Entry #1

Empires of Steel

I have lost count on days that I was sitting on this floating metal box. My aging body has been getting to me. Bishop Miroslaw has reccomended that I keep my brain stimulated by writing a Journal of everything that is happening to us.


Wait, damnit, I forgot I need to Introduce myself....


I am Baron Heinrich Solaq, captain of the Deathsworn Knights. I was hired by Magister Jiraduveja of Vanoran to guard his expeditionary ships for Earth. He wanted to establish a trade route with them and he has risked one million Ducats as investments. Me and my men are considered 'the Elite Guard' since we carry around Paladin Armor. A nigh indestructable armor paired with unparalleled weapons to match. Only 100 of 1500 of us wear it and I command that one hundred.

(Deathsworn Knights in Paladin Armor)

(Credits to the artist and edited with Photofunia)

I have left my the fortress in my homeland of Sclavenia in Gimael and already I miss the green forests and quiet whistling of the birds back home.



Damnit, Im not used to this Journal thing, let me introduce you to some of my closest friends, brothers in arms and colleauges:


My second in Command: Sargeant Carrick of Ghoghthal.



Culturally speaking, A Ghogth befriending a Gimaelic is almost an oxymoron. Our nations have always been at odds over ideologies, grudges, racism and things I simply can't understand. My king Gewis has always said that I should never trust a Ghogth but Sargeant Carrick has been working with me and my forefathers for millenias. And no, I am not joking, really a Millenia.


You see Carrick is a Broken Lord. A Dust fueled, sentient Being that is basically a ghost strapped in armor. He is my right hand man and my heavy gunner since he carries a large gun that can fire bullets the size of my fist.


Next one is the Mad Doctor of the expedition, Bishop Miroslaw of the Red Church. He is a rather crazy individual who is both a briliant doctor and an insane butcher. He can pretty much cure anything with his Red Dust magic mastery and has a tendency to collect the body parts of dead people so he can preserve them for later use. If you are his patient and you wake up with all of your organs in check, he actually was trying to help you get cured.


Our chaplain and the man who keeps our group together, Bishop Rowan Dain the White Bishop. He is a fugitive back in Auriga for reasons even me and Carrick don't know but his inspiring speeches and power over White Dust was to good of an opportunity to have him on board. He can do many psychic abilities and other very useful spells that I could take an entire page to  write them all down.


Last are my fellow bretheren the Deathsworn Knights that I command. Most of them are young and have not yet been to an actual battle yet. But they have underwent rigorous training and they have proven to be true Deathsworn Knights. They are also new just like me to using Paladin Armor, but I trust they can adapt to their new weapons and armor.



We have finally arrived on Earth and we are slowly descending to a country called 'Japan'. When Gewis first raided Earth he set his sights on Japan. I recall he said that the fields were fertile and they grow a strange kind of grain called Rice as far as the eye can see. Jira says that if we can get a steady supply of Rice, we can make a huge profit back home.

Rowan Dain will accompany me as I would make the first touchdown alongside a regiment of Vanoran Praeventores or Elite Scout Rangers. He felt uneasy but I thought he was being nervous of meeting new people. Life on the run for him must have made him anti-social perhaps.

We landed in a place called 'Yokohama' that is not to far from Tokyo. It was the first of Earth Cities to be sacked by the Gimaelics a year or more ago. About 200 of us, 30 of whom are my knights landed with Guns at the ready but we were told to only shoot in self-defence. Bishop Rowan would spearfront the opening negotiations with the Earthlings yet my men have felt like they just entered through the gates of hell. I told them to steal themselves and its just a rookie's nervousness and they calmed down for now. It was sunny and a breeze of wind blew my cape as we observed our surroundings.

The trees were colored whitish-pink and the leaves fell down carpeting the quiet green ground with faux snow. I remember that Sakura Miywaki, the girl I was told by my future king Rainoric to deliver letters to several people all over Japan to said that the trees were called 'Cherry Blossoms' and she is named after them.

Before my men could stop and observe the flowers and their surroundings, a convoy of mechanized vehicles came to greet us. A man about half of my height came infront and spoke:

"Annyeonghasseo, Konichiwa, Hello.....visitors. Do you by any chance come in peace?" the man bowed down to greet us.

"Indeed we do stranger. We represent a rich trader and he wishes to trade with you." Rowan spoke diplomatically.

"Well, I will have to take you to the governor for that. Follow me and my men, we will take you to him."the short man said.

We followed the man on foot observing the town and city we are coming through. I have walked close to one of the vehicles that the man had his men comandeered and observed its regalia. To my surprise the flag was had blue stripes on the vertical edges and it centered a red star on a white circle  on the left side of the flag while that circle was surrounded by a large red bar that centered the entire flag.


I found it strange that this flag was what their vehicles dress themselves with.








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Chapter 4: Aw~ don't cry, Yuihan~ ;_;
I hope everyone at the theatre will be okay. >_<