A Big Story Begins

The Heart of Mark Tuan

  Mark said goodbye to his family, he lifted his suitcases & started walking off. His eyes were so watery that he was seeing everything blurry, he knew his family was trying to hold their tears back except his mother who was crying & whispering "No" "My boy" . Before Mark entered the gates, he waved to his family, he turned his back, then unstoppable tears of pain started falling from his eyes. 

   It was 13:00 when he arrived in Seoul. He took a taxi & went to the address that was written in the small white paper on his hands. While he was on the taxi he looked out of the window to see Korea, he was so amazed. Everything was so beautiful and he couldn't stop whispering "wow" , he marked some places he would visit later. When he arrived out of his apartement, he paid the taxi driver & bowed to him, but the taxi driver said nothing and just left. It didn't take him long to find his door, when he got in it was half empty, but clear. Mark closed the door, let the suitcases fall on the floor & quickly sat on the sofa that the previous owners had left. He exhaled a deep breath & started thinking why he got here. Mark was a poor boy from Taiwan,whose family couldn't make money, so he made a deal with himself  'he would win a scholarship in Korea and there he would also find a job to make money'. He chose Korea, cause it was the closest to his country, it didn't take so much money & he could speak good Korean. He closed his eyes and thought "Make your family proud Mark".

   The time passed, Mark adapted to the new area. Now it was time his University would start, he was so anxious, he wished everything would go right, he still didn't find any job, but he didn't gave up and was still searching. His alarn rang, he went to the bathroom, he got dressed, he ate his breakfast & before leaving the house he looked at the mirror and said to himself " Everything will be alright. No worries. You'll make it" he inhaled a deep breath and left for the University. The school was enormous, the yard was so big & it also had benches to sit, Mark felt happy that he made it to this school. The headmaster made a speech, when he finished, everyone went to their classes. Mark hardly found his class, when he got in there was no place to sit except one chair, he quickly went there and sat next to a blonde boy, they looked each other at the same time,the blonde boy said "Oh hi ! I'm Jackson! Who are you?" said and smiled, "Hi, I'm Mark Tuan! I'm new here! I'm from Taiwan" said Mark with a big smile, "It's obvious that you're Taiwanese from your pronunciation. I'm chinese, you know, I'm Wang, Jackson Wang" he went a bit close to Mark & winked, which made Mark giggle. Then the teacher got in, he had a really strict face, but Mark couldn't take him seriously cause Jackson was making jokes, which Mark found hilarious and was barely holding his laugher. The bell rang & Jackson said "Hey Mark hyung, can I be with you in the breaks?" said in a cool tone, "Yeah of course" said Mark abruptly. They spent the break together, while talking about themselves, Mark found the chance and asked him "Hey Jackson I'm searching for a job. Do you know anything?" said Mark with puppy eyes without realising it, Jackson chuckled " You're so cute you know. Ah yeah, I know a free place, it's a really good job, but it requires many things." said Jackson simply, "Really? Where? Tell Me!" Mark said abruptly, "Woah, chill baby boy! I'll take you there after school finishes", Mark bit his lower lip from excitement.

  The school finished and Mark said "Come on Jackson! Quickly" said to Jackson almost hopping on spot, "Chill Markeu ! You make me anxious!" said Jackson with a stupid smile on his face, Mark pouted, Jackson exhaled "Stop being so cute or else I'll bite you" and he put his bag on his shoulders, then Mark quickly grabbed his wrist and run out of the school "Come on Jackson! Let's go!" said Mark giggling, when they got out of the school Jackson was breathing heavily and said "I would hit you, but I will feel like I'm beating a puppy. Ok now I'll show you" Mark smiled & followed Jackson.

 When they arrived both were tired cause this place was almost out of the city, "Here we are Markeu,this is the Park Mansion" said Jackson with a cute smirk, Mark's eyes widened, he said a silent "wow". In front of him was a Villa, the garden was really big, it had an enormous pool with a statue in one side of it, the house was seemed like a dream to Mark, "Yeah yeah I want to work here!" said with cute widened eyes, Jackson looked at him with a small smirk and said "Baby boy calm down, it takes too many qualities to work here & I think they hire experienced people. But ok,come here a day were you'll be properly dressed & ask, they may take you" and he shrugged, Mark looked Jackson in the eyes and said "I'll take this job no matter what" .


This is Park Mansion, I hope you can see the pic (cause I'm not good in computers) 


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Laurensmiles #1
Chapter 21: Awww~~ Jackson has finally grown some sense and Mark found his true love. BamBam has stopped being a brat and Youngjae loves him~~ Yugyeom ever find someone? And what about Jinyoung. All alone forever...? :(
Great job with the story!!
Laurensmiles #2
Chapter 20: Please continue~
Chapter 21: Ahhh~ it was so damn cute~.!!!! But i cant stop wondering about what happened to Jinyoung. Did he find another person like Mark or will he be forever alone :(?!?!
carolbension #4
Chapter 21: omg the end was beautiful!! so sweet!! mark is so cute!!! and jackson too!!! they are adorable!!! awww coco!!!! i laughed when his sister interruped them lol hahaha I love it ^^ Thank you for this amazing story!!!!!!!!!!! Please write more stories of markson!!!!!! ^^ You did an amazing job!!^^
Chapter 20: Please continue the story!!!
carolbension #6
Chapter 19: ohhh jinyoung! T.T i hope he find someone who could love him!! But he needs to understand that mark loves jackson so much and jackson loves mark too...he takes care of mark and protects him!! they are sweet!! vknslfbvlñs now jackson will see mark's parents vnergspaszvnal ^^ his in-laws ^^ markson is adorable!!!!! ^^ Thank you for the update authornim!!!!!!^^
HyVong #7
carolbension #8
Chapter 15: Omg Jackson! And jinyoung! At least jinyoung won't try to do anything to mark! I hope mark and Jackson will be together !! A be so adorable and fluffy lol♥♥♥ thank you for the update! !!!! Your story is so beautiful!!!!^^♥♥
Chapter 15: omg, this story is awesome!
carolbension #10
Chapter 14: omg!! T.T noo Jinyougn why? how could you do such as a terrible thing to mark! omg what will happen to mark? I'm scared that Jinyoung could him... nooo T.T poor mark T.T someone save him T.T why cant mark trust jackson? i know jackson will be mad at jinyoung but it's worse to keep it from him. omg i'm worried ! mark needs to tell jackson... why he deciced to not? my heart aches for him ...jackson tell him to not keep anything T.T Thank you for the update!! I'll wait for the next update!!!