Chapter-1 Met A Cat Boy

Mark's New Kitty
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Talking" "

Character Thinking ' '


This is my second story though the first one is not finished yet. Hope you enjoy it.


         Chapter-1 Met A Cat Boy



It was harsh month of chilly cold and Mark was on his way to home after spending 6 hours straight at college while attending his lectures. 'Man that was totally tiring, I'm gonna have a nice warm bath and then I have to do weekly grocery shopping' Mark was in deep thought when he suddenly heard something or someone whimper . He looked around for the source of the noise when he noticed a small creature curled in ball sitting on the bench near the bus stand. He went near to the bench and noticed that it was cat boy who look frightened and cold. mark tried to touch the boy when all the sudden it bites him. "Aahh!" mark shouted and shakes his hand to easy the pain and look for the cat boy but the cat boy runs away. " Dammed! I hope he was not infectious" mark said to himself and hurried to his home. One he enter his apartment , he cleaned his wound and went straight for bath. 20 mins later he came out of Hus bathroom and gets dressed in clean white shirt and some ripped jeans. He applied bandage to his hand where the cat boy had bitten and calls his best friend. After the third ring Jackson picked up the phone 

"Yo! wild and y Jackson Wang speaking.... " Jackson was cut by bambam " and cutest bambam also speaking"

bambam was jackson' s cat boy.

"Jackson its me mark"

"Hii! mark what's up?"

"Everything alright just wanted to know. .... um.... are cat boy bite infectious?"

"hm! usually not... I don't know, bambam never bite" mark heard bambam shout saying " cause I'm a good kitty" and laughs.

" why? Is there any problem?" Jackson asked worriedlay.

" Oh no no no just asking like that. OK I need to go now talk to you later"

"Sure see you later. Good bye" "good bye from my side tooooo hyung" bambam sh

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Chapter 13: ♥️♥️♥️
moonchildern #2
Chapter 13: kittynyoung is one of my fav au and this fic is soo cute and i love the story line ahhh thank you for writing this author-nim!! ♡^▽^♡
Chapter 13: Awwww this fic is sooooo cute <3
Chapter 13: The last part hahahhahahaha bammie so cute
Chibbypanda #6
Chapter 13: jackbam rocks!!!!!!!! tae tae and jimin part was sooo funny!!!!!!!! markjin love you!!!!!!!!!! i was scared that gyeomi would be evil but thank goodness he wasn't!!! side story thing was funny and cute!!!! great work authormin
juarezm4 #7
Chapter 13: aww I loved the side story author-min, very creative.....Yugyeom is way too cute :)
Chapter 13: Markbum x Jinkook x Taejin pretty please~
JinyoungsMark #9
Chapter 13: Hahaha.i love it..jackbam not having a kisses and whattttt markjin taehyung and jimin eating popcorn and enjoying the show..soo funny!! At last propose it!!! Yugyeom plus authornim conversation soo candid..i hope u make more markjin fic..cos they r my top otp..