Knife In The Heart

The Heart of Mark Tuan

   It was 2 days before Christmas, Mark was so happy. Outside was snowing & everything on the street was decorated, some maids also decorating the house, Mark was speaking to the young beautiful girl, they were both talking about their plans on Christmas, like holidays, present and these Christmas stuff in general. Their talk was cut when they noticed Jinyoung on the door looking at them coldly "Come Here" said Jinyoung in a blank tone looking at the maid, the girl quickly followed Jinyoung and said a silent 'bye' to Mark. After some minutes Mark heard her crying & packing her things, he approached her in shock and asked "What happened?" , she said while sobbing "Jinyoung fired me" and quickly left, then Mark noticed Jinyoung looking at them and making a sinister smirk, Mark frowned his eyebrows in sadness and breathed out. Mark started cleaning the kitchen and an old maid came to the room and started cooking "Where is Youngjae?" asked Mark simply, the old maid answered in a bit of boredom "Bambam said he want Youngjae to clean his room", "What?!" said Mark abruptly in shock, "Why? What's the matter?" said noona in the same tone , "Nothing" said Mark while looking down, "Bambam is not a bad person. He used to a bright kid. His grades were always perfect, he was helpful & kind, but then he wanted to know who his biological parents were, but Mr Park never told him, after some years Mr.Park died & left everything to his real son Jinyoung, which made Bambam angry. Then he started destroying his his life with alcohol & night clubs, these kind of weird stuff" said noona in a bit of sadness, Mark thought of her words, but he still thought that how Bambam treats Youngjae is still unproper. He went to clean the first floor, he heard some cries coming out of Bambam's room, then the door opened and saw Youngjae sitting on Bambam's bed trying to close his shirt, his eyes full of tears, then he noticed Bambam holding the door open, Mark was in shock, Bambam understood that, this made him do an evil smirk & left the room while closing the door of his room. Mark didn't want to think bad, he wanted to talk to Youngjae. He finished cleaning the hall but Youngjae was still in the room,so he went downstairs, but he was still worried. A maid called him to help her with the dinner, then they heard some noonas screaming, Mark quickly went to see what happened, he saw Youngjae laying on the floor, he had passed out, Mark put his hand in front of his mouth and tears were about to fall from his eyes, then Yugyeom came and took Youngjae in bridal style & took him to the hospital.

   When Mark's working hours ended, Yugyeom called him in his office. He started talking to Mark about his payment & some extra money as a Christmas present, Mark's face brighten in happiness and agreed with the amount of money. Before leaving Yugyeom's office, he turned and said in concern "How's Youngjae?", Yugyeom exhaled in tiredeness "I hope he's fine. I'll check him tomorrow. No worries Mark. Back to business, you work tomorrow and then 1 week holidays, ok?" said Yugyeom in a serious tone, Mark nodded yes with a smile and left for home.

    When he arrived, he couldn't stop thinking about Youngjae and what may happened with Bambam. He texted Jackson to come over & wished Jackson wasn't mad at him or embarrassed to face him, when he got a reply from Jackson that his coming right now with a wink smiley, it made his mood get better. The bell rang and Mark welcomed Jackson inside, Jackson was indeed a bit embarrassed, but Mark treated him normaly so he would feel comfortable. Mark told him about Youngjae and Jackson said with full of anger "This son of a ! How could he exploit a poor kid?", Mark pouted and said " I wish he's ok", Jackson was breathing heavily, his eyebrows frowned in anger, Mark touched Jackson's arm , which caught Jackson's attention, then Mark said " I'm so happy I have you in my life. You helped me a lot and I don't know how would I be without you", Jackson's face calmed, he looked down and turned to hug Mark, Mark brought his body closer to Jackson so both could fell each others body, Jackson's breath got heavier, he broke the hug & look Mark in the eyes and lips with full of lust, Mark kept looking at Jackson's lips, but quickly got up and said " I'm working in the early morning, so I need to go to sleep now", Jackson breathed out from his nose, got up & went close to Mark's face, looked his lips with hunger, but quickly left. When Mark heard the door close, he breathed out, bite his lower lip and went to sleep with a pleased smile.

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Laurensmiles #1
Chapter 21: Awww~~ Jackson has finally grown some sense and Mark found his true love. BamBam has stopped being a brat and Youngjae loves him~~ Yugyeom ever find someone? And what about Jinyoung. All alone forever...? :(
Great job with the story!!
Laurensmiles #2
Chapter 20: Please continue~
Chapter 21: Ahhh~ it was so damn cute~.!!!! But i cant stop wondering about what happened to Jinyoung. Did he find another person like Mark or will he be forever alone :(?!?!
carolbension #4
Chapter 21: omg the end was beautiful!! so sweet!! mark is so cute!!! and jackson too!!! they are adorable!!! awww coco!!!! i laughed when his sister interruped them lol hahaha I love it ^^ Thank you for this amazing story!!!!!!!!!!! Please write more stories of markson!!!!!! ^^ You did an amazing job!!^^
Chapter 20: Please continue the story!!!
carolbension #6
Chapter 19: ohhh jinyoung! T.T i hope he find someone who could love him!! But he needs to understand that mark loves jackson so much and jackson loves mark too...he takes care of mark and protects him!! they are sweet!! vknslfbvlñs now jackson will see mark's parents vnergspaszvnal ^^ his in-laws ^^ markson is adorable!!!!! ^^ Thank you for the update authornim!!!!!!^^
HyVong #7
carolbension #8
Chapter 15: Omg Jackson! And jinyoung! At least jinyoung won't try to do anything to mark! I hope mark and Jackson will be together !! A be so adorable and fluffy lol♥♥♥ thank you for the update! !!!! Your story is so beautiful!!!!^^♥♥
Chapter 15: omg, this story is awesome!
carolbension #10
Chapter 14: omg!! T.T noo Jinyougn why? how could you do such as a terrible thing to mark! omg what will happen to mark? I'm scared that Jinyoung could him... nooo T.T poor mark T.T someone save him T.T why cant mark trust jackson? i know jackson will be mad at jinyoung but it's worse to keep it from him. omg i'm worried ! mark needs to tell jackson... why he deciced to not? my heart aches for him ...jackson tell him to not keep anything T.T Thank you for the update!! I'll wait for the next update!!!