
A Coincidence (SHINee FanFic)

The next day, you decided to make that chocolate cake for Sodam. You were finishing up as Taemin was waking up.

"What have you been baking?!!?" He called out, rubbing his eyes.

"A cake," You replied brightly, satisfied with your baking skills.

"Yum! Can I have some for breakfast?" He asked innocently.

"Uh, firstly, cake is not a breakfast food, and secondly, it's for Kim Sodam!" You told him.

"Okaayyy..." Taemin pouted, blinking his eyes at you.

"Look, I'll save you a slice. But don't tell the others," You compromised. Taemin nodded his head.

Your conversation had woken the others up. Minho was the next one to enter the kitchen.

"There you are! Why didn't you come to play basketball with us last night? Kwangyeon and Jeongmi were particularly upset... And so was I,"

"Ah, I was going to, but manager oppa told me to keep practising. He said that idols never stopped rehearsing... He told me I'm not allowed to partake in any 'extra curriculum' activities," You grumbled.

"That's so stupid! No-one listens to him anyway!" Minho yelled, frustrated.

"That's what I said!" Jonghyun butted in, making a beeline towards your cake.

"Nuh-uh. That cake is for your sister," You said, holding an arm in front of Jonghyun, protecting your cake.

"Hey, (y/n)," Onew came in, swaying from side to side, not able to walk straight.

"Hey, sleepyhead!" You giggled.

"Is that cake for me?!" He asked, suddenly deciding to be wide awake.

"WHY DO YOU ALL WANT CAKE?!???" You shouted, confused.

They all dispersed to get ready after your outburst. You ran your fingers through your hair and leaned on the counter.

"Minho? Could you drive me to Sodam's house when you're ready?" You asked.

"Sure!" He agreed.

"I'll come too," Onew insisted.

You all got into Minho's car once you were ready, with the cake in a little box with a ribbon around it. You hoped she liked it, and that her cravings hadn't changed since yesterday.

"This reminds me, when are you going to learn to drive, Onew? Or will I be your chauffeur forever?" Minho questioned.

"Yah! I'll learn to drive when I want to! And you, as my friend, can do me a favour every once in a while by giving me lifts," He grinned, tilting his head to one side, playfully.

"So, how many favours is that now?" Minho joked, half-seriously.

You soon arrived at Sodam's house. Luckily the traffic wasn't too bad this morning. You rang the doorbell, and Suho opened the front door, smiling widely.

"Hello! Come in! Sodam's in the living room! Oh, you brought something with you?!" Suho greeted you all.

"Yeah, it's just something she asked me to bake for her yesterday," You replied.

"Cool! Onew, Minho! Good to see you!" Suho gave them both hugs.

They both looked over his shoulder to you, in disbelief, wondering what had happened to Suho. He had never welcomed them so friendly before, and neither of them had seen him so happy. However, you remembered that he had acted this way at the dinner party you had so long ago. This was just Suho being happy Suho. It made you happier, seeing him this way. Sodam had made more of an impact on him than you thought.

"It's (y/n), Onew, and Minho!" Suho called out to Sodam, who you heard squeal in response.

Her squealing got louder, and you could soon see her running down the corridor to meet you.

"Is that?" She gasped, pointing at the box.

"Yep!" You smiled at her.

"YAYYYY!! CAKEE!!!" She grinned, snatching the box from you, and running to the kitchen to cut it into slices.

She gave everyone a plate with a generous sized slice on it, and you all sat on cushions in a circle. As you were tucking into your slice, you saw something shine in the light. No...way... Kim Sodam was wearing a ring! You smacked your hand over your mouth to stop yourself fro screaming. She noticed you, and subtly put her finger to her lips to tell you to shush.

You two couldn't be subtle even if you really tried. Kim Sodam went to 'get a glass of water' and asked you to 'come help her'. This raised the suspicion of all three guys, who exchanged puzzled glances, but let your weird excuses slide.

You closed the door between the kitchen and the living room. When you turned around, Kim Sodam grabbed your hands and started whisper screaming and jumping up and down with you.

"Oh my god!!!!!" You mouthed, letting out odd, strained high pitched noises.

"I KNOW!" She blushed.

"He proposed?!!??"

"I KNOW!" She glowed with excitement and joy.

You both fanned yourselves, and took deep breaths to calm down. You gave her a big hug and another supportive congratulations. You knew they would end up together! They just had to!

You headed back into the living room, leaving Kim Sodam to actually get some water. Minho and Suho had emptied their plates, so they took their plates out to the kitchen. Onew was finishing off Suho's slice for him.

You sat down next to him, concealing your smile well.

"(Y/N)?" Onew started.

"Yes?" You prompted.

"Have you thought about marriage?"

"Well, yeah! But it's not constantly on my mind.. Why?" You picked your words carefully.

Maybe Suho had ended up telling him about proposing to unnie? You wouldn't blame him, proposing is a difficult thing to keep secret. You could hear Minho spit out his water, as he was walking into the room. He must have gotten the wrong idea from Onew's question. You chuckled a little, covering your mouth with your hand. Minho ran back into the kitchen, he was probably a bit embarrassed. Onew hadn't taken his eyes off you.

"What?" You asked.

"I'm just glad that you've thought about it. I have too," He smiled, finally looking away from you. He took his last bite of the cake, and took his plate out.

Kim Sodam was entering as Onew was leaving. They nodded politely at each other. She checked to see if he was gone before running over to you.

"Oh, (y/n)!!! He is sooo thinking about proposing to you!!!"

"What? No... I think he just brought it up because you and Suho are getting married,"

"But, you guys are dating, right?!"

"Yeah, for a few months! People get married after knowing each other for years! Like you two," You said gesturing towards Suho, who was walking in.

"Only some people do that... Just let me know when I've predicted your future correctly!" She smirked, winking at you.

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Chapter 6: Coming back and reading this about a year later... I still really like this story, I just wanted to give a little constructive criticism, if that's alright. Your writing style in these first few chapters (this is as far as I've re-read so far, so I'm only commenting on the story up to this point) seems a little fast-paced, though the story line runs smoothly. For a beginning writer, this isn't that much of a problem, though, and I sometimes struggle with pacing as well. I just wanted to suggest that in future stories, you read through and think about what things you can add to the story that make it run at a more believable speed. Please understand that I'm just trying to be helpful, and I hope you don't take this the wrong way. I do really enjoy this story, and I'm looking forward to reading the rest of it!

Chapter 3: Oh wow, this is soo good! I'm hyperventilating with excitement... Breathe Jordan...

But seriously, this is really good!
herejusttoread #3
Chapter 20: Was excited when I saw your update. Such a good story. Fighting !!!
herejusttoread #4
Chapter 19: Wahh the story is so good. Keep it up. Can't wait for the next one .