
Dinosaur And The Flirt.


“You want me to work with this dinosaur here?!” Myungsoo shouted, pointing down at you.

“Yah! Aish.” You glared at him.

“Well, why not?” The director said.

The director explained everything to the both of you. You were about to doze off when your jinx stepped your foot. *Obviously on purpose!* You thought.   

The project is to survey what kind of fashion the teenagers like. Since you and Myungsoo are in the Arts section, the both of you are also supposed to come up with a design. And that would be the final design. It’s a competition among different other fashion companies in the country. And since, the company was always second, the company is aiming for a first in this year’s competition.

You stretched your arms and yawned when you stepped out of the director’s room. Though the project was something you looked forward too for a few months, thinking about it makes you really sleepy.

You looked over to your side and almost drop the files. Never did you realize that your irritating neighbor, Myungsoo, would be so perfect from the side. His perfect cheekbone and perfect jawline makes you attracted to him for the first time.

*He’s actually better if he doesn’t speak.* You thought. But it was disrupted from the usual (jerk) Myungsoo.

“Ya, Park ~~~~~, when are we starting?” He turned to you. You were startled and started reddening. You acted calm even though you committed a ‘sin’.

“Ermm… Friday? This coming Friday?” I said, without looking at him and walked quickly.

*What the heck did I just do? You stupid girl! Urgh, it’s so embarrassing! He didn’t realize that did he?* You thought, mentally scolding yourself.

*She so fell for me.* Myungsoo smirked and walked away leaving you behind.


Sorry for the short chapter! *bows 90 degrees*

I'll try and make it longer in the next chapter! ^^

Well then, 

Annyeong~ :3

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update soon plss...this story is daebak you can know
wow, nice fic! pls update soon!
hehe, Myungsoo is obviously jealous. Don’t worry Sungyeol, I think your starting to make her like you. Well, if she hadn’t found out that you were rivals. Worst is Sungyeol is in the same team with Heejin. I wonder who’s that guy that was so scared to her? Don’t be so hard to Sungyeol, I think he’s a fair player. Unlike those dirty players, maybe like Heejin. Lol! UPDATE MORE PLZ..
I love this fanfic :D<br />
Please update soon!~<br />
Yehay ! Sungyeol ah <3 whats myungsoo gonna do :O
Aww.. Myungsoo is getting used to affectionate skinships with her now huh. Hehe just after she realized her feelings for Myungsoo, SUngyeol appeared. Yes! Haha Love triangle between Sungyeol, Myungsoo & her, love it! UPDATE MORE PLS.
Myungsoo-ah ! <3 Update soon ^^