idiot 'whispered' so loudly towards Seunghyun who was snickering at the sight. 
"I'm not deaf Kwon Jiyong and I'm definitely not mental." I snapped at Jiyong before flicking his forehead. "And you, stop laughing monkey-boy."
"Bommie, will you help me get some bananas today?" Seunghyun asked in his annoying high-pitch voice. ERGH. "We're out of bananas and you know I can't live without them."
"Can't you go yourself?" I groaned and grab another toast to bite.
"But you're my secretary," Seunghyun pouted while stomping his feet childishly. Everybody this is BinguTOP.
That's right everybody. I work for the Choi's at the Choi Cooperation as their son, Seunghyun's secretary. 
How did I end up living with Choi Seunghyun and Kwon Jiyong? I'll leave that to another chapter. 
"And ahjummah." Jiyong added in the end probably thinking I didn't hear him.
"YAH!" I yelled at Jiyong before throwing my half-eaten toast at him which he managed to dodge. Aish. "Call me that once more and you're dead, you hear me?"
"Alright what are you doing tonight anyway?" Jiyong asked resting his chin on top of his hands.
"Duh, like what I do every night."
"You do know what day today is right?" Jiyong shook his head at me in disbelief.
What? It's just, I turned my eyes at the Playboy wall calender that Seunghyun had insisted on putting up in the kitchen, my kitchen, it's- 
"Should I get you a calender for Christmas? It's Christmas Eve today!" 
"You don't remember?" Seunghyun joined in Jiyong and shook his head at me, scoffing.
"Of. Of course I remember, I was just testing you guys," I said. Okay, more like lied. I shifted my seats uncomfortably, "And you guys passed."
I don't remember, how could I be so careless and not to mention dumb. The Christmas tree and decorations in our apartment.
The Christmas songs playing in the radio and clubs, the Christmas sales, the Christmas movies, the Santa Claus by the road side.
The red and the green. Holy, now all of that make sense.
Both Jiyong and Seunghyun exchanged glances and crossed their arms at me, raising one of their brows at me accusingly,
"Of course, you were." Seunghyun mocked me.
"Right, so did you get us any presents?" Jiyong asked. 
Aish. How could I forget one of the most important event of the year. 
"Did you?" Jiyong asked once more, scooting closer to me. Grinning at me, how intimidating. 
Aigoo. I haven't got them anything. 
"Of course I did, you think I would forgot such an important thing?" I laughed nervously and pushed Jiyong away. "You're so funny," I added a nervous laugh in the end.
Am I bad liar?
"Okay.." Jiyong trailed away staring at me weirdly, am I that pretty? "Well, we're going to see YB tonight, his performing in the club."
"HE IS?!" I gasped and shot up from my chair immediately. HOLY COW.
"Calm your woman," Seunghyun muttered and I shot him a dirty glare. Ugh, BinguTOP and his dirty remarks.
Speaking of YB or Youngbae his our close friends as well. Well, maybe not mine but he is Jiyong and Seunghyun's high school friend, so they're best friends or bro or homie or gang or whatever is it they call themselves and he is just the most amazing guy you'll ever see hanging out with Jiyong and Seunghyun. 
His really handsome especially when his smilling with that moon-crescent eyes of his and his dreamy chocolatey eight packs are to die for. Oh and his lovely voice when he sings. 
UNFF. Doesn't he sound dreamy? And-
"Is she deaf?"
"Are you deaf? You've been staring at the refridgerator for quite some time,"
"I.....I was?"
Seunghyun rolled his eyes and continued sipping his coffee. 
"Well. Just in case you haven't really got us any gifts," Jiyong cleared his throat, "Maybe you can give us each a kiss on the lips?"
"On the lips?" He nodded, grinning from eye to eye. "I'll kill you. I'm going out." I gathered my stuff and stood up,
"Are you getting me bananas?" Seunghyun asked along with the cutest/weirdest pout. This aelien.
"So, you coming to the club tonight?" 
"Of course I'm going. I'm not going to miss a chance of seeing YB,"
"Fan-girl much?" Seunghyun scoffed
"Correction hyung. She's a fan-ahjumma." Jiyong snickered earning a smack in the head from me.
"When will you learn to be polite or be like a real-gentleman like Youngbae?" I mumbled and shook my head at him while walking back to my room.
"I'm polite and a gentleman already in case you haven't notice."
"Yeah, LIKE MY !" I yelled from my bedroom.
"Oh, tonight's a CHRISTMAS COUNTDOWN PARTY. Don't let us see you in hoody and jeans, we won't hesitate to ask the bouncer to kick you out."
Ah. I haven't been in my dresses in the longest time, especially after what happened...
Well, that's not important, what's important is that..
It has been a tradition for us to always exchange our Christmas presents on the 25th morning, which is tomorrow. 
And we all know how crowded the malls can be around the holiday season oh and I usually spend just about HOURS 
thinking of what to get the boys. Aigoo. Park Bom why are you so dumb?
At least I'll get to see y Youngbae tonight *_________________________________*
"I'm going out," I said before closing the door shut.
Along the way to the mall. I thought and thought and though about just what to get for the guys.
But all I had in my mind was y Youngbae and his y body and his y voice.
The way he wear his white sleeveless top along with his red leather jacket and jeans. Ahh..
"Merry Chri- oh, it's you nuna?" I snapped out of my thoughts and turned towards the familiar cheerful voice.

"DAESUNG-IMNIDA, HO HO HO HO~" Oh, it was apparently Kang Daesung dressed in a Santa Claus suit.
"Wow, nice costume Daesung, what are you doing here?"
"I was looking for a part-time and the mall hired me to hand out candies to the kids,"

"Candies? What flavored,"
"Ah-nuna, they're for the," He coughed awkwardly "They're for the kids,"
"Oh.." I frowned, 
"But here, you can have one." Daesung shoved a candy cane in my jeans pocket before adding a wink in the end.
"Thank you so much Daesung," I chirped before patting his uh.. fake belly. 

"It's okay nuna, what are you doing anyway?"

"I......" Ahh, should I tell him?
"Are you doing last minute Christmas shopping?"

"Hul, how did you know?" Is Daesung secretly a physhic?

"Well, judging from your careless personality. I just guessed. Hehehehe,"

"Don't tell anyone especially Jiyong and Seunghyun okay?" Daesung nodded and I waved him off before going to back to business. 

SHOPPING FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENT FOR GD&TOP ( Jiyong & Seunghyun, I honestly have no idea why they need 'stage name' or nickname though. )

So, I, Park Bom spent about an hour strolling around the mall before grabbing a starbucks drinks and continued strolling around the mall mindlessly for another few hours before something caught my eyes. 
Oh ho ho ho, looks like Santa Bom found something for her naughty or sometimes just sometimes nice boys ;)
Personal Replies 
I'm so surprised that I've got such good response from all of you GDBOMTOP lovers! ;3
And I'm really motivated to write now. Thank so much everyone, yo! It's 24th December 2011 over here.
So I'll wish all of you an early and happy and blessed Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! 
*throws confetti at you all*  I made a g-bom poster for Christmas.
I promise I'll make a GDBOMTOP one for my next chapter! 
Oh, and I'm thinking of changing the names of this story, any good idea people?
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tami1712 #1
Chapter 16: Its 2016 and I still hoping for ab update :) plisssss
kratepow #2
update T.T
jeremyss #3
Chapter 16: Aiisshhh..please update authornim;)
mildes #4
Chapter 16: its been a long time. but i still wait for an update authornim :)
hanhyosang #5
Chapter 15: .."From staring at us from the balcony with his telescope.".. HaHaHaHaHa .. I love TOP =))
hanhyosang #6
Chapter 3: OMO !!! Daebak !!!! I laugh so much reading your fic !!!! :)))))) :X
Andrina27 #7
Chapter 2: Authornim, you're the best!!!! Your so funny :)... I hope you keep writing and updating with all your awesome ideas from your awesome mind ;D <3
obyeahbb #8
I love it pls update soon!!
Chapter 16: JIBOM team?? seriously Seunghyun, u're a part of delusional addicted now LOL
Chapter 16: Hahahaha!! I love TOP's character here. He's the best! He made me laugh all the time, yay he's team JiBom! Hihihi