t w e n t y - t w o


Jin nudged Yoongi from behind. They were hiding behind the doors of one of the campus's cafeteria, looking at Jimin. 

"It's now or never Yoongi." Jin whispered. He agreed to come with the younger so that he could apologize properly, but they had already been staring at Jimin for a solid 20 minutes already. "Yoongi-"

"I know, I know! Just...just let me mentally prepare myse-" A firm shove from Jin and Yoongi was already stumbling into the cafeteria. He looked behind him and silently cursed his hyung out. 

Yoongi straightened up and looked ahead, eyes locked on the side of Jimin's head. He knew that he had to apologize to Jimin, and deep inside he really didn't want to. Jimin had probably already told Hoseok - of course he would. It would give Hoseok a reason to distance himself. Yoongi was pretty sure that Jimin secretly hated him as much as he hated Jimin. And it killed him a little to gather his pride, then toss it aside just to apologize. 

Jin scolded him and reminded Yoongi that hitting people was wrong, and getting mad at Jimin was especially wrong just because he was Hoseok's new boyfriend. And Yoongi knew that, but he still didn't agree. Jimin was still at fault. He didn't know how. He didn't have logical explanations as to why. But he just wanted to blame him. Yoongi scoffed to himself. Jimin probably seduced Hoseok with that big fat of his. It was probably a fake too. 

A sigh later, he slowly walked over to the table where Jimin sat. He was alone and reading a book. Yoongi thought to himself that Jimin was a nerd for reading novels and wearing glasses. That he'd be easy to pick on and that he was probably bullied a lot in high school. That thought made him calm his nerves a little. 

"hey," Yoongi stood next to Jimin waiting for a reply but the boy was too immersed in his book to notice him. He coughed and Jimin was still reading his book. What did Hoseok see in this dimwit anyways? 

"Hello? I'm here." Yoongi spoke louder with irritation in his voice. Jimin blinked and looked left and right, only to realize that it was Yoongi that was speaking to him. Jimin had some crumbs from his cookie sticking to the side of his mouth. Yoongi would have commented to himself that he was disgusting for being a slob, but he refrained from it. 

"May I help you?" Jimin's rims slightly fell down his nose.  Yoongi sighed again. He really didn't want to do this. He knew that after half-apologizing to Jimin, he'd have to face Hoseok later. The thought of Hoseok being mad at him, and telling him that they couldn't be friends anymore made him more scared than anything. 

"Look. I just wanted to apologize for yesterday. What I did was wrong to both you and Hoseok." Yoongi scratched the back of his head and avoided looking at Jimin in the eyes. He didn't know why, but he kept avoiding the younger's gaze. He felt pulled into Jimin's orbs and he tried his best not to look into them. He thought to himself that if Jimin looked into his eyes he would know that he was half sincere with his words. So he decided to stare at his glasses instead. 

"You must be Yoongi," Jimin smiled. He gestured towards the seat across from him and invited Yoongi to sit. Yoongi hesitated for a while before sitting down. He really didn't want to sit down. Sitting down meant more talk time. More talk time meant more bull. All Yoongi wanted to do was go back home and write on wattpad and read . 

"Yeah, I am. You probably already guessed from my actions yesterday that I'm the heartless ex of your current boyfriend." Yoongi scoffed. But then he straightened up and cleared his throat. He was already forgetting that this was supposed to be a sincere conversation. 

Jimin smiled even wider. Yoongi hated that he always smiled. No matter what. What weirdo smiles at your lover's ex? "Why do you think you're heartless?" Jimin marked his book and set it down. Closing his hands together and placing them on the table. He was mesmerized by Yoongi's hair and how bright it was. Obviously it was dyed, but it still suited his pale skin. 

"What, Hoseok never told you all the bad things I did to him and how I broke his heart? Surely you must kind of hate me especially after yesterday" Yoongi rolled his eyes and picked at his nails. 

"No, Hobie never says bad things," Oh. Hobie. So he has a new nickname. 

"I doubt that Hoseokkie didn't say a word about me." Why was he doing this? Why was he being spiteful?

Jimin's smile faltered and he looked down momentarily before looking back up and adjusting his glasses. "Hoseok has told me that a lot of the good restaurants he knows is mainly because of you. That you have really good taste in food." Yoongi looked up at Jimin, accidentally meeting his eyes. And he regretted the very moment he did so. 

"Hoseok also says that your taste in music is superb, and that if it wasn't for you then he wouldn't have continued dancing." Jimin's smiled widened a little more, wide enough for his eyes to crinkle and for Yoongi to notice. 

"If anything, he told me that he hurt you because he didn't spend enough time with you during his training days. Hoseok cares about you, Yoongi. He isn't the type to talk nasty about other people," Jimin's smile turned sad. As if disappointed. "I thought you'd know that of all people..."

Yoongi stayed quiet for a few seconds. Of course Hoseok wouldn't have said heartless things. Hoseok was kind and generous, he's too nice to be mean. Yoongi didn't know why he had thought that about Hoseok to begin with.

"But he must hate me now, especially after yesterday..." Yoongi looked down and covered his eyes with his bangs. He felt like crying and he didn't know why. Waves of sadness and despair suddenly washed over him and he just wanted to disappear. He didn't want Hoseok to hate him, but surely he must now. 

"Well, I never really told him. So he can't.." Jimin scratched his nose and realized that his mouth still had crumbs on it. Blushing slightly, he quickly wiped them off. 

"Wait, you mean, he doesn't know? You didn't tell him?" Jimin shook his head. "But...why? Don't you hate me too?" His voice rose and the people around him were starting to notice but they didn't say anything. Yoongi was getting agitated up but Jimin was as calm as ever. 

"I don't hate you. I'm a little jealous, but I don't hate you. And I didn't tell him because I thought it'd be right if you talked to him yourself. It's none of my business, but I think you guys need a proper resolve.." Jimin smiled again, and Yoongi couldn't help as tears started running down his cheeks. 

"You...don't hate me? Wait, no. You're jealous? How could you be jealous? You're the one in a happy relationship. You're the one with good friends surrounding you. I don't understand!" Yoongi was slowly starting to hate himself. How could Jimin be so nice, and this whole time, he only had venomous thoughts about the boy. Jimin was kind, too kind for his own good. 

"Because, Yoongi. You changed Hoseok. You were important enough in his life for him to reconsider the way he lives his life. The way he sees things. You influenced his dance style, his music taste. Part of what I love so much about him now...is because of you." Jimin looked outside towards the window and thought a little longer before continuing. 

"Hoseok loves to dance. And we both know that. He loves it so much but no matter how much I tell him not too, he's too persistent on skipping on the dance competition this year. He told me that you must have been lonely and sad, and that he didn't want me to go through the same thing. He treats me the way he does because he couldn't do that when he was with you. All these things are enough to make me a little jealous."

Yoongi couldn't believe what he was hearing. Part of him was happy that Hoseok talked about him. And that Hoseok thought about him. He also felt a little bad for Jimin, but not too bad. He was jealous that Jimin had Hoseok all to himself, but hearing how much he had influenced Hoseok made him not as jealous anymore. 

Yoongi looked at Jimin. For once taking the time to study his features. Jimin wasn't ugly. He knew that the whole time but was too bitter to admit it. Jimin was a nice guy, and his heart was just as kind and sweet as Hoseok's. Yoongi realized that Hoseok deserved somebody like Jimin, and he was slowly starting to accept their relationship. If it was Jimin, it was okay. 

"I'm sorry Jimin. I'll tell him myself. I'm sorry for every laying my hands on you. And for yelling at you. I'm just...sorry for everything Jimin-"

"It's okay. I've already forgiven you." Jimin reached out and touched Yoongi's hand, placing it on top of his. It was incredibly soft and warm. 

"How about we be friends? If that's possible with you? Honestly, it seems weird when you think about it...especially with our relationship in regards to Hoseok. But, I really think you're interesting and would like to get to know you better."

Yoongi wiped his tears and smiled, his first smile in months. He had never been told that he was interesting, nor had somebody been interested in him since Hoseok and him first met. "Yeah, I'd like that.." They shook hands and laughed a little. Jimin was glad things were resolved, and Yoongi was happy that he made a new friend. 


"YOU WHHHATTT???" Hoseok dropped his bag and stared right at Jimin who was sitting on the couch. 

"Me and Yoongi are friends now." Jimin said as he wiped his mouth with a napkin.  Yoongi, who sat next to Jimin smiled and giggled. Grabbing another slice of pizza and stuffing it in his mouth. 

"Yeah, and I tried to hit him yesterday because I was mad by the way. But that's over now and he forgave me, so you should forgive me too." Yoongi calmly slided in, knowing that Hosoek was too confused to process that. But hey, he told him. That's what really matters. 

"BUT-.....I-....YOU-....HIM-........WHAT?" Hoseok continued to look at Yoongi and Jimin as they ate pizza and watch Star Wars. Jin came from behind and tapped Hoseok on the shoulders, patting him on the back afterwards. 

"Just accept it. Your ex and your boyfriend are now friends. " Jin made his way towards the couch and sat in between Yoongi and Jimin, grabbing a slice of pizza for himself. Yoongi frowned. He liked sitting next to his new friend. 

Hoseok continued to stare with his mouth open. He couldn't believe what he was seeing after his day of classes. Sighing, he picked up his bag and made his way towards Jimin. "At least save me a slice.."

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forsteye #1
Chapter 24: /Maybe it's Maybelline./ BEST.SENTENCE.EVER. Is minyoongi really that wicked to make them breakup? Is he starting to like jimin or is he still not over junghoes?
This is so SMOOTH, CUTE //INTERNALLY SCREAMING// NAMJIN gdi. I can't with topjoon in namjin, one of my peeves, but it's okay. I root taegi in here instead of vkook. Because sweet tae deserves better, or nah, he is too for his own good xD Woseok, Bhikmin, and Roongi THO, so cute. Anyway this became one of my fave. Come back soon authornim :))
Chapter 24: Aigoo~! Freaking Yoongi! Why you gotta do this???
Chapter 16: JksDisMyne95. LOOL, Taehyung is making my day!
Chapter 24: Yoongi why the you lyin why you always lyin
Chanyumi #5
Chapter 24: Hmmmmm why do i laugh at the last sentence? That Maybe is Maybelline tho ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 24: OMG yoongi *face palm* loving ur updates as usually <3
Pumpkin16 #7
Chapter 24: Omg yoongi you lyin.......things will not getting any better when u lyin babe ;-;
myrajhope #8
Chapter 24: Aaahh..poor hobie baby ㅠㅠ!
Chapter 24: Atualiza amanhã, pelo amor de Deus