Baekhyun Vs The Satan Spawn

Of True Love And Inappropriate Texting
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"So…my sister is coming to visit."


"Okay, cool…" Baekhyun mumbled, not really listening. To be fair to him, he was currently being distracted by his fiancée straddling him in nothing but her robe and her new black lace lingerie. It was becoming his favourite very quickly. He nuzzled her neck softly, trying to draw her attention back to the situation at hand.


"And she's bringing Jinri…"


Baekhyun paused,"What?"


Eunsoo smiled apologetically as he lifted his head to grimace at her,"Sorry, jagiya. My parents are on holiday, so she has to bring her."


"Can't she just put her in a kennel or something…" Baekhyun muttered, yelping when his fiancée smacked his arm."Ow!"


"That's my niece you're talking about, Baekhyun!" Eunsoo snapped, glaring at him. Baekhyun rolled his eyes, falling backwards against the headboard with a groan.


"Sorry," he said, though it was clear that he wasn't the least bit apologetic."I guess it'll be fine. I'll just hide in the Exo dorms until it's-she's gone."


"No, you will not," Eunsoo shook her head firmly, folding her arms."You will be here and you will be nice and it will be fine."


"I'll be nice if she's nice," Baekhyun mumbled, glaring at the ceiling. Eunsoo clicked her tongue disapprovingly, rolling her eyes at his immaturity. You see, Baekhyun got on well with her family; he was adored by her parents and grandparents, got on well with her older sister and was counted as an honorary Kim man by her two brothers. However, there was one person that hated his guts completely, and that was her niece, Jinri. She wasn't entirely sure when their rivalry had started, only that last time the 10 year old and the idol had crossed paths Baekhyun had ended up with crude glasses and a moustache drawn on his face in permanent marker and Jinri had been exiled to her room for the rest of the visit. It was weird, because kids generally liked him; in fact, Eunsoo's other nieces and her nephew loved Baekhyun to bits, and were always excited to see him, but her eldest niece didn't seem to share this feeling for some strange reason. Still, Eunsoo couldn't see why Baekhyun refused to be the bigger person. After all, he was the adult and Jinri was just a kid, albeit an extremely badly behaved kid at times.


Baekhyun, on the other hand, wasn't about to let a snotty nosed little brat get the better of him. He had his pride, after all. Plus, she always started it! He'd tried to be the mature adult every single time, but that little devil seemed determined to get a rise out of him whenever they crossed paths. Sometimes, he was tempted to lock Jinri and Kyungsoo in a room together just to see who would manage to out-Satan the other.


"Look, I'll talk to my sister beforehand," Eunsoo promised, lifting his head up so she could kiss his lips and jaw gently, hoping that it might soften him up."I'll tell her to make it clear to Jinri she has to behave. Would that make it better?"


"I…guess," Baekhyun said, though wasn't entirely convinced. If the Satan spawn was planning on messing with him, a few stern words weren't going to stop her. He sighed, pouting up at her."Can we just have now? It'll make me feel better."


Eunsoo snorted, flicking his forehead,"And you accuse me of not being romantic."


"Sorry," he smiled sweetly, kissing her exposed shoulder."Jagiya, I love you so much…so, ?"


"Pabo," Eunsoo muttered, but pulled him into a passionate kiss anyway whilst he smirked winningly against her lips.

"Oh my God, I've missed you so much!" Hara, Eunsoo's older sister by 9 years shrieked excitedly, wrapping her arms tightly around her baby sister. Eunsoo laughed awkwardly, patting her on the back. Out of the two sisters, Hara had always been the more emotional, sociable one, whilst Eunsoo was more introverted.


"Unnie, it's good to see you too," she grimaced a little."Um…can't breathe…too tight..."


"Ah, don't exaggerate," Hara tutted, but let her go anyway. Her eyes alighted on Eunsoo's fiancée in the background and she nodded at him with a friendly smile."Baekhyun. How are you?"


"I'm fine, what about you?" Baekhyun smiled back, but his smile disappeared as he caught sight of a small figure stepping out from behind her mother. Jinri was an adorable child, there was no disputing that fact; her hair was cut into a cute, shiny bob, her eyes were wide and framed with thick lashes and she had a tiny bit of baby fat still left on her face that made it round and sweet, but he wasn't fooled. She was the devil.


Baekhyun's eyes narrowed, as did hers; the enemy was in sight.


"Oh, the same as always," Hara laughed. She noticed Jinri and tapped her back lightly."Say hello, Jin."


"Hi, Soo Unnie," Jinri smirked up at Baekhyun."And Bacon."


"It's Baekhyun," he corrected, through gritted teeth. The singer forced a smile, noticing Eunsoo give him a 'play nice' look."Wow, Jinri. You got taller."


"I did," Jinri looked him up and down, raising an eyebrow."You didn't."


Oh, this brat…Baekhyun breathed in deeply through his nose, still keeping his pained smile in place. He looked to Eunsoo for help and she sighed, nodding minutely. She fixed a genuine smile on her face, kneeling down to Jinri's level.


"Why don't you go sit down whilst I get some drinks for everyone?" His fiancée suggested. Baekhyun could never understand how Eunsoo could be so sweet and lovely towards the Satan Spawn. Then again, Jinri actually liked her Aunt and had never said anything bratty towards her."What do you want?"


"Orange juice, please," Jinri smiled sweetly, all polite and perfect. Baekhyun nearly snorted out loud at the obvious fakeness of it all. She was evil incarnate.


"Sure thing," Eunsoo straightened up, ruffling her hair.


"I'll help you!" Hara said brightly following her sister into the kitchen…and leaving Baekhyun alone with his number one enemy. Baekhyun shifted awkwardly, the child's sly gaze making him distinctly uncomfortable.


"L-Let's sit down like Eunsoo said," he said, averting his eyes.


"Okay," Jinri agreed, smirking up at him as she passed."Bacon."


"You little-" Baekhyun coughed, stopping himself before he got himself into trouble. Or, more accurately, before he gave Jinri an excuse to tattle on him to Eunsoo."-Cutie pie. Is that a new dress? It's adorable."


"No, it's old," Jinri sat on the sofa, swinging her legs as she stared at him thoughtfully, like she was planning her next verbal attack. She frowned, pointing at his head."Why is your hair a girly colour?"


"It's not girly!" Baekhyun's hand jumped self-consciously into his silver hair."It's…trendy."


"No, it's girly. Really girly."


Baekhyun's cheeks reddened, "Yeah…well…so's your face!"


"That's because I'm a girl," Jinri scoffed, raising a patronizing eyebrow at him."What's your excuse?"


"What?" Baekhyun's eyes narrowed and he placed his hands on his hips, looking like a strict ahjumma for a second."Listen here, missy. I'm your elder, and you should learn to respect-"


"Why are your hips so feminine?"


"They are not!" Baekhyun squawked irately. He closed his eyes, counting to ten whilst the devil child blinked innocently at him. He had to stay calm and be the bigger person…she was just a child…if he killed her they would know it was him…


Eunsoo's head popped around the door. She glanced between the two of them, noticing how Jinri was looking sweet and innocent whilst Baekhyun looked like he was ready to go on a killing spree. Rolling her eyes, she broke the tense silence,"Jagiya, do you want anything to drink?"


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Chapter 32: they are so cute >.<
Chapter 18: Oh my god I love this chapter!!! This is sooooo cute!! >.<
Chapter 36: Woaah.. I really wish someday you would continue this amazing fics authornim!
Chapter 24: ? this is cracking me up so much and it’s currently midnight XD
Chapter 19: Aww baek u don’t need to feel insecure ?. I love how OC can make him feeling better again
Chapter 18: woah am i fan of Harry Potter and i must say this chapter is amazing ?
Chapter 17: Im so glad that I came accross this fic! The banters between oc and baek are so cute! And I literally cried with the angst in this chapter. Depression isn’t rational and I really love the fluff after the angst. Every thing feels so realistic, daebak!
TaeJi101 #8
i miss this fanfic :(
Chapter 32: Hahahahahahaha. So funny and cute hahahahaha.
Chapter 30: Everything is just downright funny and entertaining because I rarely read fanfics that are funny but not dragging. This is definitely a go. I also love how naturally everything seems. So love your work <333