The Talk

Do you believe in Destiny?
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Chapter Nineteen:

The Talk




“Miyoung!” Tiffany is getting nervous again now that Taeyeon is really standing in front of her and the fact that she called her by her Korean name only adds up to the raging beating of her heart.


Taeyeon looked so serious despite the calm aura radiating from her whole appearance and Tiffany’s was thinking so hard what could be possibly running in Taeyeon pretty head.


“H-hi Tae… Taeyeon!” Tiffany immediately takes back the name she was supposed to say again, she doesn’t want to add up more confusion or any mixed signal to Taeyeon for calling her out again with that nick name.


“H-have you been standing there for long? Ge-get in… Yelena is in the kitchen…” Tiffany was absolutely a stuttering mess right now, with a silent sigh, she widen up the front door for Taeyeon to get in. She was about to turn around to walk ahead of Taeyeon when the woman held her by her wrist and stopped her from walking away again from her.


“Mi…Miyoung…” Tiffany tried her hardest not to turn around when she heard Taeyeon’s soft and mellow voice calling out her name from behind. Instead, she forcefully pulled her wrist from Taeyeon’s hold before she forced herself to slightly turn around to face Taeyeon, whom the sad and hurt expression on her face didn’t go un-noticed by Tiffany who immediately regretted her action.




“Miyoung… I want to fulfill my promise to you… I mean… I will fulfill my promise to you...”


Tiffany felt how her blood quickly left her body the moment Taeyeon said all of those words. She suddenly felt so cold but at the same time she can’t deny that small flickering fire of hope in her heart as her mind process the weight or those words could ever meant, if it would ever happen and if she would allow it, in which she’s not sure of.


“You—you’re just kidding, right? You’re not really serious about that?” Tiffany unknowingly took a step back away from Taeyeon when she saw that the woman is truly serious about everything.




“I’m serious, Tiffany.”


Taeyeon looked at her intensely as if the woman was trying to get past her soul and wanted to read what she’s been hiding all along for her, and it really made Tiffany so damn nervous. Tiffany knows that she can’t allow it, not now that Yelena had just told her about her plans. And even if Yelena didn’t told her about it, Tiffany knows she can never betray her bestfriend like this.


While Tiffany was battling with her own mind and heart in which were absolutely teaming up against her, she didn’t notice that Taeyeon was slowly approaching her.


“Tiffany… look at me…”


Tiffany flinched at the sensation of Taeyeon’s palm against her cheek when the woman gently cupped her face. Her eyes got it focus back and instantly found its way straight into Taeyeon eyes. And that’s when Tiffany felt torn more than ever, because she can’t deny it no matter how much she tries to lie to herself. The way Taeyeon’s eyes scream her love for Tiffany is clearly written all over there.


“Taeyeon… please…”


A teardrop unknowingly rolled off from Tiffany’s eyes without her consent, seeing Taeyeon looks at her like that is just too much and knowing to herself that she can’t do anything about it.


“Ssshhh…” Taeyeon carefully placed her thumb on top of her lips before going back in giving gentle caresses to her cheek.


“I don’t know how I’ll do it but I know this will eventually happen promise or no promises… it would still happen… just tell me Tiffany… do you want me to fulfill my promise to you? Do you still want me… to be with you?”


Tiffany was finding it so hard to control her heart that’s violently beating under her chest, screaming Taeyeon’s name, yearning to have the woman warp in her arms, she wanted to scream ‘YES’ as her answer.


She badly wants to be with Taeyeon again, Tiffany now knows why she was feeling like she’s been missing a part of her all these years that they were separated. That no matter who tried to get her attention never could fill that hollowness she’s feeling in her heart and soul and somehow that space was suddenly filled the moment she met Taeyeon again.


But Tiffany knows too… that she can’t. She can’t betray her bestfriend like this. She can’t break Yeonseo’s heart like this. And most importantly, she can’t break her trust and their bond.


Tiffany felt her heart slowly dies with the decision she herself had finally made up, that her mind also can’t do anything about.


‘I’m sorry, Taetae… I’m so sorry…’



Tiffany controlled her emotions within and tried to harden her expression. And with a cold voice and expressionless less, she finally said the words that killed her heart and left a gaping hole in it for the second time around.


“No, Taeyeon. I don’t want to do anything with your promise, I don’t even remember it! How can you even think something like?! How can you talk to me like this behind Yeonseo’s back? She’s my bestfriend, for goodness sake, Taeyeon!”


Tiffany also faked being angry and disappointed towards Taeyeon to convince her quickly to stop but amidst all the action and words Tiffany was trying to hurl at Taeyeon, the woman remain calm and unfazed in front of her, not even letting go her hold at Tiffany’s hand.


“I’ll just think that you’re just playing a prank on me and won’t tell Yeonseo about this craziness you’re doing, Taeyeon! But if you try to do something like this again, I swear I’m going to tell everything to Yeonseo!”


Taeyeon released a deep sigh and Tiffany saw the pain that crosses in her eyes and the calmness Taeyeon was trying to hold is slowly breaking down and Tiffany can now finally see the hurt and the fear for the uncertain Taeyeon was trying to hide to herself.


“But I’m serious, Tiffany…”


Taeyeon stared deeply into her eyes once again and Tiffany somehow realized that Taeyeon was also having the same thoughts and emotions she was also dealing with and probably, Taeyeon have worst.


‘There’s just no other way around this, is it? Taetae… I’m sorry for doing this to you…’




Tiffany’s thoughts were cut off when she heard Taeyeon calling her once again in her Korean name. Her focus, slowly returning back to her sense and that’s when she starts to feel it.


Taeyeon had cupped her cheeks once again, only now the woman was using both of her hands to hold her face. The heat that comes from Taeyeon’s palm sends electrifying sensation all over Tiffany’s whole being. And she badly loves the sensation, she wanted to feel more of it, even just for a short while she thought.


And so she did, Tiffany closed her eyes as her whole body slowly relaxed under Taeyeon’s hold.  Her face unconsciously frown when she felt that one on Taeyeon’s hand start to leave a side of her face but instantly relaxes once again when she starts to feel it back into to contact at the curve of her neck.


And soon after, she felt gentle warm breathe hitting her face, just right in front of . It tickles her but it was so warm and Tiffany wanted to feel it more. The feeling of something getting closer to her is getting more evident and Tiffany as silently waiting to feel it against her skin.


‘Just a little bit more… let me feel you against my lips… just this once…’


Tiffany was praying hard in her mind and soon she a feather like feeling starts to brush against the very tip of her lips it’s only a matter of few milliseconds before she finally feel Taeyeon.




Yeonseo’s voice echoed from the kitchen and Tiffany automatically pushed Taeyeon away from her.




“Is it Taeyeon on the door or your fiancé?”


Tiffany felt like a bucket of ice cold water has been splashed on her whole as she felt her whole body shivered.


“Ye-yes! I mean it’s Taeyeon!”


Tiffany’s mind was in total chaos as she tried to find the words to reply back at Yeonseo while still having Taeyeon standing right in front of her. Tiffany saw that Taeyeon was about to reach out her hand towards but before the woman could get a hold of her again, Tiffany had hurriedly taken a step back and without saying any words had started to walk back to the kitchen.


As she walks away, Tiffany had a last chance to hear how Taeyeon let out a very heavy sigh, and somehow Tiffany could also feel it in her whole being even if she’s already walking away from Taeyeon.


“What took you so long then?”


Yeonseo quickly asked Tiffany the moment she entered the kitchen. Tiffany tried to calm her nerves a little bit but can’t possibly do so at the moment, especially when she saw the pure innocent, questioning eyes of her bestfriend.


“Ah, T-aeyeon just asked me something.”


Tiffany mentally scolded herself when she couldn’t stop herself from stuttering.


“Is that so… then why she’s not coming in here yet?”


“Ah, I don’t know…”


Tiffany could only look at Yeonseo as the woman craned her neck behind her to look if Taeyeon was on her back and when she saw the smile slowly forming against her bestfriend’s face, she immediately concluded that Taeyeon is probably walking near behind her. And Tiffany’s heart had once again picked up its pace with just thinking about Taeyeon coming near her again.


“Taeyeon! What took you so long?”






Taeyeon could only follow Tiffany’s retreating figure with her own eyes as the younger woman hurriedly takes her steps away from me.


‘I’m sorry Miyoung… for making you feel conflicted about our situation. But I can’t think of anything else anymore than to directly ask you… to tell you what I think… to let you feel what I truly feel. But I guess, I fail in doing all that. I’m sorry for only adding up more pain into your heart.’


Taeyeon let out a heavy sigh and hope that by doing so, the heaviness she’s feeling in her chest would somehow lighten even just a little bit, just enough for her to make her feet move from the spot she’s been rooted at for the last few minutes. Because Taeyeon feels like she doesn’t want to go in there to meet her girlfriend and her childhood love.


Taeyeon for a second stopped in that thought of hers as she ponders more about that one particular thought that concerns Tiffany.


‘Childhood love, puppy love … I don’t think it’s that… Tif—Miyoung might have been temporarily forgotten by my brain but surely not my heart… My heart had never forgotten her, that I’m so sure of. I wouldn’t be feeling like this if that was not the case. Miyoung is more than that to me,’


Taeyeon let out a heavy sigh one more time when she no longer saw Tiffany and had starts to hear the chirpy voice of Yeonseo.


‘Miyoung… she’s… she’s my…most precious love…’


Taeyeon starts to move her feet towards the kitchen, her eyes instantly landed on Tiffany’s back. Her mind was unconsciously just focused on that figure alone, making her whole body, especially her feet to move on their own towards that person.




Taeyeon was just a few step away, Tiffany is just an arm away from her reach, her surrounding feels blurred to her, nothing seems to matter to her right at this very moment, Taeyeon just want to feel Tiffany in her arms again just like what she a couple of minutes ago. She just wanted to keep her beside her.


Taeyeon no longer care if she’ll have to be selfish, because for once, she truly wanted something for herself.


 “Taeyeon, what took you so long?”


The loud and quite exited voice of Yeonseo brought Taeyeon’s back to reality, to her starting to be harsh reality. Taeyeon look up straight into her girlfriend’s face and tried to find the courage she needed deep inside of her to finally start breaking up with Yeonseo.


Taeyeon’s eyes caught a glimpse on Tiffany’s worried face that at the same was silently screaming at her not to continue what she’s planning to do. She unconsciously let out a small subtle smile towards Tiffany’s direction, finding it amusing that the woman can surely knows what she’s thinking about.


“Yeonseo, can we ta—“


 “What took you so long from coming to me?”


Taeyeon and Yeonseo had spoke at the same time, only Taeyeon didn’t had the heart to finish what she was about to say when she saw that thoughtful look on Yeonseo’s face.


“Uh that, Hyo texted me, it was a bit urgent so I have no choice but to reply to her first.”






“Yeonseo… there’s something—“


“Tiffany said you asked her something. What did you asked her?”




Taeyeon was momentarily flustered with the way Yeonseo was firing questions towards her, never in the entire time of their relationship the woman had asked her questions straightly like this, it almost felt like the woman was interrogating her and Taeyeon was quickly getting nervous.


“I— I asked her… umm, Look Yeonseo, what I want to say is—“


Taeyeon was already about to tell Yelena that they need to talk about their relationship seriously when Yelena suddenly grabbed her head, Taeyeon’s eyes widened in a flash when she saw Yelena slowly losing her balance and Taeyeon in instinct reach out to catch Yelena into her arms.




Taeyeon and Tiffany both yelped at the same time when Yelena finally stumbled into Taeyeon’s arms. Tiffany quickly walked in front of them and also helped Taeyeon in holding the powerless body of Yelena.


“Yeonseo?! Are you okay? What happened to you?”


Taeyeon worriedly asked Yeonseo, she gently cupped her face to check her temperature and frowned immediately when she felt how cold Yelena’s skin is against hers.


“You’re cold. What’s wrong with yo

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czankx #1
Chapter 28: The story is good, there's just this nagging feeling about how Tiffany didn't even try to follow Yelena after passing out on her wedding i thought she's the best friend but just stayed at home with Jasper, and Tiffany letting Taeyeon to come back to her again selfishly, why don't she do it herself when shes the one who run away, uggh.. But well can't help it as long as its still a TaeNy ending
maemae08 #2
Chapter 28: MOREEEEEE
Chapter 28: Its pretty good story
Chapter 28: I'm loving ur stories now <3
Chapter 20: Ohhh no what will happen now ?
Jaehyun_jj #6
Chapter 28: finally they are together
Jaehyun_jj #7
Chapter 24: Happy ending taeny
Jaehyun_jj #8
Chapter 22: makes me cry
Jaehyun_jj #9
Chapter 7: Taetae