ATTENTION (Non Related Story)

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First, I'd like to apologize because I can't continue this story from now on until 2 weeks onward. I'm trying my best to write the next chapter but my project seems to be finnished by this week, and it's making me mad. You know that college life is not easy as you think, it's hard and tiring sometime

Second, I'm going to take hiatus for a while, because EXAM is already in front of my eyes. And I fell like I didn't learn anything for past 6 ing months. So I need to gear up my brain. And please pray for me.

Third, I'm not disbanding this story, So let's make a deal that I will post the next chapter after I finnish this bloody semester. Maybe we can meet again at last July! Yeah!

Fourth, Maybe I'll comeback with new story and the english version of Missing U.

Fifth, I'm going to involve you on my story, so wait for the update!

And last but not least, I'd like to say Thank You So Much for my 31 subscribers, I just didn't believe that I'm gaining so much subscriber. Thank you so much, you mean everything to me guys! Then, wait for me :))



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Update baru! Kalau ada typo tolong laporkan ya, ngetik cepet lewat hape nih


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Chapter 13: Lisaaaaaaaaaa ;p
mrlyncrdn #2
Chapter 1: English pleaseeee
madhyarfn #3
Chapter 12: Hanbinie is such a jealous ... xD this on-off relationship is so not healthy
I can't read this language. I need an English version please.
Chapter 10: ciye skripsi. disini maba masih luntang-lantung wkwk. semangat skripsi kak!
Chapter 9: Junhoe emang yah hahahaha
Chapter 7: gemessssssssh
fitriyannii #8
Chapter 7: Haha.. Mau mereka tetep bareng dong. Jealous Hanbin lucu bngt.. Hanhi
Chapter 5: Bau2nya sih si hayi mau balikan sm hanbin, haha
Si hanbin ya emg pinter nerima kode, pinter jg ngegombal, bisa jd calon penerus seungri nih *eh loh knp jd seungri yg kena
Dan hanbin disini maaaaaniiiissss banget
Di chapter sebelumnya dia kayak lebih kekanakan haha
Gimana hayi gak klepek2 coba
Sy kasih upvote berhubung km mau mendengarkan saran dr pembaca2 yg cerewet macem sy, hehe
Makasih ya udah update
Ditunggu chapter berikutnya
Semangat ^^
Chapter 4: Ceritanya bagus dan menarik
Aku gak ngerti si hanbin ini maunya apa, haha
Hayi mungkin karena cewek jd dia lebih ngikutin kemana "arah" si hanbin sambil dikit2 ngasih kode haha
Kalau boleh sedikit saran, author, mungkin tulisan km akan lebih enak dibaca kalau pakai bahasa baku semua, lbh konsisten (eg. kalau pakai "dia" ya "dia" terus, jgn ganti "ia" di tengah2), dan kalau misal kurang perlu pakai bahasa asing, mungkin gak usah pakai
Itu aja saranku, sisanya asik2 aja, mulai dr karakter sm plot aku suka
Makasih ya untuk ceritanya
Ditunggu chapter berikutnya
Semangat ^^