
Do you believe in Destiny?
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Chapter Five:






Tiffany’s heart came crushing down to the ground, she felt her heart was being squeezed tightly inside her chest, and it suddenly feels so damn hard to breathe for no apparent reason at all and she don’t even understand herself for feeling like this. She never even felt this much when Jasper broke things up with her, she’s not shedding tears but it was as if it was her heart that was crying right now.


With just that simple statement from Taeyeon, her emotions are all in a different new level.


How can someone she just met for the first time made her feel all of this? Why is that Taeyeon can effortlessly read her like an open book? Why does she feel at ease with her as simple as just standing in the same room with her?


‘What is happening to me?’


“Hey? Are you okay? I’m sorry did I make truly feel uncomfortable now? Sorry for my mindless ramblings,”


Tiffany stirred on her deep thoughts when she heard Taeyeon’s soft voice accompanied by that gentle smile of hers.


“No, It’s just that, I thought… that you and Yelena were already living together…”


“Oh no! We’re not… Yeonseo’s parents were still a bit strict about that matter… So yeah, we’re not living in together.”


“I’m sorry, I assumed wrong again…”


“That’s okay, I thought you I weirded you out or something because I sometimes say stupid things out of the blue. So where should I put your suitcases?”


“Uhm, its okay I can take care of them, myself my room is just on the left hallway, it’s not that distant from here.”


“It’s okay, okay? Let me take these over there.”


Tiffany just let Taeyeon to do what she want and just watch her go to the direction of her old room on her own, she just settled her snapback and hand bag on the couch as take a look around their old apartment.


“It looks like we don’t have to clean anything in here.”


Tiffany turns around when she heard Taeyeon’s voice, the other girl was already back and was now standing a few feet away from her with that smile of hers again.


“Yeah, I guess Daddy called our care taker and asked to clean the apartment before I arrived.”


“I think I my work here is done, I should take my leave now.”


Taeyeon stood there, looking straight at her and Tiffany doesn’t know what she can say to the other girl.


“Wait! I-I pro—mised Yelena to treat you something nice after making you help me move.”


‘That smile again,’


“That’s okay, I didn’t do much for you either.”


“But I promised! I never back out on my promises!”


“But it’s really fine,”


“But Yelena will be disappointed with me!”


“Then I’ll tell her you asked me but I politely declined.”


“Then the more she’ll be disappointed!”


“Why are you so stubborn?”


“Why are you also so stubborn?”


Their short bantering was momentarily paused when she saw Taeyeon slowly breaks into a wide grin before finally bursting out in a very uncharacteristically laughter that doesn’t seem to fit her calm demeanor. And upon hearing that lively laughter of Taeyeon, Tiffany couldn’t help but to laugh along with her.


“A simple thank you would have sufficed, you know?”


“I plan to say that, you know?”




“But after I treat you for dinner,”


“But it’s only four in the afternoon, it’s still early for dinner.”


“How about, you teach me how to move around from here to places without getting myself lost?”


Tiffany carefully suggested since she really no longer familiar with the place, she’s not even familiar with the whole environment she’s right now, that’s why she’s feeling a bit afraid but her excitement is way too high to make her back out from her initial plan.


“Hmm, good idea, that way I won’t feel bad for not doing anything to help you.”


And with that, they are both back to their normal way of talking and interacting to each other. They were distant but mindful, polite but casual and most of all, they both feel unusually comfortable being around each other.


“So? What should we do?”


“I’ll take you to this nice park near the apartment.”


“Why park?”


“You seem to be the type to like quiet places, although you’re not really that quiet…”


“Hey! Did you just?! I’m not loud!”


‘But how does she seem to know? Am I that really easy to figure out?’


She heard Taeyeon chuckled and Tiffany hurriedly covered with both of her hands.


“Fine you’re not, Miss Quiet-type.”


Tiffany let out a soft snort not noticing how her every action was actually being eyed by the still smiling Taeyeon.


“The park is nice and there’s a small market around the corner, it will be handy for you for the days to come. Let’s go.”


Tiffany took her wallet and cellphone from her handbag as she and Taeyeon made their way out of her unit together.


As they both silently made their way, Tiffany still can’t help herself from thinking on how she and Taeyeon could easily interact to each other like this and how come the other girl could really, truly, and easily figure her out like this.








They were currently silently sitting on the swings besides each other with popsicles occupying both of their hands. Tiffany was having her favorite watermelon flavored popsicles, the next best thing when strawberry flavored ones are already gone while Taeyeon was looking content having her chocolate flavored popsicles.


“Hey, let swap our twin popsies.”


Tiffany would have let out a loud laughter when she saw the horrified look upon Taeyeon’s face the moment she had asked the other girl her simple suggestion. It’s not like she asking her to switch their bank accounts.


“No! Why are you harassing my popsies? Just eat yours!”


“But sharing is nice! And we can get to taste two flavors at the same time!”


“No! MY twin popsies are mine!”


“Oh don’t be childish Taeyeon! Come on have a taste of my popsies! Let’s swap! You might like this flavor too!”


“No! If you don’t like yours then you shouldn’t have picked that flavor out of all the flavors out there!”


“Hey! Watermelon popsies are nice!”


“They taste like crayons!”


“They’re not! It’s sweet and refreshing! How can you compare it to a crayons have you tasted them before?”


When Taeyeon didn’t have a comeback retort to her question, Tiffany finally let out the laughter she’s been trying to hold in.


“Hahaha Oh my god! You ate a crayon?”


“Yah, I’m a kid back then wh

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czankx #1
Chapter 28: The story is good, there's just this nagging feeling about how Tiffany didn't even try to follow Yelena after passing out on her wedding i thought she's the best friend but just stayed at home with Jasper, and Tiffany letting Taeyeon to come back to her again selfishly, why don't she do it herself when shes the one who run away, uggh.. But well can't help it as long as its still a TaeNy ending
maemae08 #2
Chapter 28: MOREEEEEE
Chapter 28: Its pretty good story
Chapter 28: I'm loving ur stories now <3
Chapter 20: Ohhh no what will happen now ?
Jaehyun_jj #6
Chapter 28: finally they are together
Jaehyun_jj #7
Chapter 24: Happy ending taeny
Jaehyun_jj #8
Chapter 22: makes me cry
Jaehyun_jj #9
Chapter 7: Taetae