
The Heart of Mark Tuan

   Day Of Exams  the day had come. They all wrote exams, Jackson, Mark, Youngjae, Bambam. Mark had studied, but didn't care so much about the exams as much as he cared about his job. Mr. Yugyeom had given them 1 week to be prepared for them. Mark got of bed early, he didn't want to be late, when he got in the school he saw his classmates be in an awful situation, it was obvious that they hadn't slept for days because of the exams. Mark wasn't like this, he tried to relax himself before any exams, he knew that nervousness wouldn't help at all. The headmaster wished them good luck & as they got in the class, Mark noticed Jackson, they both looked at each other, Jackson did a duck face kiss, which made Mark laugh silently. When he took a look at the exams, he knew some of them, he had read only what the teachers said that were important,but of course he knew that some teachers were so bad, that told them not to pay much attention to some stuff, which were now on  in the test. He knew that teachers didn't want all students to pass, but he never understood why teachers do this.

      When Mark finished he saw Jackson waiting for him at school's gates, "Hey" greeted Jackson simply, Mark smiled beautifully "Hey! How was the exam?" and kissed Jackson softly on the lips, Jackson kissed him back and said while raising his shoulder "Don't know. I wish I pass the exams, they're really important", Mark moved his shoulders up & down and said simply "I don't care so much about exams. I mostly care about my job, family and.....you" with the last word he poitned at Jackson with a happy smile, Jackson did a small laugh, he hugged Mark & kissed him passionately.

     Youngjae texted Mark about the exams, they started talking about them. Jackson was cooking as Mark was sitting in the living room, he decided  to call Youngjae "Hey hyung" said Youngjae from the other line, "Hey! How you doing?" said Mark with good mood, "Nothing important. I'm out" said Youngjae simply and before Mark could answer him he heard Bambam's voice who said "Hey Mark hyung!" and quickly heard Youngjae saying a 'shut up' to Bambam, Mark laughed and said "It's ok! I hope you're having fun together", Youngjae giggled "Yes, we always do..... One more exam and we work again", Mark simply said "Yes, I hate exams they're so boring & tiring.....By the way, I haven't seen Jinyoung for a long time.......How is he doing?" he said Jinyoung's name silently so Jackson wouldn't hear, Youngjae answered simply "Ah I don't really know. From what Bambam told me, he's always alone & drinks wine, more than he used to drink before. But ok, he doesn't get drunk. Bambam told me that he's too focused on his job,trying not to pay attention to anything else.Don't worry about him, he's fine", Mark sat silently thinking that it's because of him, he shook his head trying not to think of him "Ok. I'll talk to you later, I will eat lunch with Jackson. Bye", Youngjae answered with playfulnessin his voice "Bye hyung". Mark sat on the couch thinking about Jinyoung, he knew Jinyoung did many bad things to him, but he knew that he changed & that he's avoiding Mark as much as possible, he wishes that Jinyoung doesn't destroy himself or do anything bad because of him. His thoughts were cut when Jackson called him "Markeu the food is ready", Mark shook his head and answered happily "I'm coming my Mandu", when he went to the kitchen he saw the beautiful way Jackson decorated the table & the really tasty food, he smiled and kissed Jackson and said happily "Thank you baby". While eating Mark was trying not to think about Jinyoung, he tried to forget anything about him, this was the best for both of them.

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Laurensmiles #1
Chapter 21: Awww~~ Jackson has finally grown some sense and Mark found his true love. BamBam has stopped being a brat and Youngjae loves him~~ Yugyeom ever find someone? And what about Jinyoung. All alone forever...? :(
Great job with the story!!
Laurensmiles #2
Chapter 20: Please continue~
Chapter 21: Ahhh~ it was so damn cute~.!!!! But i cant stop wondering about what happened to Jinyoung. Did he find another person like Mark or will he be forever alone :(?!?!
carolbension #4
Chapter 21: omg the end was beautiful!! so sweet!! mark is so cute!!! and jackson too!!! they are adorable!!! awww coco!!!! i laughed when his sister interruped them lol hahaha I love it ^^ Thank you for this amazing story!!!!!!!!!!! Please write more stories of markson!!!!!! ^^ You did an amazing job!!^^
Chapter 20: Please continue the story!!!
carolbension #6
Chapter 19: ohhh jinyoung! T.T i hope he find someone who could love him!! But he needs to understand that mark loves jackson so much and jackson loves mark too...he takes care of mark and protects him!! they are sweet!! vknslfbvlñs now jackson will see mark's parents vnergspaszvnal ^^ his in-laws ^^ markson is adorable!!!!! ^^ Thank you for the update authornim!!!!!!^^
HyVong #7
carolbension #8
Chapter 15: Omg Jackson! And jinyoung! At least jinyoung won't try to do anything to mark! I hope mark and Jackson will be together !! A be so adorable and fluffy lol♥♥♥ thank you for the update! !!!! Your story is so beautiful!!!!^^♥♥
Chapter 15: omg, this story is awesome!
carolbension #10
Chapter 14: omg!! T.T noo Jinyougn why? how could you do such as a terrible thing to mark! omg what will happen to mark? I'm scared that Jinyoung could him... nooo T.T poor mark T.T someone save him T.T why cant mark trust jackson? i know jackson will be mad at jinyoung but it's worse to keep it from him. omg i'm worried ! mark needs to tell jackson... why he deciced to not? my heart aches for him ...jackson tell him to not keep anything T.T Thank you for the update!! I'll wait for the next update!!!