How To Hunt An Idol (feat arosequartz)

Of True Love And Inappropriate Texting
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It's collab time, guys!

Introducing my collaboration partner and the person who thought up the idea for this chapter:


Enjoy, guys

Previously on 'Of True Love and Inappropriate Texting'...

"Y-You are such a dork," Eunsoo giggled, ruffling his hair affectionately. 

"Huh," Baekhyun sniffed, pinching her hip."That's not very nice, considering that I just made you  twice. Not once, but two times."

"Yes, I remember," Eunsoo rolled her eyes, watching as his ego practically doubled in size as the seconds passed.

"Here, count with me jagi," Baekhyun held up a hand in front of her, putting his fingers up one by one."Look, two."

Eunsoo sighed,"Baekhyun, I get it. Well done."


Kim Eunsoo was on a mission. One of the most important missions of her life. The one that she was most determined to complete, no matter what happened. What was this mission you ask? Well, it was quite simple. 

To find and murder her fiancee with her bare hands.

Eunsoo rounded the corner of a corridor for the hundredth time (or it felt like that), scowling at nearly everything that moved. Her fists were clenched angrily, and her mood wasn't exactly being helped by the fact that she was bloody lost, again, in SM. Honestly, it was rabbit warren of identical looking floors! She swore her publisher's building wasn't like this. There weren't even any guides on the walls, for God's sake! It was frustrating her even more than her fiancee had.

Just thinking about him made her growl under her breath. Oh, she was definitely going to kill him this time. Beforehand it had always been a kind of joke, but now she was serious. Baekhyun was going to die, no matter how skillfully he hid from her. Or got Exo members to help him spy on her and find out where to hide next, as she was sure he was doing.

Speaking of Exo members, she spotted Suho not so subtly staring at her over the top of his phone. When they made eye contact he cleared his throat, quickly averting his eyes back on his phone screen. Eunsoo's eyes narrowed as she spotted him typing a text, before he whistled innocently and backed into the nearest practice room, all whilst avoiding her eye. Now she was certain Baekhyun was using Exo members to note her position. It was irritatingly ingenious, actually, but she wasn't about to admit that out loud. Not after what he did.

Perhaps some context is needed.

With hindsight, Baekhyun was just extremely unlucky that she'd decided to surprise him at the building that exact day. He'd been tired and a bit down lately due to some tough choreography that he couldn't quite get his head around, and Eunsoo had decided to come and cheer him up with some cookies. She knew he loved it when she came down to SM, so she slipped on a facemask as a precaution (there was always the slight risk somebody might recognise her from her picture in her manhwa novels) and made her way down there with the cookies tucked into her bag. She knew which practice room they usually used by now, and so was heading towards the room when suddenly a familiar voice stopped her. SM usually had a radio station running various songs in the background, as well as regular announcements running through tannoys around the building. However, instead of a the regular announcer, Baekhyun's voice was coming through the speaker. From the way others around her also froze and frowned, Eunsoo could tell this wasn't a planned switch. 

"Is it working? You sure? Alright, alright," Baekhyun immediately took on a solemn tone."Dear denizens of SM building, please forgive me for this interruption on this fine day, but I, Byun Baekhyun of Exo, have a deeply important announcement. Normally, I wouldn't do this sort of thing, but as it is one of my greatest achievements to date I feel like I should share it with you all."

Eunsoo frowned; what was he on about? She swore her fiancee got weirder and weirder with each passing day.

"You see, fans usually see me as a cute puppy, and although that's mostly my...okay, so it's all my fault that they see me like that, sometimes I find it a little irritating because I feel like I'm of a wild beast than an innocent puppy," at this point Eunsoo started giggling at his ridiculous choice of words. 'Wild beast'? Baekhyun? She didn't think so; cute puppy was definitely more accurate. Like he had heard her sniggers, her fiancee continued,"You may laugh, denizens, but it's true. You want proof?"

Baekhyun cleared his throat, his voice loud and proud,"SHE CAME TWICE!"

Eunsoo giggles vanished in a heartbeat. Her eyes widened, and for a moment she just stood there, still in shock. Her heart was beating and she quickly looked around to see if anyone noticed her standing there. Luckily, she was alone. What the , Byun Baekhyun! Had he really just done that? Honestly? Wasn't this just a surreal dream? She pinched herself, hard.

Nope, it was real.

"That is all," Baekhyun said, and presumably left the announcers room. The normal announcer then took over, though his voice was a little shaken; whether it was from shock or amusement Eunsoo wasn't sure. She knew she certainly wasn't amused. As a matter of fact, she could feel the initial shock slowly wearing off, replaced by pure, unadulterated wrath. Clenching her fists, blood level rising, Eunsoo pulled her phone out, dialing the familiar number whilst she took deep, angry breaths through her nose. 

"Hey jagi!" Baekhyun greeted, voice breezy and carefree. It made her want to punch him even more, mutiple times. "You know, I was just talking about you..."

"Oh," Eunsoo said, voice dangerously sweet."Were you now? And what did you say, exactly?"

"All good things, all good things," Baekhyun chuckled. She was sure she heard the familiar deep laughter of Chanyeol in the background and promptly added him to her kill list."What are you doing right now?"

"Right now?" Eunsoo said, keeping her voice carefully innocent."Well, it's funny. You see, this morning I remembered that you were feeling a bit off lately so I wanted to surprise you."

"Surprise me?" Baekhyun asked, his tone decidedly suggestive. Eunsoo nearly snorted; oh, he wasn't going to be getting any 'surprises' for a while, that was for sure."And how will you do that?"

"Well," Eunsoo lowered her voice, making it deliberately breathy and seductive."I dressed in your favourite dress."


"Put on that y perfume you love so much..."


"Baked your favourite cookies..."

"Ohh, I like the sound of this..."

"Got in the car..."

"Mm-wait, what?" Baekhyun stumbled over his words, and she could imagine him blinking dumbly in confusion.

Eunsoo's changed her voice now, so it was fully showing her anger,"And then travelled to the SM building to surprise you, only to get a surprise myself."


"Tell me, Baekhyun, when did you become SM's new announcer?"

"Oh ..."

"Oh indeed," she snapped, clutching the phone so tightly now that she was sure she must be in danger of crushing it. Eunsoo lowered her voice again, although this time it was threatening rather than seductive as she spoke again."If I were you, I would say goodbye to the rest of Exo because when I find you I'm going to skin you alive."

"N-Now, jagiya," Baekhyun laughed nervously down the phone."Let's not overreact here..."

"I'm not kidding, Baekhyun," Eunsoo hissed."I will find you, and I will kill you."

And with that, she ended the call and stormed down the corridor, beginning her hunt.

This brings us to the present, where Eunsoo had been searching for Baekhyun for approximately an hour. Clenching her fists tightly, her gaze zeroed in on the room Exo's leader had not so subtly ducked into and she stormed towards it, wrenching the door open. Suho was on the phone, his back to the door. He kept on talking into the mouthpiece, obviously unaware of her presence.

"You're going to have to see her at some point, Baekhyun," he sighed."You live together after all..."

Eunsoo heard her fiancee objecting loudly on the other end and Suho shook his head,"Oh, I'm sure she wouldn't castrate you...or skin you...Baekhyun, stop exaggerating. Eunsoo won't hurt you, she loves you too much.

She clearly heard Baekhyun snorting in disbelief and muttering something defiantly. Whatever it was he said, it made Suho laugh,"She once what now? Beat you with a what? A pillow? That'"

More unintelligible muttering from Baekhyun,"Ah yes. I'm sure it was agony."

Angrier muttering,"No, no. I believe you. Now, are you going to come and face your fiancee or are you going to continue hiding in the dorms? I only ask because we're getting take out tonight and if you're staying I'll have to order extra-"

He yelped when Eunsoo grabbed his shoulder, turning him around. H

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Chapter 32: they are so cute >.<
Chapter 18: Oh my god I love this chapter!!! This is sooooo cute!! >.<
Chapter 36: Woaah.. I really wish someday you would continue this amazing fics authornim!
Chapter 24: ? this is cracking me up so much and it’s currently midnight XD
Chapter 19: Aww baek u don’t need to feel insecure ?. I love how OC can make him feeling better again
Chapter 18: woah am i fan of Harry Potter and i must say this chapter is amazing ?
Chapter 17: Im so glad that I came accross this fic! The banters between oc and baek are so cute! And I literally cried with the angst in this chapter. Depression isn’t rational and I really love the fluff after the angst. Every thing feels so realistic, daebak!
TaeJi101 #8
i miss this fanfic :(
Chapter 32: Hahahahahahaha. So funny and cute hahahahaha.
Chapter 30: Everything is just downright funny and entertaining because I rarely read fanfics that are funny but not dragging. This is definitely a go. I also love how naturally everything seems. So love your work <333