t w e n t y - f o u r


"Im telling you, you probably like ed him so hard that his hurt really bad and so thats why hes mad at you" Namjoon stuck more fries in his mouth as Tae glared at him. Those were Taehyung's fries.

"That's not possible, Jimin likes it when we go ha-" Hoseok cleared his throat. "Our bed time rituals have never been a problem before. So it shouldn't start now.." Everybody except for Jimin was at the local diner. They were halfway finished with their food except for Tae. Taehyung finished early because all he ate were fries. He had watched a couple of animal cruelty videos a few weeks ago and he now swears that he will be a vegetarian for the rest of his life.

Namjoon, Jin, and Jungkook were betting secretly on how long he'd last.

Jimin was at home and nobody at the table knew why he started secluding himself from the group. Well, everybody but Yoongi.

"Jimin is probably upset that you said something wrong. Recently all you do is his and say you love his and that his is the greatest thing in the world. I mean. Maybe his is over appreciated and he feels jealous...of his " Jungkook added in to the conversation while devouring his burger in front of Tae, who gasped and glared at his boyfriend.

"It wont work" Tae squinted
"You cant stop eating meat for ever. Besides," Jungkook leaned in "Does this mean you wont be taking my anymore?

"You're not an animal Kookie.."
"Oh but I can be" Jungkook winked and leaned back, stuffing more fries in his face and laughing to himself.

"Maybe Jimin wants to break up?" Hoseok looked down and sighed. His boyfriend had been avoiding him for days and he didn't know why.

"That could be it" Yoongi muttered as be bit into his buffalo wing.

"I hope this isn't one of those things where Jimin is pushing you away because he did something wrong or because there's something hes afraid of telling you" Jin chimed. Yoongi froze for a second, before everybody laughed at the situation posed. Jimin and Hoseok were too close to have such an immature relationship.

But Jimin stopped all form of communication, and he wont even answer Hoseok or open the door for him, it hurt the older even more each time. If Jimin was really scared if telling him something, there had been enough trust in their relationship for him to say everything.

"Animals trust us, but we abuse it. We slaughter them and torture them....its even worse since we can't even communicate with them." Taehyung whispered but loud enough for people to hear. The group just ignore him and threw their food at him. 

"Have you heard from Jimin recently? You're his best friend...maybe you can talk to him?" Jin asked, sliding over some fries towards Taehyung slowly. Taehyung his lips because he was still hungry. 

"YOU TELL US NOW??" Hoseok yelled and slammed his hands on the table.

"Well, i was eating my fries...i couldn't tell you then" Taehyung shrugged

"So you're telling me, that the reason Jimin wont talk to me is because he's scared I'd be mad that Yoongi his ?!" Everybody froze in their seats. "While he was sleeping??!?!"

The group turned their heads towards Yoongi, who looked down at his hands. He really didn't think Taehyung would know this, or that he'd actually say it in front of everybody. At the diner. In public. So easily. 

"Is this true Yoongi?" Hoseok looked towards Yoongi with tears b his eyes. "Did you really Jimin's ....while he was sleeping?"

Yoongi sighed and closed his eyes, opening them again and looking back towards his ex. This time, with worry in his eyes. 

"Of course not. Id never do that..."

"But Taehyung just sa-"

"Taehyung was bribed with fries just now and he's spouting vegetarianism nonsense. Come on, it'ts Taehyung. Besides,Jimin probably dreamed this all up. You know I'd never do anything to hurt you or Jimin who I just became good friends with. The situation seems unrealistic.  I think you guys need to talk, and if he still isn't willing to talk to you then maybe...maybe you need to reevaluate your relationship."

"Yoongi's right," Jin sighed "Communication is key in any relationship. It's trust. If Jimin can't open up then maybe you guys aren't really fit"

Hoseok slumped back in his chair. He didn't know what to believe anymore. Maybe they were right. Maybe it's Maybelline. 

Its finals week, and this is my breather. Thanks for being patient, thanks for all the followers and readers. Ill be back soon

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forsteye #1
Chapter 24: /Maybe it's Maybelline./ BEST.SENTENCE.EVER. Is minyoongi really that wicked to make them breakup? Is he starting to like jimin or is he still not over junghoes?
This is so SMOOTH, CUTE //INTERNALLY SCREAMING// NAMJIN gdi. I can't with topjoon in namjin, one of my peeves, but it's okay. I root taegi in here instead of vkook. Because sweet tae deserves better, or nah, he is too for his own good xD Woseok, Bhikmin, and Roongi THO, so cute. Anyway this became one of my fave. Come back soon authornim :))
Chapter 24: Aigoo~! Freaking Yoongi! Why you gotta do this???
Chapter 16: JksDisMyne95. LOOL, Taehyung is making my day!
Chapter 24: Yoongi why the you lyin why you always lyin
Chanyumi #5
Chapter 24: Hmmmmm why do i laugh at the last sentence? That Maybe is Maybelline tho ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 24: OMG yoongi *face palm* loving ur updates as usually <3
Pumpkin16 #7
Chapter 24: Omg yoongi you lyin.......things will not getting any better when u lyin babe ;-;
myrajhope #8
Chapter 24: Aaahh..poor hobie baby ㅠㅠ!
Chapter 24: Atualiza amanhã, pelo amor de Deus