Phone Calls

A Coincidence (SHINee FanFic)

You rung Kai, desperately hoping that he would pick up. You couldn't leave Kim Sodam like this, crying her eyes out on a park bench.

"Annyeong! Kai I really need you to help me out!" You said down the phone very fast.

"Slow down! What do you need help with?!"

"Kim Sodam and Suho!"

 "Oh..." Kai said.

"They need to be a thing! We have to make this happen! Is there anyway you could get Suho to apologise to her?"

"I would get him to if he stops being so depressed all the time! He only comes out of his room if we need to record a song or an m/v! I thought she had upset him!"

"WHAT?! Why are they so stupid! They're both upset over each other... We just need to get them in the same room so they can talk it out," You glanced over at Kim Sodam, and she hadn't even changed position.

"I'll sort something out, I promise," Kai said before hanging up, leaving you to deal with the weeping mess on the park bench.

You decided to call Jonghyun next, maybe he could take a break from rehearsal to see his sister.


"YAH! (Y/N)! What's up?"

"Uhh, I'm with your sister at the park, and.. well, it would be great if you could meet us. It's okay if your busy with - err, Jonghyun?" You called helplessly down the phone, but the call had been ended by Jonghyun hanging up on you. You hoped that he was on his way.

You sat back down next to Kim Sodam, trying your best to comfort her, but you knew that Jonghyun would be able to do a better job. You thought it would be best not to tell Jonghyun about Suho, since that could cause some difficulties at work or at events with EXO. You decided to let his sister tell him on her own accord, you didn't want any further upsets.

Fortunately, you saw Jonghyun entering the park. You waved him over, and he saw his sister and pointed at her, giving you an accusing look of 'what did you do'.

"I didn't do anything!" You hissed in protest, reading his mind.

He sighed grumpily and dealt with his sister. At least they were able to talk properly, while whenever you tried too talk to her, all you got were sobs.

"Would you mind taking her back to the dorm, I have to get back to the studio,"

"Sure! And thanks for helping at short notice,"

"Any time! Whenever you need me, just call!" He winked at you and you laughed. He would never have gotten away with that if Onew was around.

You walked home with Kim Sodam quietly. It seemed as if all her crying had caused her to lose her voice. Once you got inside all she said was, "I'm going to sleep for a while," and she flopped on the sofa.

You left her in peace and started packing for going back to America tomorrow. You didn't know what you were going to say to your family about moving to Korea... No one knew but you, SHINee, and SMent. And what about your classmates? You would think of something to say when you got there, you always did. It's not like you haven't moved schools before... But somehow, this felt different. Because for some reason, you believed that this move would be your last.

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Chapter 6: Coming back and reading this about a year later... I still really like this story, I just wanted to give a little constructive criticism, if that's alright. Your writing style in these first few chapters (this is as far as I've re-read so far, so I'm only commenting on the story up to this point) seems a little fast-paced, though the story line runs smoothly. For a beginning writer, this isn't that much of a problem, though, and I sometimes struggle with pacing as well. I just wanted to suggest that in future stories, you read through and think about what things you can add to the story that make it run at a more believable speed. Please understand that I'm just trying to be helpful, and I hope you don't take this the wrong way. I do really enjoy this story, and I'm looking forward to reading the rest of it!

Chapter 3: Oh wow, this is soo good! I'm hyperventilating with excitement... Breathe Jordan...

But seriously, this is really good!
herejusttoread #3
Chapter 20: Was excited when I saw your update. Such a good story. Fighting !!!
herejusttoread #4
Chapter 19: Wahh the story is so good. Keep it up. Can't wait for the next one .