No More. No More // Chapter Three

No More. No More

Not long after Hoseok left, Jimin heard footsteps crunch on the fresh snow. He didn't need to look up to know who it was.

“I had met up with the Beggar Leader in the town over, he’s been earning twice what we have been.” He gently kicked Jimin over so that he laid onto his side. “You haven’t been keeping some of the money have you?”

“What could I have done with it anyways?”

The leader gave a grunt before bending to his level. “Something needs to change. You aren't earning as much as you did before.”

Jimin stiffened, “I can’t do anything. Not anymore.” He felt a tap on his other uninjured leg.

“Maybe this one too? Losing your right calf earned so much, I wonder what losing your other calf might do.” He laughed as he saw the face of terror on Jimin’s face.

“Please, no, I’ll sing. I’ll do magic tricks. Anything. Just no more.”

“That’s more like it. Beg. Keep begging and I might reconsider.”

He looked down, his pride already out the window, “Please. Don’t do it. Please.”

“I’ll be back tomorrow. That cup better be double what it is today, otherwise something is going to disappear.”


Taehyung held a bag of manga and action figures as he waited for Jungkook to finish tying his shoelaces. In the kitchen he could hear Hoseok preparing the four cups of hot chocolate. Once all three were bundled up and ready to leave, Seokjin cleared his throat and held out a blanket in his hand. “Take this with you, He must be freezing out there.”


From their front door, they could tell that Jimin was shivering. His jeans and thin hoodie were already soaked from the snow. “Hey Jimin!” Hoseok cheerfully wrapped the blanket around the boy as he dusted the ground a bit so the rest of them could sit down. “This is Jungkook and Taehyung.” The two of them smiled as Jimin nodded slowly, accepting the cup of hot chocolate.

“Thank you, are you all social workers?”

“Social workers?” Taehyung’s eyebrows arched, “That’s a new name for us.” The look Hoseok gave him a shiver but he catched on. “Ah yes, we work for society, the one and only socie-”

“Ahh ignore him, these two brought some stuff for you.”

“You didn’t need to.”

Jungkook shook his head, “Its only a few manga but hyung said that you needed to experience the Taehyung live action of them so he brought some of his action figures.”

“Get yourself comfortable Jimin, you’re in for one hell of a show.” The four of them sat in the snow for an hour, drinking hot chocolate and watching the show which Taehyung dragged Jungkook in to do scenes with more than two people. The street lights had started to turn on when Hoseok got a call from Namjoon to come home for dinner.

“Hey Jimin, do you want to come eat dinner with us?” As tempting the offer was, Jimin was not in for risking the Beggar Leader finding out he went missing. Especially since he was short on the change today.

“No, but thank you. It really means a lot.” He started to unwrap himself. “Here take this back.”

Jungkook stopped his hand from moving any further. “Seokjin hyung is going to grill us if he knew we left you in the cold like this.”

“Our master isn’t going to be happy if he sees this though.”

“Has your master said anything lately?”

Jimin laughed humourlessly, “I’ll lose another if I stop making as much money.”

“Come,” Taehyung grabbed his arm “eat with us. You’ll be safe. We’ll get you back before dawn.” He could see the hesitation in Jimin’s face.

“I don’t know. I haven't tried moving ever since I lost- I don’t think I even remember how to walk anymore.”

“Nonsense, here take my arm and we’ll help you up.” Hoseok took his other arm and together with Taehyung, they pulled Jimin up. He started to shiver again but Hoseok had the feeling that it wasn’t from the cold. “Are you alright?”

“I don’t know, it feels so different. It’s too overwhelming.” Tears were threatening to fall but Jimin leaned onto the two boys. “I can’t move normally anymore.”


Seokjin was nonetheless surprised when he saw four come home instead of three but his smile told Jimin that it was ok for the intrusion and that he was welcome here. “My name is Seokjin, you must be Jimin. I hope you like kimchi jjigae.” He pulled the chair out for Jimin at the dining table and from where he stood, he could tell that the boy was scared. “Relax, I don’t bite.”


The warmth was overwhelming for Jimin; weeks of sitting in the cold, warmth was almost as foreign as walking on two feet. The whole trip of walking across the street made Jimin realize how real this was, how he could no longer dance. “I’m sorry.”

“Why are you sorry? We were the ones that invited you over.” Jungkook was setting the table but nudged his shoulder. “Want to share your thoughts?”

“I can’t dance anymore. I can’t even walk.”

“You’re alive. That Beggar Leader could’ve killed you. So smile, it brings good luck. I’m sure we can think of something.”

“Thank you, I just need a bit more time to adjust. If I do adjust.”


Dinner was peaceful, Jimin sat next to Hoseok and Seokjin. Namjoon had greeted him with a pat in the back but hurried to change out of his clothes, Jimin could’ve sworn he saw red stains. Yoongi gave a smile and just like that, everyone was eating. Jimin hadn’t eaten a cooked meal in years. Not with freshly cooked rice and side dishes. Only on days where tourists flourished did he let himself go to a diner to bathe in the aroma of a mother’s cooking and eat all the bibimbap he could.


“So Jimin, where are you from?” The said boy looked at Namjoon and with a small prideful smile he swallowed his mouthful of rice.

“Busan. The one and only.”

“I’m from Busan too! How did you get to Seoul though?” Jungkook who was sitting in front of him had long forgotten the food on his spoon as he looked at Jimin with sparkling eyes.

“I attended university for psychology. That was a long time ago though.”

Yoongi was curious, but he didn’t want to be rude. “Long time?”

“I dropped out to do dancing and it has kept me alive for over three years.” Satisfied with his answer, Yoongi turned his attention back onto his food. “Are you all blood related? You don’t look alike. Not that you need to look alike but, never mind.”

“No, no. We aren't related but we’ve known each other growing up in an orphanage. We’re closer than blood brothers no doubt.”


After they ate, Jimin sat as he watched Yoongi and Namjoon go downstairs and Jungkook on his laptop typing away on the couch. Seokjin was doing the dishes but although he was left alone, Jimin felt like he was still welcomed here, like he belonged.

“Jimin? Get on my back.” Taehyung was crouching in front of Jimin with his back faced towards him. Thinking that he was going back outside, he took one last sip of the cup of warm water before letting himself fall onto his back. “You are getting new clothes.”

“I don’t want to be a burden.”

“Let’s go, I want to do this.” They went to Yoongi’s room and Taehyung sat Jimin on the bed before grabbing a few hoodies and sweatpants. “I think layers should keep you warm if you don’t want to keep the blanket.”

“Would he not notice if my clothes changed?”

“You’re wearing a black hoodie, and thankfully, Yoongi hyung doesn't own anything other than black or white. But you’re right, the jeans are an issue.” Taehyung went to his room as he told Jimin to put on some long sleeves shirts underneath the new hoodie. When he came back, he was holding to pairs of running pants. “Now I know these look like leggings but they are mangings.”


“Man leggings. They hold in temperature so if you wear two underneath your jeans, I bet you’ll be warmer than in plain jeans. I think that made sense.”

“Thank you.” Jimin watched Taehyung turn around so he could change but he had trouble with his right leg. “Um, Taehyung-sshi?”

“You can just call me Tae. What’s the problem?”

“I need help, could you?” Without another word, Taehyung turned and helped Jimin put on his layers. “Why are you helping me so much?”

“Because you asked?”

“No, all of you. I’m just a beggar, you could’ve chosen any one of us from the streets, why me?” Taehyung was hesitant but slowly let out a breath.

“It started with Hoseok hyung, he saw you dancing and told us that you were awesome at it. Then suddenly you appeared in front of us, quite literally and well, you don’t seem like a bad guy.”

Jimin nodded but the clock on the wall shook him out of his thoughts. “I should go. It’s already getting bright out.”

“I’ll just go call Jungkook and we can go.” The two of them went back up the same way the came down and they sat at the couch as they waited for Jungkook to finish what he was doing. Seokjin and Hoseok were watching a cooking competition and Jimin thought it was the right time.

“I want to give you guys this.” Jimin took out his stack of bills and handed it over to Hoseok. It was a lot of money and the four sitting around Jimin almost had their eyes pop out of their sockets.

“That’s hundreds of dollars.”

“I know, but I want to say thank you.”

Seokjin pushed his hand back, “How were you able to keep all this from the leader?”

“I hid all the bills in my pants, but saved enough change to make it look believable. But no, please take it.” Jimin held out his hand again but Seokjin only shook his head. “I risk losing this money every time he comes to pick up my change. I feel better off knowing you guys have it. I have no use for it anyways, I just didn’t want him to receive such a great amount. It’s not like he deserves it.”

To all of their surprise, Jungkook took the money and went to the kitchen. “I’m not accepting this money, I’m simply putting it in this jar.” He placed the jar beside the TV. “Like a bank, we are only holding this money for you.”

“Fine, but if you ever need the money, feel free to use it.” It was ironic that Jimin was clueless as to how rich they were but wasn’t like he needed to know.

“Alright, let’s go out before you get in trouble.”

They left Jimin with enough change to stop the leader from threatening anything else on Jimin and he indeed felt much warmer when he took his naps.


The whole week, Jimin had gone to the house across the street to eat dinner and watch some variety shows. But the Beggar Leader had noticed how Jimin looked happier, how he was excited for the next day to come. It made him curious as to what he was up to when he left.

“Little boy, have you gone mad?”

Jimin looked at him in confusion. Had he done something out of the ordinary? Last time he checked, he was still begging on the streets but with some new exceptions. “I don’t understand?”

“You look happy, are you selling yourself for the money you’ve been earning?”


“Hyung! Guys! Come here quick!”

Jungkook was looking at the cameras around town before catching the leader talking to Jimin, what made him stop was how the conversation was longer than usual.

“What’s wrong?”

“I don’t think somethings right. I’ll turn the volume up.”

“That’s vile, I am not a e.”

“You’ve been gaining weight. Who’s been feeding you?” When Jimin didn’t answer, he grabbed his hair so they were standing at the same height. “I asked a question, answer it.” He jerked his hand and a cry came out of Jimin’s mouth when he continued to stay silent. “Don’t make me angry, you know what happened last time.”

“Stop. Please.” Jimin was begging, tears were flowing out of his eyes from the pain in his scalp. He didn’t want to put his newfound friends in danger, he didn’t want to betray his trust.

“You listen closely, no one in this town in their right mind is going to help a useless beggar like you. I am your only hope to stay alive so you better to tell me now than for me to find out.” Jimin kept silent and felt a pang of relief when he was thrown back onto the ground.

“We should go.” Taehyung was already putting his jacket on when Namjoon told him to stop.

“You’ll blow our cover if we go now, as much as we’d like to help Jimin, if the police find out that there’s a gang right across a family friendly establishment we’re going to be in deep .”


“We’ll go when he leaves alright?”

“I’ll ask you again tomorrow, and for your good you will tell me. Think it through tonight.”

Jimin hadn’t felt so vulnerable since the day he started this life. He curled up against the wall like he usually did and winced when someone started shaking him.

“Jimin! Hey wake up! Jimin!” It was Taehyung’s voice but he heard other footsteps coming towards him, five sets of footsteps.

“I’m not asleep.” He answered weakly.

“Jimin! How stupid can you get? Why didn’t you just tell him it was us?” Jungkook whined as he squatted next to Taehyung. Seokjin was gently patting down his hair, hoping to soothe the pain.

“I couldn’t put you in danger, not after what you’ve all done for me.” All six of them stiffened, Jimin didn’t know how they could’ve decapitated the leader. Jimin didn’t know what they were capable of.

“Jimin, we’re strong-” Namjoon was cut off when he heard a sob rip out of Jimin’s throat.

“He’s capable of doing this to my life, he’s a monster. He’s killed so many people before, he's a killer! How could I have let that monster put you guys in his hit list?” His words struck a cord with all of them, if he was a killer what were they? Jungkook had his hand in a fist. They killed way more people than the leader. “You guys have done so much for me. I didn’t want you guys to be brought down with me. You don’t understand how scared I feel when he comes. The fear of getting killed. He’s a killer. I hate that.”

Seokjin being the only one on the verge of keeping his emotions intact carefully patted his head more. “Jimin-”

“I hate people like him! He destroyed my life.” Jimin was going hysterical and when he sat up he felt something hard hit his face.

“If he’s a monster than what are we?!” Yoongi was quickly held back by Taehyung and Hoseok but it didn’t stop him. “You hate him so much? You should hate us too!”

Jimin was beyond confused but he wasn’t in the right mind to wonder about what was coming out of both of their mouths. “I wanted to protect you guys! Why don't you understand?” He started to sob in his hands and Yoongi suddenly felt himself calm down when he saw the tears drip down his face to melt the snow. “How did you guys even hear our conversation? Leave! I can’t handle all this right now. Leave!” Jimin started to throw punches aimlessly and sob even harder. The rest of them didn’t know what to do but walk away.


That night, Jimin didn’t go to their house nor did he eat the slice of bread that was left for him. He just laid there with his head facing the wall; he felt betrayed, all he wanted was to protect them but why had they got mad? Jimin curled in more, what should he tell the leader when he came back?

This is the longest chapter I written so far and I hope you all enjoy it! I read it over once but I hope I caught all the mistakes!
As I promised, there's finally Jimin X OT6 interactions~! I'll try to update as soon as possible and please enjoy this chapter!
p.s. I sound like a desperate noob but... comments are a joy to read *hint hint*
Thank you~!!!

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mwenlili #1
Chapter 20: This is a perfect end to the story!! I'm so happy I tagger along. Author-nim, thank you so much!! This is one of my favourite fic ever!! <3
Chapter 20: i can't believe it's the end of this story :( It was so great, i loved it from the beginning and you did a great job, it was really good!
Chapter 20: awhhh it's over :( but it was really good and had a nice ending withatouchofjikook i will say. i can't wait for the jikook oneshot, my otp feels xD thanks for this, this was a great story!! ~❤
Chapter 19: glad to see more chapters but aw it's coming to an ending. cant wait for the next chap tho~❤
Chapter 17: poor kookie!! (bawls for his hand)
mwenlili #6
Chapter 17: I really can't wait to see how you are going to end it, author-nim, but I'm sure it will be good, as usual ^^
I really enjoyed it!! Fighting~ <3
Chapter 17: I'm waiting for your update... keep write the good story especially jimincentric... love it so much
Kpopisidklife #8
Chapter 17: It's okay you don't need to be sorry I'm like that with my homework so I feel youㅋㅋㅋ
Thankfully nobody was seriously hurt, well expect Jungkook getting shot on the hand.
Chapter 17: no need to apologize, take ur time. this was good, thank you ~❤ the jikook at the end made me squeal (':
Kpopisidklife #10
Chapter 16: I just started reading this just yesterday and I love it!!!
Omg Jimin's first fight>< I'm so excited!! Hope they'll be safe...but I'm kinda worried since Jimin's still on crutches. He should get a prosthetic leg so it's easy for him to fight and move around... Anyways I'm excited and worried about this fight~
Can't wait for the next update^^ Hwaiting!!!