On the fourth date of Christmas my date said to me... "Say hi to Ddangkoma!"

The 12 Dates of Christmas


A/N: I was so sure I wasn't going to make it today, because I went to my friends house after school, fell asleep when I got home (lol) and then went to karate and got back at around 11, but I DID IT! -so proud-

Also, thank you to my best friend Angie for helping me plan out Yesung's date. Love ya, gang leader of the Fierce Bunnies! <3


On the fourth date of Christmas my date said to me… “Say hi to Ddangkoma!”

After his date on the fifteenth with Hankyung Sungmin had renewed hope in Zhou Mi’s choice of dates, even though they had a slight language barrier. Yeah, they didn’t speak the same language but he was HOT.

So when Sungmin came home from his morning classes he found his phone had a few missing texts from Zhou Mi he was excited. The texts told him to come to the address in half an hour and to wear the clothes laid out for him in his bedroom.

Giggling because Zhou Mi was treating him like a kid he went and changed into the clothes, skinny jeans, a white button up shirt with a pink vest, before driving to the address, which turned out to be one of the biggest malls in Seoul.

He parked his car and was texting Zhou Mi, wondering what he was supposed to do, when he heard someone call him name.

Deep, y voice. One point for Zhou Mi!

Sungmin turned around and a man was standing in black jeans and a white button up shirt and black jacket and cute black glasses. Even though he refused to admit it, Sungmin had a thing for nerds. And this guy was a cute nerd in sort of stylish punkish black clothes.

The man smiled and held out a bouquet of flowers. “Hello, my name is Yesung and I’ll be your date tonight,” he said with a cute smile.

Sungmin took the flowers, flattered and bowed. “My name’s Sungmin,” he said. Yesung smiled again and led him to the mall, explaining he was a rookie singer and how he loved to sing. Sungmin made a joke and asked him if he was a model and Yesung shot him that cute smile of his.

“So why are we at the mall?” Sungmin asked.

“My family owns a restaurant here, so I decided I wanted you to come visit,” he grinned when he saw Sungmin seemed nervous. “Don’t worry, I’m not introducing you to the rents… Yet.”

Sungmin smiled and thought maybe, just maybe, this might work out.

… And then Yesung walked straight into the doors in the front of the mall.

“Oh my god are you okay?” Sungmin asked, eyes wide as Yesung rubbed his forehead, frowning at the door like it was the doors fault.

“Fine,” Yesung grumbled, still frowning.

They went to the third floor where Yesung’s parents shop was. It was called Handel and Gretel and it was a cute little café that sold sandwiches and drinks and such.

Yesung brought him into a brightly colored room which was apparently for kids to play in, and inside there was a picnic in the middle of the floor.

Sungmin squealed and ran over, excited. It was winter and yet they were having a picnic in this adorable little shop. Another point for Zhou Mi!

“I’m glad you like it,” Yesung said grinning as he joined Sungmin over on the checkered picnic blanket and opened up the picnic basket and began pulling out cups and plates.

Sungmin pointed to the very miniature cup and plate that Yesung had. There was even a small teapot. “Who’s this for?”

Yesung grinned and ruffled Sungmin’s hair who stuck his tongue out at him. “You take the rest of the food out, I need to go get someone,” he said mysteriously.

Sungmin nodded and watched as Yesung left. He quickly pulled out his phone and texted Zhou Mi and right before he sent it he added Kyuhyun to the sending list.

To: Zhou Mimi~, Kyuhyunnie
From: Minnie

To: Minnie, Kyuhyunnie
I know I am… Why?
From: Zhou Mimi~

To: Zhou Mimi~, Kyuhyunnie
Yesung is AMAZING. He’s hot, sweet, nice and he has an amazing voice. Zhou Mi, you are the matchmaking god.
From: Minnie

To: Minnie, Kyuhyunnie
I know, I am good. ;D You’re welcome!
From: Zhou Mimi~

To: Minnie, Zhou Mimi~
Don’t worry, it’ll go wrong sooner or later. :P
From: Kyuhyunnie

To: Minnie, Kyuhyunnie
Kui Xian! How can you say that? D: WHAI YOU SO MEAN TO ME?!
From: Zhou Mimi~

To: Zhou Mimi~, Kyuhyunnie
Don’t jinx it! >:( I knew I shouldn’t have texted you meanie . Go back to your games!
From: Minnie

To: Minnie, Zhou Mimi~
Fine, but if it goes wrong don’t come crying to me.
From: Kyuhyunnie

Sungmin stuck his tongue at the phone before angrily closing it and stuffing it into his pocket, making a mental note to kill Kyuhyun later.

“Sungmin, close your eyes!” Yesung said just as Sungmin was pulling out the last of the food.

Sungmin did as told and he heard Yesung come into the room and in front of him.

“Okay, open.”

Sungmin opened his eyes and two inches in front of his face was a turtle who was staring blankly at him.

“Holy shi-” Sungmin jerked backwards and Yesung quickly shushed him and covered the turtles ears.

“Language please,” Yesung said, looking worriedly at the turtle.

“Ah… Sorry,” Sungmin mumbled.

Yesung smiled again. “It’s fine! Anyway, Sungmin, say hi to Ddangkoma!” Yesung put the turtle right in his face again and Sungmin stared cross eyed at the reptile.

“Um… Hi Ddangkoma,” Sungmin said, blinking. The turtle just stared at him like he was looking into his soul or something… Creepy.

“Time to eat!” Yesung took the mini teapot and poured water into a small bowl before placing it in front of Ddangkoma. Then he began cutting small pieces of lettuce and lovingly placing them on a plate neatly.

Finding himself completely ignored Sungmin pointed to the pie that Yesung’s parents had made. “Can you pass me a piece of pie?” Sungmin asked.

He had to ask twice before Yesung handed him the pie, and yet he hadn’t even looked at Sungmin.

“Do you want any tea?” Sungmin asked, pouting.

“Tea would be lovely!” Yesung said excitedly and Sungmin was just hoping that maybe this could work out when he grabbed the tea and poured it into a little bowl and gave it to Ddangkoma and watched him slowly crawl to the cup.

Sungmin sighed and sat back. He was being one upped by a turtle. What a sad, sad day.

Sungmin opened the door to see Kyuhyun standing in front of the door with his crossed with an expectant look on his face. Sungmin pouted.

“So, how was it?” Kyuhyun asked, an evil grin spreading across his face.

Sungmin punched him in the arm. “Shut up, brat.”

Feeling slightly bad because Sungmin actually seemed really disappointed Kyuhyun grabbed his arm and pulled him into a hug. “…Don’t worry, you’ll find the perfect someone,” Kyuhyun said, patting his back.

It would’ve been perfect if Sungmin hadn’t pushed him away and given him a weird look. “That was the most awkward hug I’ve ever had.”

“Way to ruin the moment.”

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Elrhumy #1
Chapter 14: Awwwwwww that just so sweet of kyu.. he turned sungmin nightmare 'date' to be such sweet memories..
"I promise I'll catch you." *v*
Elrhumy #2
Chapter 13: Maybe kibum.. its so awwarkd lol..
Elrhumy #3
Chapter 12: Yes, Come on one last chance Mimi..
Elrhumy #4
Chapter 11: Awww yewook just so cute.. And kyu reaction when sungmin say 'fall in love' just epic.. are you afraid Kyu? if yes then MAKE A MOVE..
Elrhumy #5
Chapter 10: Waw kyu's reaction *O*
Elrhumy #6
Chapter 9: Oh my God Hae ah.. Poor Minnie, he must be feel like a pedo lol..
Elrhumy #7
Chapter 8: Well at least Min know about eunhyuk's 'bomb' before its too late haha.. soybean paste *ewww hyukkie*
Elrhumy #8
Chapter 7: Well this fun.. but the christmas just in few days.. five unsuccesful date.. Minnie ah be ready to be dateless in christmas :D
Elrhumy #9
Chapter 6: Uh oh so a certain roomate really have big crush(or love) to Minnie... is it Kyu in denial or Ming who was too dense..
Elrhumy #10
Chapter 5: At least Yesung introducing ddangkoma in the first date lol *<*