
A pirates promise

"Almighty Key you have been summoned to the kings hall"said A merman knocking at key's door at 3 in the morning. "shhh go away"Key said softly from his bed fully awake from the pounding the man did earlier but not moving much. "sir?" the merman said before putting his ear to the door.the merman fell face first at keys fins as Key roughly opened the door. Key looked down at the merman before rolling his eyes and sighing. "go home Jimin one of us should rest" Key said swimming  over his body toward the castle. 
The Knights standing guard outside the hall stood up a little straighter spotting Key swimming toward them. (They are too relaxed for my liking i will have to train them more over their days off)Key gave each knight a nod as he swam by until he came into the hall to find two knights looking desperately at the king smashing his own thrown with just his fist.the kings face was a tomato red. "Your highness"Key said with a small bow. "Key finally I need you to....." the King said grabbing onto Keys jacket lifting him above his head.Key made a puzzled face at the king gesturing with his eyes to put him down. the king slowly lowered key and backed away to calm himself down.
One of the kings councilmen stepped in and explained to key that the prince was being held for ransom by Taemin yes the same werecat that destroyed the the other three kingdoms of the merepeople.Teamin is currently located on a island. The King handed the map of the island pointing out where the prince would most likely be held "I shall leave at once your majesty" Key bowed. "Yes "the king said with an odd look. Losing his only son has really done a number on him. Key was a little jealous that Minho had a father who cared so much just like everything else the prince had. Keys Grandmother was all that was left of his fathers family but he still had his mom and her family. Keys father was killed in the werecat wars. Key left the King in his destroyed state going into action as soon as possible. He may dislike the prince but he hated the werecats. They only cause death and destruction. Not that the werewolves were much better involving his family in their war to protect their children. All that did is get merepeople and werewolves killed. 
finally dressed and armed for battle key performed the portal spell to appear in the jungle in the middle of the island. Wanting to be close but not too close to the castle Minho was in to scout out the area. closing his eyes to keep from getting dizzy in the swirling motion of the portal. minutes of water spinning around keys head as he traveled to his destination. with a quiet crunch of leaves key landed in the jungle. Quickly transforming into his full human form key stood up ready to fight.It was  a little dark so Key couldn't see much but key could hear foot steps behind him so he slowly moved toward them. Spotting the creature standing still for a bit before turning back to walk out of the jungle key sprinted in front of him pointing his sword at the creatures chest. Key squinted his eyes finally getting a good look at the creature(It is male whatever it is . it doesn't smell like a werecat but it will die for helping them)"Draw your sword you swine" the man slowly turned looking like he was reaching for his sword when he kicked Key back in surprise. Key quickly sprang at the man  slashing at his chest with his sword but was blocked at the last second. Key pushed the two swords at the man.The man went down and key swung his sword at the mans throat.the man blocked him again. (he may be weak but he moves almost as fast as me but I can fix that problem)Key pushed the mans sword up before stepping on the mans arm causing him to release his sword. Raising his sword high key shouted so anyone near could hear "I'm coming for you Taemin!" "ooof" something heavy knocked Key down causing his head to hit the ground hard.

A handsome kind face smiled at him holding a piece of fish out for him to eat. Key opened his mouth for the fish smiling at the nice taste of fresh fish."mmmmmm" Key said nodding his head which started to hurt with the little movement. (oh that's right the other man did this} key looked for the man. Jonghyun tilted his head in keys way smiling even bigger "good morning beautiful. how is your head?" "Worse since meeting you two"Key said trying to stand up. {oh yeah}key looked down at the vines. Jonghyun was standing up inspecting the back of keys head with dry blood on it but no wound. {strange} Jonghyun sat back down and picked up another piece of fish to feed key. "trying to poison Me"Key said to the fish in his face. Jonghyun smiled at key he was used to people not trusting him he was a pirate but it kind of hurt the extremes key went to.
Jinki returned holding Keys sword to a werecats throat. Looking at key he asked"Friend of yours?" Key gave Jinki that are you kidding me look. Finding Jonghyun easy to read he could tell that he had never seen this werecat before or any werecats the way he was staring at his cat ears on his head. {so they don't work for Taemin they are still pirates}Jinki studied key for a bit before raising his sword at key."wait"screamed Jonghyun running forward. 



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Chapter 12: oh my.. where did chanmin take minho..??
wait.. complete?? no.. please tell me it not complete yet..
Lolo1234 #3
Chapter 6: Such a good story. I like it!