Stay In Touch

A Coincidence (SHINee FanFic)

You slept longer than you had intended to. It was almost 11am by the time you got up. You were glad that you didn't have to go to practice until the late afternoon. But that also meant that you had most of the day to yourself. You trudged out to the kitchen to get some breakfast. You were surprised to see Jason reading at the table. Reading an actual book...

"Morning," He mumbled, not taking his eyes off of the page.

"Hi.. uh, what are you reading?" You asked.

"A book,"

"Great..." You sighed, rolling your eyes. You glanced at the book and he was reading a school textbook half in English, and half in Korean. He was actually putting effort into learning. You got some orange juice out of the fridge and poured yourself a glass, sitting down opposite Jason.

"If you're looking for them, they've already left," He told you.

"Okay," You yawned, assuming he was talking about SHINee. You rested your elbow on the table, and put your chin in your hand, mindlessly spinning your glass in circles. You still felt guilty about the scars on Jason's face, and you couldn't look at them for too long.

You closed your eyes an were about to drift off again, when the doorbell rang, making you jump. Jason groaned and went to answer the door, knowing that you wouldn't get up.

He answered the door, and you could hear him trying out his Korean.

"Annyeonghaseyo," Jason greeted.

"Is (y/n) here?"

You sat up straight, as you recognised his voice. You peeked around the wall, to make sure you had heard properly.

"Umm, who are you?"

"Jiyong, I'm a friend,"

You leaped out of your chair, knocking it over in the process. You winced as it crashed on the floor, making an incredibly loud noise. The two of them came into the kitchen and laughed at your clumsiness.

"Come on! Don't laugh!" You told them.

"You are such a klutz," Jason teased. Jiyong held back his laughter, but kept on smiling.

"Riighhht... I have to go.. uh.." Jason said, before bolting to his room, leaving you and Jiyong alone.

"Nice pyjamas, cutie," Jiyong smirked.

"Thanks," You replied, embarrassed.

"Since you're not dressed, I'm assuming you have the day off too! Sooo, you can spend the day with me! I want to show you around the YG building. You can get dressed if you like, but I'm sure they won't mind your pyjamas," He grinned.

"So you have a day off work, and you want to show me around where you work?" You asked, smiling.

"Yeah..I'm weirder that I thought I was, but come on!" He persisted.

"Sure," You agreed, since you had nothing else to do.

You left Jiyong sat on the sofa with his feet resting on the table as he flicked through the channels on TV. What the heck was he doing here? He can't just barge in whenever he likes, especially not while you're in your pyjamas. Well, he can, but he's not supposed to. You got dressed quickly, into something nice, since you were going to YG and you didn't know who you might meet there. You went to the door to put your shoes on.

"About time.." Jiyong joked.

You just stuck your tongue out at him and began to tie your shoelaces. Jiyong knelt down in front of you and started tying your other shoe. He even double knotted it for you, the way you always did. He smiled and opened the door for you, letting you outside first. You waited for him to lead the way, but he went over to a taxi which was on the other side of the road.

"But I don't have any money to pay the driver," You said.

"You don't need any, I'll pay,"

"Okay, but I'll pay you back later," You insisted.

"Let's just say you owe me a favour," He grinned, opening the taxi door for you.

You rolled your eyes as you got in. The taxi driver was a very friendly and polite man, who was full of stories to tell. He reminded you of an older version of Key. Often, you and Jiyong looked at each other apprehensively, wondering whether he would ever stop talking. You both signed a piece of paper for his daughter, who, apparently, idolised the two of you.

When you looked up at the YG building, it seemed quite similar to the SM one, except it was a little taller. You walked in with Jiyong, and it felt like you were a guest of honour, or the person in charge of a deal that could either make or break the company. Every single person you passed, said hello and treated you as if you had known each other for years. YG definitely had a more upbeat vibe than SM, but that was just from your first impression. It was probably only like this because you were with one of the most successful people within the company. Jiyong put his hand on your back and guided you towards the elevator.

"An elevator!" You said.

"I thought SM had elevators.." Jiyong frowned.

"We do, it's just that they aren't working at the moment, so I have to walk all the up to the stairs to dance practice, and by the time you start dancing, you're already out of breath! I mean, who's idea was it to put the dance studio on the top floor anyway?!" You rambled on.

"You should talk like this more often," He chuckled.

As the elevator went up, Jiyong sang to the songs that were playing, even the ones by women. You were surprised by how high he could sing. There was one note that he had to hold for a whole three bars, and his voice ended up cracking, which sent you both into hysterics. Soon after, the elevator dinged, and the doors slid open.

You were still laughing and Jiyong still had a stupid grin on his face, as you walked into the recording studio.

"Ah, Jiyong! Is this a new trainee you're showing around?" Someone who was already in the room asked.

"Uh, this is (y/n)," Jiyong said.

"You're (y/n)?! You're the one Jiyong keeps going on about?" He gasped. You glanced at Jiyong, who gave him a light smack on the head and a cold glare.

"I'm Teddy. I help write lyrics and produce songs for YG," He said, shaking your hand.

"So.. someone's been talking about me?" You teased.

Teddy laughed loudly. His laugh was one of those very noisy and contagious ones, that didn't really sound like a real laugh at all.

"I just told him about how good you are at writing songs," Jiyong shrugged.

"Oh, yes.. I listened to the two of your songs and I still can't believe it.. Did you really write both of them by yourself?" Teddy asked.

"Yep," You replied simply.

"How long did it take you?"

"Well, I wasn't really keeping track of time, but, I guess I wrote it overnight," You estimated.


"Yeah, I don't write lyrics during the day," You explained. It was a weird habit you had gotten into after recording so late with Jonghyun once.

"That's interesting... And who helped you produce them? I might know them," Teddy questioned further.

"It was just Jonghyun and I," You told him. He looked at you as if you were lying to him or something.

"You were right Jiyong. SM really did get lucky with this one! You know some people need at least five people in the recording studio to create a half decent song?!" Teddy exclaimed.

You didn't expect that. SM had never offered you anyone to produce your songs. Jonghyun was always just...there.

"So what are you kids doing here anyway?" Teddy asked.

"I'm showing (y/n) around YG today, so I though we could mess around with songs in the recording booth. You know, like the stuff you made me do on my first day, but with less pressure," Jiyong suggested.

"Sure, go ahead!" Teddy smiled.

You spent hours in there with the two of them, mashing songs together and free-styling to random beats. You wish you had done this on your first day at SM. It was way more fun that your boring, old, regular schedule. You looked at your watch, and you realised that you really did have to leave if you wanted to get to SM on time. You nudged Jiyong, who sighed when he saw the time.

"Just know that if you ever have second thoughts about SM, give me a call, and we'll sort something out," Teddy handed you his business card.

"Very professional," You smiled.

"That's me, professional!" Teddy replied, making Jiyong snigger.

Jiyong insisted on taking you to SM, and he called a taxi. The journey was more or less the same, except from the driver, who was less talkative. You were worried if you had done something wrong, as Jiyong hadn't said a word to you, which was unusual for him.

At last, as the taxi was pulling up outside the SM building, he said something. "You know, since I've paid for two taxi drives, you owe me two favours," He grinned.

"Fine.." You sighed. You were sure that he would forget about all this, especially after a night out with Taeyang, T.O.P, Daesung, and Seungri.

"And that means that we'll definitely stay in touch," He smirked, as you waved goodbye to each other.

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Chapter 6: Coming back and reading this about a year later... I still really like this story, I just wanted to give a little constructive criticism, if that's alright. Your writing style in these first few chapters (this is as far as I've re-read so far, so I'm only commenting on the story up to this point) seems a little fast-paced, though the story line runs smoothly. For a beginning writer, this isn't that much of a problem, though, and I sometimes struggle with pacing as well. I just wanted to suggest that in future stories, you read through and think about what things you can add to the story that make it run at a more believable speed. Please understand that I'm just trying to be helpful, and I hope you don't take this the wrong way. I do really enjoy this story, and I'm looking forward to reading the rest of it!

Chapter 3: Oh wow, this is soo good! I'm hyperventilating with excitement... Breathe Jordan...

But seriously, this is really good!
herejusttoread #3
Chapter 20: Was excited when I saw your update. Such a good story. Fighting !!!
herejusttoread #4
Chapter 19: Wahh the story is so good. Keep it up. Can't wait for the next one .