“Crux zone is built around 6 years ago by government to develop the first high-tech and crime free city in the suburban area” Yuju’s mother stated. “So what does the children have to do with the area? I don’t see any connection”


“Good morning” a familiar voice could be heard and all of them turned. “Mr. Kim, good morning” they greeted the unexpected guest, the Prime Minister. “Please, have a seat” Yuju’s mother stood to give the male in suit a seat. “No it’s okay. I’ll take another chair” the married middle-aged man gave a warm smile. His bodyguard pushed a chair for him to sit.


“You must be Yuju and Vernon right?” Mr. Kim asked. Yuju and Vernon exchanged glances before nodded. “I’m sorry, sir but how do you know our name?” Vernon asked. “Both of you are important people now. So I should know your names” Mr. Kim turned to his bodyguard. “Call Officer Joo”


            The bodyguard nodded and left for a while.


“I believe” Mr. Kim turned to the teenagers. “We have a lot of things to discuss about together right?”


“Yes, sir” Yuju nodded. A man in police uniform entered the ward and bowed to everyone. “Hello”


“Hello” they bowed back. “Let me introduce. This is Chief Inspector Joo” Mr. Kim introduced. “He’s in charge to investigate your kidnap case. And his group had been haunting the INHB since years” 


“Investigate? Is our kidnapping thing is a big issue?” Yuju asked. “Yes, miss. Because you’re kidnapping has everything to do with the INHB group. So let’s start pur discussion”


“But first, officer. What is exactly this INHB group?” Yuju asked. “The INHB group is a syndicate that sell illegal things including drugs, children, and human organs on the black markets. Well, at least that’s the first thing they did. Next, they started to torture innocent people to show their protest to the government after their activities were failed by the government. They mean to ran some weird experiments but hundreds of lives were taken” Chief Officer Joo explained. “Just like 11 years ago” Yuju voiced and looked at her mother.


“There’s an accident at Crux Zone 11 years ago right?” the girl asked. Her eyes saddened and she bit her bottom lips to hold back her tears. “Yuju” her mother caressed her daughter on her head.


“Yes. The explosion at the INHB’s warehouse” Chief Officer Joo nodded. “And many was killed”


“Including my father” Yuju swallowed the lump. “Really?!” everyone gasped in disbelief. Yuju nodded. “My father is Officer Choi Hanbyul”


“I know about it” Chief Officer Joo voiced. “I checked on your background. I’m sorry for your lost. Officer Hanbyul had done his job great to track the group”


            Vernon put his chopstick down. He stared into blank spaces before slowly turned to the drawer beside the bed with a picture frame on it.


“I lost” Vernon began. “One of the important person to me too” he looked at his parents. His mother tried to hold back her tears with her husband patted her back.


            Vernon looked at every eyes that were now glued to him.


“My older brother was killed in the explosion too. He worked with an inspector to track the group. But he ended up getting killed at the warehouse. He used to bring me to Crux Zone for sight-seeing when he’s still around”


            They were silent for a while.


“Wait!” Chief Officer Joo suddenly stood. “I think I see some connection here”


“Connection? What do you mean?” Vernon’s father asked. 

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