When Puppy Is Sick

Of True Love And Inappropriate Texting
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"No! Baekhyun, stop being an idiot!"


"Just let me kiss you!"


"No! I might be contagious, you'll get sick!"


"I won't! I have superpowers, remember?"


"How would being able to short circuit lightbulbs prevent you from getting the flu, exactly?"


"I do not just short circuit light bulbs!"


"You don't short circuit them period! You're not actually an alien from Exoplanet, remember? Or have you finally lost it?"


"No, I think you're the one who's lost it," Baekhyun grabbed her hands, trying to force them away from . Eunsoo shook her head firmly, glaring at him with bleary, tired eyes. Baekhyun pouted, pleading with her now."Please jagiya, I just want to make you feel better."


"No," Eunsoo muffled, though there was less conviction in her voice now."You can't get sick, Baek."


Baekhyun chuckled, ruffling her hair,"I appreciate your concern, jagi."


"Well, yeah…" Eunsoo mumbled, shooting him a slightly guilty look."I am concerned for you and all, honestly, but…"


"But what?"


"Well…it's just that…when you're ill, Baekkie, you're kind of a…well, a nightmare," Eunsoo managed to get out, her cheeks pinking underneath her hand. Baekhyun folded his arms, concerned expression turning into a frown.


"Oh, I see how it is," Baekhyun sniffed, turning away from her. Eunsoo brought her hand away from , biting her lip guiltily as she reached for him.


"I'm sorry, jagi…"


"No, no, it's fine," Baekhyun shrugged her hand off his shoulder, lifting his nose indignantly into the air."I get it. So, when you're sick it's perfectly fine for me to want to give you kisses and take care of you, but when I'm sick I'm awful and gross and you should avoid me. No, that's fine."


"I never said gross!" Eunsoo defended."It's just that you turn into a needy, whiny kid and it gets a little bit tiring…"




"But I would still take care of you!" Eunsoo promised, crawling forward on the mattress so she could grab his head and make his pouting face look at her. She smiled shakily, her head spinning a little just from having to move a couple of feet. It really was a nasty little cold she'd picked up."Of course I would take care of you."


"Promise?" Baekhyun's eyes narrowed. Eunsoo nodded, and his irritation vanished. He grinned and reached forward to squash her cheeks together."Great. Now let me kiss you."


"Baekhyun, I said no-MMPH!" Eunsoo tried to protest, but he'd already done the deed, smirking triumphantly as he sat back again. She glared, pointing a severe finger at his face."I swear if you get sick I'm going to say I told you so about a thousand times."


"Oh, it was just a kiss," Baekhyun hopped off the bed, shrugging nonchalantly."I'm not going to get sick from a kiss."

"H-Hey, jagiya…" Baekhyun sniffed down the phone, his voice thick and almost indecipherable.


Eunsoo groaned, slapping a palm onto her forehead,"For God's sake Baekhyun, I told you so!"


"I'm not sick," he sneezed loudly, sniffing again.


"No-o-o, you sound perfectly healthy," Eunsoo scoffed sarcastically. She sighed, running a hand through her hair. Her cold had improved a lot over the past week, and now she was only sneezing and coughing occasionally. Baekhyun, however, had been steadily showing more and more symptoms but trying to hide them. At least, until now. He appeared to have taken a turn for the worst at the SM building and was currently coughing his lungs up down the phone at her."Baekhyun, you moron…"


"I'm n-not s-s-sick!" He managed to choke out. He sneezed again immediately afterwards, groaning loudly."Okay, fine, I might be a tiny bit…"


"Where are you right now?" Eunsoo demanded, wanting very much to reach down the phone and smack his stupid head despite the fact that he was clearly suffering. Considering it was his own fault, part of her was finding it hard to sympathize.


"I've been exiled into a random practice room so I don't infect anyone," Baekhyun grumbled, before descending into another violent coughing fit that sounded even worse than the first one. Eunsoo bit her lip, feeling a tiny bit more sympathetic as she listened to her fiancée gasping for air.


"Oh Baekkie, I'm sorry," she sighed, running a hand through her hair."Can't you come home? I mean, if they're not letting you do anything right now…"


"I'm waiting for permission from our manager right now," Baekhyun croaked."Though I d

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Chapter 32: they are so cute >.<
Chapter 18: Oh my god I love this chapter!!! This is sooooo cute!! >.<
Chapter 36: Woaah.. I really wish someday you would continue this amazing fics authornim!
Chapter 24: ? this is cracking me up so much and it’s currently midnight XD
Chapter 19: Aww baek u don’t need to feel insecure ?. I love how OC can make him feeling better again
Chapter 18: woah am i fan of Harry Potter and i must say this chapter is amazing ?
Chapter 17: Im so glad that I came accross this fic! The banters between oc and baek are so cute! And I literally cried with the angst in this chapter. Depression isn’t rational and I really love the fluff after the angst. Every thing feels so realistic, daebak!
TaeJi101 #8
i miss this fanfic :(
Chapter 32: Hahahahahahaha. So funny and cute hahahahaha.
Chapter 30: Everything is just downright funny and entertaining because I rarely read fanfics that are funny but not dragging. This is definitely a go. I also love how naturally everything seems. So love your work <333