
Walking Together


The group had spread out, to talk to people they once knew. Though it had only been a couple of years everyone had changed. Nobody had the mentality of a high schooler anymore, it was hard not to enjoy the feeling of meeting people you once knew after being in a world full of strangers. Donghae dragged IU around introducing her to others, in a way bragging. Taeyeon took some time alone to wonder, she suddenly wanted to be alone. Hyun Joong was left with Jessica, she was always closest to him out of the group. They took sometime to wonder as well, walking down a path with trees lined up parallel to the path.


“What’s it like being married?” Jessica asked, truly wondering.


Hyun Joong thought hard for a moment before her answered, “I can’t say, marriage is the kind of thing where it’s different for everyone.” He slid his hands into his jacket pockets, “For me, it’s like I couldn’t be happier. The feeling of wondering how someone like me could be so lucky.”


Jessica watched Hyun Joong’s expression carefully, “I’m just wondering how it might feel to be married, since I’m getting married soon. At first I was nervous, nervous about whether I was the right one for him, whether I could be the best person for him.”


“You shouldn’t think too much about that”, the corners of Hyun Joong’s lips slightly curved upwards, “If you love him, do it. Knowing Seung Gi, for him to come this far I’m sure he wanted to be with you only. I’m sure his words are true and so there’s no reason to doubt it.”


Her mood suddenly brightened, “I’m glad you’re still here.”


“Why’s that?” Hyun Joong walked while looking at the beautiful fall scenery.


“I feel like with you I can talk about anything”, Jessica smiled at Hyun Joong, “We’ve been friends for a long time now, and I think we know each other just as good as we know ourselves.”


“I don’t know about that”, Hyun Joong breathed deeply, “I only speak my mind, it just might be that we’re more a like than we know.”


Jessica giggled, “Hyun Joong’s words of wisdom. It’s funny to see how much you’ve changed over the years. From depressing and stoic to manly and stoic.”


“I don’t know if I changed all that much, I’ve always been quite manly”, Hyun Joong gave her a handsome smile.



“Taeyeon? Is that you?” A light male voice appeared.

Taeyeon looked around unsure of where the voice came from.


“Over here.”


She turned around to find a tall and slim figure, “Seung Gi!”


“How have you been?!” Seung Gi gave her a short hug, “It’s been years since I’ve last saw you, probably back when you and Hyun Joong got married.”


“Yes, It’s been awhile”, Taeyeon’s charming smile appeared again, “Jessica says you two are getting married next month?”


Seung Gi chuckled, “Yeah! Isn’t it odd?”


“I wouldn’t say odd, considering I’ve been married for a year or so now.”


Seung Gi lead Taeyeon to a small balcony where they could chat freely, “Sorry it was too noisy inside. So, how has everything been with Hyun Joong?”


Taeyeon rested her elbows on the balcony’s cement fencing, “Hmm, It’s been good. He’s been working a lot, while I’m still attending college.”


“I see, you seem like you’ve changed a lot. Marriage must have made you much more confident, you seem more relaxed than before.”


“You think so?” Taeyeon watched a boy play with his father happily, “I don’t feel any different.”


“Maybe it’s just that now that you’re married, you don’t have to worry about embarrassing yourself or impressing others.” Seung Gi said.





“Hey!” Donghae yelled, “Remember me!”


The man smiled, “Yes, I think I do. Lee Donghae is it?”


“Bingo!” Donghae said confidently, “This is my girlfriend IU!”


IU blushed slightly, but was now used to it after twenty or so introductions made by Donghae. She watched him converse with others and smiled at his energetic personality.


“Annyeonghaseyo”, IU bowed politely.


This was how it went for the next couple of hours until everyone eventually re-grouped. “Hey Seung Gi, congratz!” Donghae lightly smacked Seungi Gi’s arm.


“Thanks”, Seung Gi smiled, “Thank you all for coming.”


“Good idea on hosting a reunion”, Hyun Joong now spoke, “It’s good to see you guys again. And congratz on you’re engagement.”


“Hyun Joong ah! Thank you!” Seung Gi gave Hyun Joong a brotherly hug.


Surprised Hyun Joong stood unprepared, “Uhh no problem.”


“It’s like he’s trying to say Hyun Joong’s congratz matters more than mine!” Donghae said watching from afar. “There was a huge difference between his thank you towards me, and his thank you towards Hyun Joong.”


IU smiled and held onto Donghae’s arm, “I don’t think it matters.”


Seung Gi eventually let go of Hyun Joong giving him some room to breath. The time seemed to pass so quickly, it was already midnight. “It’s getting late, we better get going. Taeyeon’s got some stuff to do tomorrow.” Hyun Joong explained.


“Oh okay, well we’ll give you the date and time through email.” Jessica said giving Hyun Joong and Taeyeon a goodbye hug.


“That means we’re leaving to then, since Hyun Joong drove us too.” Donghae followed.


“Alright well thanks for stopping by, it was nice!” Seung Gi smiled.


“See ya!” The four all said as they waved goodbye, and continued to walk back to Hyun Joong’s car.


Hyun Joong took Taeyeon’s hand in his, “You okay? You’ve been pretty quiet.”


Taeyeon smiled without showing teeth, “Yeah, I’m just tired is all.” She got closer to Hyun Joong as they continued to walk and rested her head slightly on his arm.


The two couples headed home in the late night, both Donghae and IU fell asleep from the warmth created inside the car. Taeyeon stayed awake along with Hyun Joong who was driving.


“Didn’t you say you were tired?” Hyun Joong spoke quietly.


“I can’t fall asleep”, Taeyeon said sounding quite down.


“So something is bothering you.” Hyun Joong concluded. “What is it?”


Taeyeon blushed slightly, “Can we talk about it at home?”


Hyun Joong glanced at Taeyeon wondering what it must be, “Of course.” He extended his arm and held onto her hand, slightly rubbing the top of her hand lovingly.


“Ji Eun ah, we’re here.” Hyun Joong said quietly.


IU slowly woke up to find that she was now on her driveway in front of her house. “Oh, okay. Thank you for the ride.” IU said cutely as she stepped out of the car. Donghae was still asleep so she didn’t bother waking him.


Moments later they reached Donghae’s place, “Hey”, Hyun Joong patted him on the leg. Donghae didn’t respond, “Yah! Wake up!” This time Hyun Joong shook his leg violently.


“Okay, okay”, Donghae rubbed his eyes as he sighed, “Thanks for everything guys, I’ll see you later.” He stumbled out of the car, half awake.


They finally reached their own place. Hyun Joong walked in first, into the pitch black and silence. He flicked the light on as he hung his jacket up. Taeyeon followed behind him silently and sleepily.


Hyun Joong watched Taeyeon walk in, “Let’s clean up and head to bed.” Hyun Joong guided her to their room where she was then got the things she needed to bathe. He watched her adoringly, watched her small frame stumble around.


“I won’t take too long”, Taeyeon walked into the bathroom, and yet again left the door open. She quietly got undressed and decided to take a shower rather than a bath. As promised she didn’t take all that long to finish.


Hyun Joong finished even quicker, and came out of the bathroom to find Taeyeon still awake sitting on the bed looking rather nervous. He went and sat next to her, he moved her hair behind her right ear, “What’s wrong?”


Taeyeon took a deep breath and looked at Hyun Joong’s large eyes, “I… I want a baby..”

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sea0horse #1
Chapter 16: i love this pairing~ update soon please
Chapter 16: Please keel updating!!!!
I really love your story <3
Chapter 16: Very sweet story you got!!!
Im very curious whats going to happen when they had a baby!!
Update soon please!
Chapter 16: this was such a warm and sweet chapter..loved it!
Chapter 15: Ahhhh u updated i love it <33333 hope you continue :)))
Chapter 15: nice to see an update after a long period!keep it coming...
Chapter 14: Omg first time reading here and im freaking out! Emergehd! Update soon!

Sorry I'm taking so long to update! I had an idea for another story so i started that up. I will be updating soon!
Athrun #9
Please update:) I'm looking forward to the story. I've enjoyed it:)
Oh. My. Goodness. I accidentally pressed the x button of my previous comment! Faints~ I was still praying hard that there would be a confirmation before they deleted, but there was none. :(