On the second date of Christmas my date said to me... "I'm prettier than you. Be jealous."

The 12 Dates of Christmas

A/N: Thank you everyone for reading :) I'm on time again -dances- :D I'm so tired tho. X_X Going to bed, bye guys~ <3


On the second date of Christmas my date said to me… “I’m prettier than you. Be jealous.”


After being pulled numerous times to the ground and then being thrown down a hill into a snow bank on the thirteenth, Sungmin was less than excited for his next date, but he tried to think optimistic. Nothing could be worse than being chucked into a pile of snow, and he trusted Zhou Mi. He had good taste, most of the time. Well… Sometimes.


The whole morning Sungmin had to ignore Kyuhyun’s giggles because somehow the kid had found out what happened, even though Sungmin refused to tell him.


Kid knew everything. It was sort of creepy.


And yes Sungmin called him a kid even though he was only two years younger than him.


By the time morning classes were over Sungmin was downright annoyed by Kyuhyun’s voice so he was glad when he finally got to the bakery and was able to cook. He worked at a small café that made cookies and pastries, coffee, tea and chocolate.

And the best part? No snow, or anything white at all.


The walls were painted in a way that it seemed like a giant cupcake. Sungmin thought it was adorable, and although Kyuhyun claimed he would never be caught near the place, he came every afternoon when Sungmin was working to have some hot chocolate and something else bad for his health. Sungmin always scolded him about eating too much junk food but he let Kyuhyun do it anyway. Someone how the kid never got fat.


The café at the time was quiet, only an old couple in the corner and a college student on his laptop. Sungmin was filling up the class cases with newly iced cupcakes, pink, when spotted someone outside the window.


He was tall, thin, and very pretty. He had almost a feminine figure, and definitely a feminine face. Large eyes and pretty lips, white skin and jet black hair.


Other than his looks Sungmin wouldn’t have found him that distracting… If he hadn’t been staring at his reflection in the glass window.


The pretty man was leaning forward, staring with big eyes at the window as he fixed his bangs into the right position. Finally satisfied the man put his hands on his hips and sauntered into the café. As soon as he opened the door his eyes locked onto Sungmin, who was staring awkwardly, and a cat like grin spread across his face and he beckoned to him before sitting down at a table.


Sungmin glanced around, wondering if the strange man was talking to someone else, but when he beckoned again Sungmin walked over to him and stood. “Ah, yes?” He asked, confused.


The man raised his eyebrow and nudged his head toward the seat. “Sit,” he said in a voice that showed he was used to being obeyed.


Trying to keep the confused look off his face, because a customer is a customer no matter how strange they seem to be, Sungmin sat down and placed his hands carefully in his lap. “Soo… Do you need something?”


The man sighed and rolled his eyes. “My names Kim Heechul,” he said and held out his hand, clearly annoyed that he had to start the conversation. “I’m sure you’ve heard of me.”


“Um… Not really. But my name is Sungmin,” Sungmin answered and shook his hand. He then sat back in his chair and stared awkwardly again at Heechul.


Heechul huffed and flipped his hair. “You’re not a very good date,” he said, looking at his nails in boredom.


“Date?” How had this turned into a date? Sungmin temporarily wondered if he should call the police. Maybe he was drunk and just didn’t act like one and instead went completely insane…


Heechul scowled. “Yeah, a date! We’re on a blind date right now, god, are you that dumb?”


Slightly insulted Sungmin stood up. “I’ll go get you something to eat.”


“Get me white chocolate, and if you don’t have any, make some.” Heechul said, then when Sungmin raised his eyebrows at him he just shooed him away. “Now!”


Resisting the urge to roll his eyes, even though he desperately wanted to, Sungmin walked behind the counter to the back room. He pulled out his phone and low and behold, there were ten new text messages.


To: Minnie =^^=


Your date is on his way now! He’s really pretty, I’m sure you’ll like him~ 

Oh, he’s a bit of a diva but you’ll love him anyway. ;D

You like pretty guys, right? :)

Min? :(

Why aren’t you answering?

Is this because of yesterday? =(

I said I was sorry! >W<


Okay, the silent treatment. Fine. Two can play at that game.

… Damn you. >:(


From: Zhou Mimi~


Sungmin silently cursed his teacher who had made him put his phone on silent. If he had been prepared for this surprise date maybe he would have acted better, though he was still wondering about Heechul’s sanity.


After turning the volume back on his phone Sungmin went to the front counter and took out some slices of white chocolate, thank god he had made some otherwise he probably would’ve ended up in a ditch or something, and walked over to Heechul.


He stopped short when he found Heechul staring at his reflection in a spoon, smiling and fixing his hair.


Okay, there was seriously something wrong with this man.


…If he really was a man. Sungmin was beginning to wonder if Zhou Mi had sent him just a handsome girl or something. Zhou Mi was crazy like that.


Heechul looked up and grinned when he saw the chocolate and hurriedly held his hands out for it. “Gimmie, now!” He said and Sungmin reluctantly handed him the chocolate before sitting down again.


Since Heechul was so distracted by the chocolate Sungmin had nothing to do. He wondered if he should ask some questions about him but predicted that he’d get yelled at for interrupting his white chocolate time, so he just sat there and stared.


Heechul looked up and didn’t seem surprised to see Sungmin’s eyes on him, even though Sungmin was staring blankly, not quite realizing what he was seeing, and instead thinking about dinner that night. Chicken would be good, and maybe some vegetables, even though Kyuhyun would complain.


“I know,” Heechul said when he caught Sungmin looking and the man looked up in surprise, shocked out of his thoughts. Heechul flipped his bangs and grinned at Sungmin. “I’m prettier than you. Be jealous.”


Sungmin just stared.



When Sungmin got home that night after his shift he walked into the room, unsurprised to see Kyuhyun playing his games, and fell onto the couch face first.


Kyuhyun turned off his game and turned around. “So how’d it go hyung?” He asked.


Sungmin just shook his head. He now knew there was something worse than being thrown into a pile of snow.

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Elrhumy #1
Chapter 14: Awwwwwww that just so sweet of kyu.. he turned sungmin nightmare 'date' to be such sweet memories..
"I promise I'll catch you." *v*
Elrhumy #2
Chapter 13: Maybe kibum.. its so awwarkd lol..
Elrhumy #3
Chapter 12: Yes, Come on one last chance Mimi..
Elrhumy #4
Chapter 11: Awww yewook just so cute.. And kyu reaction when sungmin say 'fall in love' just epic.. are you afraid Kyu? if yes then MAKE A MOVE..
Elrhumy #5
Chapter 10: Waw kyu's reaction *O*
Elrhumy #6
Chapter 9: Oh my God Hae ah.. Poor Minnie, he must be feel like a pedo lol..
Elrhumy #7
Chapter 8: Well at least Min know about eunhyuk's 'bomb' before its too late haha.. soybean paste *ewww hyukkie*
Elrhumy #8
Chapter 7: Well this fun.. but the christmas just in few days.. five unsuccesful date.. Minnie ah be ready to be dateless in christmas :D
Elrhumy #9
Chapter 6: Uh oh so a certain roomate really have big crush(or love) to Minnie... is it Kyu in denial or Ming who was too dense..
Elrhumy #10
Chapter 5: At least Yesung introducing ddangkoma in the first date lol *<*