Chapter Three | Christmas Part 2

Project A


Chapter Three | Christmas Part 2 - Baby Good Night 
Their so called performance ended and I was waiting for them at our usual spots in the the club, a room in the second floor. 
Wait till they get their in, I'll karate the chop the out of them. Especially KWON JIYONG and CHOISEUNGHYUN.
How dare they, I already warned Jiyong about the ahjumma so his getting twice as much as others and-
"Hey," Youngbae entered the room and waved at me,
"Oh hey,"
And where was I? Oh right, I'll hit his skulls for calling me ahjumma in front of the crowd a- YOUNGBAE IN THE ROOM JUST ME AND HIM?
I turned to my left and caught him sipping some vitamin water.
"So, how you like the song?" He asked shyly while fixing his cute Christmas head gear.
"I love it, you did great, I I mean you guys did great,"
"Thanks, you look really beaut-" 
"HO HO HO HO HO IT'S A MERRY CHRISTMAS~" Daesung emerged into the room with a fake beard? 
"AND A HAPPY NEW YEARRRRRR" Seungri followed closely behind and threw confetti all over the room.
What the hell are they doing? Youngbae was about to compliment about how I look really beautiful! At least that's what I think...
"You're picking up the confetti later," Daesung said and moved away from Seungri.
"What? Why?"
"It wasn't my idea." Seungri sighed and looked away, must being the maknae huh?
"Where's Jiyong and Seunghyun?" I asked out of the blue, I still need to karate chop them and it's getting cold over here.
Where's my comfy hoody?
"Oh, they're downstairs, let's go." Youngbae said and lead me the way. Daesung and Seungri followed closely behind while bickering.
The music was still blasting loudly and the crowd getting bigger and more crowded but I was scanning for any signs of Seunghyun the banana eating aelien and Jiyong the with my eagle eyes.
"I'll get you a drink, do you want one?" Youngbae being the gentleman he is asked and I nodded politely and continued scanning.
"Did you get me bananas today?" A deep voice surprised me and I almost dropped.
"Don't appear behind of people and suddenly talk with that deep dark voice of yours, I could've died." I hit Seunghyun in the shoulder. "And don't ever ever call me the corn eating aelien in front of a crowd, ever again. Especially not infront of Youngbae."
He scoffed and pushed my hands away, "I see you like Youngbae."
"I thought that was pretty obvious, did you just notice that today?" 
"You're so weird like an aelien," He shook his head. 
"You're the aelien okay, you collect toy."
"That's not weird okay, some girls actually think it's cute." I scoffed and rolled my eyes at him.
I turned away and crossed my arms and started scanning the crowd for the other a.k.a Jiyong. 
"Where's Jiyong? His in for a serious beating he called me ahjumma in front of Youngbae and eve-" 
That is until, something or rather someone's hand covered my eyes. 
"Who is this? Wait, is this Seunghyun or Jiyong? You guys know I won't hesitate to step on your designer shoes or I'll knee you in th-"
"Wow, feisty? I like." Whoever is it turned me around and I'm right, I'm always right. It was Jiyong with the stupid grin plastered on his face.
"Why did you call me ahjumma in front of the crowd? I warned you about it didn't I?" I eyed him and he dared to chuckle.
"YAH. You dare to laugh? I'm going to karate chop you for real now!" I started hitting his chest repeatedly with my super powerful karate chops.
I thought I was doing pretty well but he wouldn't stop laughing and I ended up sneezing. 
Damn, I want my hoody.
"Do you want a hoody?" Did he just read my mind? I nodded my head at him with a big fat smile on my face.
"This is why, you should've come to the club with your hoody like you always do instead of this," His finger motioned over my attire and I noticed he gulped, " This uh-,"
"It's a dress." 
"Well it's a mini-dress and it's winter now. Are you out of your mind?" 
"Well you guys told me to wear a dress didn't you?" 
"Still, this is a mini-dress. You could've come in a long dress or a dress with a coat right?"
"You're acting like my mother now. I-" I sneezed once again. Curses.
"Aish," He muttered and slip out of his blazer and put it over my body. "There,"
"Awe, you're another step closer to being a gentleman Ji, I'm so proud," I reached my hand and patted his head before pulling the blazer closer to my body.
Fuh. This is definitely keeping me warm and the blazer is actually longer than my dress....and smells like Jiyong. Hmm.
"Aish, I was always a gentleman you were to blind to notice with the pea-sized brain of yours." He reached his hand and messed up my hair before excusing himself to attend to some 'bussiness'.
The only 'bussiness' I had in mind was the girl sitting by the bar with a skimpy outifit winking at him from time to time. Aish.
"Hey, I'm back with you drink. I hope you're find with Long Island?" Youngbae returned with my colorful drink.
"Thanks Youngbae-ssi. I'm fine with Long Island,"
"You don't have to be so formal with me Bom, you can drop the formalities." He flashed me one of his infamous eye smile.
I'M DYING. HEHEHEHEHE. "Can I call you baby then?" Did I just say that outloud? Da .
By the look on his face, I think I just did. He chuckled, "What?"
"I meant, Bae. Can I call you that?" Great cover up Park Bom! Phew. 
He nodded his head cutely and we continued on talking/chatting and constanly throwing a few harmless flirts in between. *wink-wink*
Somehow in between, our conversation got dragged to the dancefloor and we were dancing. Well, BaeBae did all the dancing I just stood there like a woodstick.
I can't dance. Whenever I try to dance, I looked like I have two left feet or something. I just can't. I tried moving my hips to the music a few times though...
It looked awkward with Bae doing all the moves and bodywaves to Justin Timberlake's yback while I just stood there gawking.
Okay, I looked stupid. But nothing beats Seungri's impersonation of Justin Timberlake, he think his Justin Timberlake when he's drunk and that's exactly what his doing right now.
"I think Seungri got a little carried away," Bae leaned in and whispered next to my hair sending chills down my spine. Oh dear! He smells real good.
He smells lik- PARK BOM YOU NEED TO STOP SMELLING PEOPLE. I mentally slapped myself, "His always like that," I rolled my eyes at the drunk Seungri.
"SUP." This time, it was ChoomTOP. Don't worry, his not drunk. YET. He just happen to be 'dancing' and stopped by us, resting his hands around my shoulder.
"We're dancing."
"We? ParkBom don't dance. She's a noob." Seunghyun chuckled before earning an elbow hit in the stomach from me. "OUCH!"
"I think she's okay." 
"Since when did you call him Bae?" He eyed both of us curiously, grinning. 
"Ever since you became a woman."
"Come on guys, let's go see what Daesung and Seungri are up to. They're calling for us."
I guess Seungri Timberlake's stage ended. We headed towards our table where Daesung and Seungri were.
Oh, there's cake! 
"Guys, it's going to be Christmas in a minute or so! Let's countdown!" Daesung exclaimed loud enough for everyone in the club. 
True to his words, we were a minute to 25th December, everyone in the club cheered and got their party gear ready. 
"BOO." Whut? It was Jiyong, he was standing behind me while resting his chin on my shoulder. 
"Are you drunk?" I asked and looked behind me and noticed he had this stupid grin on his face and he reeked of alchohol. 
"Not really, I just feel sleepy."
"Don't sleep on my shoulder, I'll chop of-"
Everyone stared at Daesung who popped his party confetti popper a little too soon sending confetti flying out everywhere. "OOps?"
"Jiyong, are you asleep?" I tried nudging my shoulder, but he wouldn't budge, instead his arms s around my waist.
"WOOOOOOT!" Cheers everywhere and confetting were flying everywhere.  "MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY! THIS WAS MC DAE!"
"Hmm?" His eyes were closed.
"Merry Christmas."
"Now get away from me, I want to wish Bae and others Merry Christmas too." I tried prying him away from me numerous time but he wouldn't budge. The hell, 
"Oooh. Nuna what are you and Jiyong-hyung doing?" Seungri approached us with confetti all over his hair and his rosy cheeks.
"He wouldn't move, and I-" Jiyong turned me around and burried his head in my neck. Ugh. Drunk Jiyong is touchy Jiyong. 
He still smell kind of nice though...
"Well, look up nuna and hyung." Seungri cleared his throat. Wait, I thought he was drunk?
& look up we did. There Daesung was holding up a misletoe with a big fat smile on his face. Uh oh.
'OH YOU'RE BOTH UNDER THE MISLETOE! KISS! KISS! KISS!' He exclaimed and soon enough, everyone in the club started chanting the same thing, " KISS! KISS! KISS! KISS! KISS! KISS! "
'WHAT? I-"
Before I could run over and smack the crazy out of Daesung, he crushes his lips against mine. 
Jiyong kissed me. His lips touched mine. Me and Jiyong kissed. I..............
& all I could hear was my heart beating rapidly.
"OOOH LA LA LA~" This has got to be Seunghyun's voice.
He pulled away moment later, smilling at me before mumbling, "Baby, Good Night." and dropped his head on my shoulder once more. 
Leaving me stunned. Oh no Bae was there.
"JIYONG AND PARKBOM SITTING ON A TREE, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Oh my god. Remind me to kill Choi Seunghyun. 
"FIRST COME MARRIAGE!" Then I'll slaughter Daesung.
"THEN COME A BABEH!" & chop off Seungri's ehem ehem.
Sorry for the super late update everybody. School started for me and well you know what that means.
Anyway, did you guys have a Happy New Year? I'm sure you guys did. I'm not sure how the story is going.
But I hope you guys like it? I'm still thinking of a name change, Project A sounds so weird? Idk. 
Submit some tittles for me to change puh-lease lovely readers with a TOP on TOP? :3
I'll try to update tomorrow. If I manage to finish, no promise for now though ;) 
Thank you for subsribing and leaving me lovely comments. keep them coming for me though!
Anyway, for those who're starting their school too, good luck and have fun. 
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tami1712 #1
Chapter 16: Its 2016 and I still hoping for ab update :) plisssss
kratepow #2
update T.T
jeremyss #3
Chapter 16: Aiisshhh..please update authornim;)
mildes #4
Chapter 16: its been a long time. but i still wait for an update authornim :)
hanhyosang #5
Chapter 15: .."From staring at us from the balcony with his telescope.".. HaHaHaHaHa .. I love TOP =))
hanhyosang #6
Chapter 3: OMO !!! Daebak !!!! I laugh so much reading your fic !!!! :)))))) :X
Andrina27 #7
Chapter 2: Authornim, you're the best!!!! Your so funny :)... I hope you keep writing and updating with all your awesome ideas from your awesome mind ;D <3
obyeahbb #8
I love it pls update soon!!
Chapter 16: JIBOM team?? seriously Seunghyun, u're a part of delusional addicted now LOL
Chapter 16: Hahahaha!! I love TOP's character here. He's the best! He made me laugh all the time, yay he's team JiBom! Hihihi