I want to see you

The Heart of Mark Tuan

       They wrote the last exam. Mark relaxed ,he didn't care so much, but of course exams always make people anxious. He had 2 days off, which he spent with Jackson. They went to cinema, to watch a great action-romance movie, they both talked about how would they react if they were the main charecters, Jackson made jokes that Mark would be a prettier girl & stuff which made Mark slap his arm with an 'annyoed' smile. They spent the days like these. The next day Mark had to go to work, which made him nervous for a reason he couldn't understand, before he goes to sleep he reasiled the reason, it was Jinyoung.

        The day started, Mark was also happy he could see and talk to Youngjae. When they met, they started talking about the exams and how did they spend the free days. During work, Bambam was checking Youngjae and sometimes teasing him to clear stuff that he would do or he already did, Mark laughed a bit about the situation, these two always made his day. It got late, in an hour Mark would finish work, while he was cleaning the kitchen he heard someone coming in the house, he looked from the kitchen door & saw that it was Jinyoung, Jinyoung was about to look in the kitchen, but before looking he realised it was Mark so he just walked to his office, Mark frowned his eyebrows and got a bit angry about Jinyoung's immature behaviour, he didn't need to avoid him so much he could at least say 'Hi'  or something.

       He finished work, he dressed back at his street clothes. Before he went out of the house, he stopped, he needed to make things clear with Jinyoung. He quickly went and knocked his office door, he heard a low bored 'Come In' , when he got in he saw that the lights were low and Jinyoung was sitting on the couch drinking wine. When Jinyoung noticed Mark,he quickly let the wine glass on the table & quickly got up, he said abruptly "What do you want?", Mark went a bit closer to Jinyoung and said "I hope you're not trying to destroy yourself slowly because of me? You don't need to avoid me so much Jinyoung. You're so immature", Jinyoung breathed out angrily and said while trying to hold his temper "Mark stop it! Why are you again in my life! You said that I should leave you alone forever, so what are you doing in my office? What do you want? To make me even worse,huh?!" his eyes got watery, Jinyoung was about to cry, he tighten his fist so tears wouldn't fall, Mark breathed out of his nose sadly "Jinyoung....you don't understand. Please don't destroy yourself for me, you're young & handsome, continue your life with someone else" with that Mark made a small peaceful smirk, Jinyoung approached him, he put his hand on the back of Mark's neck, he touched forehead with Mark, he breathed on Mark's lips and he kissed him. Mark let him, he knew that Jinyoung really liked him, he always kinda liked Jinyoung, he was so handsome, smart & rich, but of course he loved Jackson. Jinyoung broke the kiss and looked at Mark's eyes, he smiled at him peacefully and went to sit back on the couch, Mark took a deep breath and left the office, none of them said anything. They knew that this kiss was a goodbye kiss, their story ended here, this would be better for both. 

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Laurensmiles #1
Chapter 21: Awww~~ Jackson has finally grown some sense and Mark found his true love. BamBam has stopped being a brat and Youngjae loves him~~ Yugyeom ever find someone? And what about Jinyoung. All alone forever...? :(
Great job with the story!!
Laurensmiles #2
Chapter 20: Please continue~
Chapter 21: Ahhh~ it was so damn cute~.!!!! But i cant stop wondering about what happened to Jinyoung. Did he find another person like Mark or will he be forever alone :(?!?!
carolbension #4
Chapter 21: omg the end was beautiful!! so sweet!! mark is so cute!!! and jackson too!!! they are adorable!!! awww coco!!!! i laughed when his sister interruped them lol hahaha I love it ^^ Thank you for this amazing story!!!!!!!!!!! Please write more stories of markson!!!!!! ^^ You did an amazing job!!^^
Chapter 20: Please continue the story!!!
carolbension #6
Chapter 19: ohhh jinyoung! T.T i hope he find someone who could love him!! But he needs to understand that mark loves jackson so much and jackson loves mark too...he takes care of mark and protects him!! they are sweet!! vknslfbvlñs now jackson will see mark's parents vnergspaszvnal ^^ his in-laws ^^ markson is adorable!!!!! ^^ Thank you for the update authornim!!!!!!^^
HyVong #7
carolbension #8
Chapter 15: Omg Jackson! And jinyoung! At least jinyoung won't try to do anything to mark! I hope mark and Jackson will be together !! A be so adorable and fluffy lol♥♥♥ thank you for the update! !!!! Your story is so beautiful!!!!^^♥♥
Chapter 15: omg, this story is awesome!
carolbension #10
Chapter 14: omg!! T.T noo Jinyougn why? how could you do such as a terrible thing to mark! omg what will happen to mark? I'm scared that Jinyoung could him... nooo T.T poor mark T.T someone save him T.T why cant mark trust jackson? i know jackson will be mad at jinyoung but it's worse to keep it from him. omg i'm worried ! mark needs to tell jackson... why he deciced to not? my heart aches for him ...jackson tell him to not keep anything T.T Thank you for the update!! I'll wait for the next update!!!