On the eleventh date of Christmas my date said to me... "Hi, my name is Kibum." And that's it.

The 12 Dates of Christmas


A/N: I want to apologize to my readers who are reading this chapter. It is horrible. I am so sorry. I've had a bad day and writing is just... -sigh- Sorry again. Tomorrow's chapter will be a lot better.


On the eleventh date of Christmas my date said to me… “Hi, my name is Kibum.” And that’s it.


Sungmin was excited when he heard his next date would be at the movie theatre. Because Sungmin was so busy with babysitting Kyuhyun school he hadn’t gotten time to go watch a movie for months. And when he heard he was watching an action romance film that had just come out that’d he’d been dying to see, he was even more excited.


“You know Mi, I have a good feeling about this date,” Sungmin mused as they drove to the movie theatre.  “Sitting in a small couch, sharing popcorn and a soda, and a great movie, how could it go wrong?”


Zhou Mi grinned, nodding. “Don’t worry Min, if this guy doesn’t work out, then the next one will.” Sungmin turned skeptic. This was his eleventh date, and he still hadn’t found someone that he liked enough to date. If this date didn’t work he was sure he was destined to be single for the rest of his life.


“I hope you know that if I don’t find a boyfriend you will forever be labeled the worst match maker in the history of match makers, right?” Sungmin said, frowning and crossing his arms.


Zhou Mi just laughed. “I promised you, didn’t I?”


Sungmin shrugged, still skeptical, and listened to Zhou Mi insist that he was the best matchmaker in the whole world for the rest of the ride.


They got out of the car, almost slipping on the ice that covered the parking lot, before going into the huge movie theatre. There was one at the mall where Sungmin usually went, but he didn’t want a repeat of his last date with Ryeowook, so he suggested this one.


Sungmin and Zhou Mi had just walked inside when Zhou Mi let out a very unmanly shriek and waved frantically to someone.


“Who are you waving to,” Sungmin hissed, glancing around at the people who were giving them very strange looks. He wished his scarf was bigger so he could hide in it.


“It’s Henry and Kyuhyun!” Zhou Mi said, grinning as he waved the two over, and when they got closer, Sungmin could indeed tell it was them.


“What are you two doing here?” Sungmin said, raising his eyebrows.


“What he meant to say is, OMG HI!” Zhou Mi smiled and embraced his boyfriend and hugged him while side hugging Kyuhyun.


“Classes finished early and we decided to come catch a movie with you guys,” Henry said with a smile.


“Oh hell no are you watching me on my date,” Sungmin said frowning and glaring at the three.


Zhou Mi pouted. “Aww, come on Min, it’ll be fine. We’ll just sit in the back like angels and we won’t say a word.” He then elbowed Kyuhyun in the side. “Right, Kyu?”


Kyuhyun smirked that evil smile of his and nodded his head. “Don’t worry Min, I won’t say a word.”


Sungmin didn’t trust any of them.



After buying mounds of popcorn that could probably end world hunger and one soda, because Zhou Mi insisted that Sungmin and his d ate share it, Sungmin was on his way to movie theatre twelve where his date was. Ignoring the giggles from behind him he walked inside.


He could barely see anything in the dark lights so he just continued to follow Zhou Mi’s instructions and walked to the middle seats. There in seat twelve was a young man with short black hair and a very handsome face.


When Sungmin saw him the man almost seemed to be glowing. He smiled and Sungmin took that as an invitation to sit down.


“Hi, I’m Sungmin,” Sungmin whispered as he placed the popcorn and soda between them, holding out his hand.


“Hi, my name is Kibum,” Kibum replied with a dazzling smile.


Sungmin was about to say something else when the lights dimmed even more and the movie began. Kibum smiled at him again before settling in the chair and sitting back to watch the movie.


Wondering if he should start a conversation Sungmin asked him if he wanted any popcorn but the man just shook his head, continuing to stare at the moving. Taking that as a sign Sungmin sat back down to watch the movie also. Maybe it was better this way, Sungmin had wanted to see the movie anyway.


They spent the rest of the movie just sitting there watching, not even saying a word.



When the movie finally ended Sungmin sat up and stretched, his legs having fallen asleep since he had been sitting for a long time. “That was an amazing movie, wasn’t it?” He asked excitedly, turning to his date.


Kibum nodded.


“Well… Thanks for going on the date with me, I had fun.” Sungmin smiled and held out his hand again.


Kibum shook his hand and smiled his dazzling smile.


“So… Um… Bye.” Sungmin waved and Kibum waved back before leaving the movie theatre.


Sungmin had just walked out when someone jumped onto his back. He started flailing, almost falling over before a strong arm caught him and pulled him up again.


“Sorry about him,” Kyuhyun said as he helped Sungmin up, giving Zhou Mi a pointed look who was ignoring him and blabbing on, questioning Sungmin on how the date went.


Sungmin paused, asking himself the same question.


“I… Don’t know.” He answered truthfully.


Zhou Mi pouted. “You two looked like you didn’t even talk!”


Sungmin considered that and then realized they really hadn’t. “We didn’t. At all.”


“Well, do you like him?” Kyuhyun pried, frowning.


Sungmin laughed. “I don’t even know his last name. He was nice and all, but we didn’t connect, at all.” He sighed. “I’m never going to find a boyfriend before Christmas.”


Zhou Mi pouted and hugged his friend, towering over Sungmin. “Don’t worry Min, I promised you I would find you a boyfriend before Christmas and I will! Just trust me!”


One day left. Sungmin was worried, very worried.

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Elrhumy #1
Chapter 14: Awwwwwww that just so sweet of kyu.. he turned sungmin nightmare 'date' to be such sweet memories..
"I promise I'll catch you." *v*
Elrhumy #2
Chapter 13: Maybe kibum.. its so awwarkd lol..
Elrhumy #3
Chapter 12: Yes, Come on one last chance Mimi..
Elrhumy #4
Chapter 11: Awww yewook just so cute.. And kyu reaction when sungmin say 'fall in love' just epic.. are you afraid Kyu? if yes then MAKE A MOVE..
Elrhumy #5
Chapter 10: Waw kyu's reaction *O*
Elrhumy #6
Chapter 9: Oh my God Hae ah.. Poor Minnie, he must be feel like a pedo lol..
Elrhumy #7
Chapter 8: Well at least Min know about eunhyuk's 'bomb' before its too late haha.. soybean paste *ewww hyukkie*
Elrhumy #8
Chapter 7: Well this fun.. but the christmas just in few days.. five unsuccesful date.. Minnie ah be ready to be dateless in christmas :D
Elrhumy #9
Chapter 6: Uh oh so a certain roomate really have big crush(or love) to Minnie... is it Kyu in denial or Ming who was too dense..
Elrhumy #10
Chapter 5: At least Yesung introducing ddangkoma in the first date lol *<*