
Dinosaur And The Flirt.


That morning you went to work without Myungsoo but with Sungyeol. He offered you a ride to work. Coincidentally, he was also had something to do there. Although you were curious to what business he’s doing there, you decided to keep your mouth shut.

You decided to collect some documents on the way before showing him the company.

The bitter memory that happened that morning was still aching but with Sungyeol around, you were able to forget about it a little. His jokes make you laugh out loud. Literally.

You were really comfortable with his presence. It didn’t make you feel lonely. He was the first person to ever talk to you this comfortably. It made you feel like you have a friend.

Though, you don’t know if you’re friends with him or if he ever consider you as a friend.

You were interrupted thinking when someone accidentally pushed you causing the documents to fly out of your hand. It was scattered all over the place.

Your blood boil. Not only the person who hit you interrupted your thoughts but also messed up everything.

“Yah.” You said.

The person looked at you and scared was written on his face. He obviously didn’t expect the person that he hit was the devil that was feared of.

He bowed countless times, apologizing. But that didn’t make you forgive him. You were still very angry at him.

You looked down at him who was on his knee apologizing. You shot him your deadliest glare.

“You do know that you have to clear the mess you made, right?” You grab his collar.

The poor guy nodded and immediately picked up the papers that was scattered in seconds.

“Is this all?” You raised a brow, “If I ever find out that I’m missing a piece, you’re dead.”

The guy nodded his head. “Y-yes!”

“Scram.” With that one word, he dashed through the hallway.

You returned to your normal self. You were quite impressed with yourself. But when you turned to look at Sungyeol, those feelings was replaced with shock.

*.* You thought.

“E-erm Sungyeol-ssi? I-I can explain! Y-you see-“

“Woah! You were so cool just now! you scared that guy off in a matter of seconds! He was so scared of you!” He clapped. His face was clearly in wonderment.

Hearing that from someone made you feel a little proud. After all, no one ever told you that. Not even Myungsoo.

You cleared your throat, “Well of course. Everyone in the office is scared of me so it’s normal for them to run away like that.”

He looked at you, surprised. “No way! Everyone is scared of you? Why?!” He asked you, closing the gap.

*Alert! Alert! Too close! Too close! * You thought.

You step a foot back. “I’m a very hot-tempered person. I’m an honest person and a straight-forward person. I never think before speaking. I guess that’s why people distance themselves away from me.” You sighed, “But I do have a friend. Only one. He never cared my bluntness and always tease me. You can say he’s not the best friend out there but he’s there when I’m always down. He knows how to cheer me up. And that itself makes me happy to have him by my side.” Your lips formed into a small smile.

Sungyeol looked tenderly at you. Your smile that’s the brightest when you talk about Myungsoo interest Sungyeol. He wondered who this person is that makes you smile that beautifully.

“So you’re in love with this person right?” He asked, catching you off-guard.

You smiled, “Yeap.” You widened your eyes when you realized what you said. “No! I mean yes wait no!”

Sungyeol chuckled at your confused face. He hold back his laughter but ended up laughing out loud.

“Yah! Don’t laugh! I honestly don’t know!” You said.

He wiped his tears before answering, “You are obviously in love with this dude. And I’m guessing it’s the guy we saw this morning. Am I right?”

You gasped. “How’d you know that? Are you a psychic? You can read minds!”

He hold back his laughter. “Something like that.”

You couldn’t stop admiring him having magic skills. You gaped at him. You were a little jealous over his special powers.

“Does your heart go ba-thump ba-thump when you see him?” He asked.

You nodded.

“Do you feel like it’s hard to breathe when he’s near you?”

You nodded.

“Does your heart ache when you saw him with a girl this morning?”

You nodded.

“Well I am right. You are in love. In love with this guy.” He deduced.

You clapped your hands in admiration. “You’re so cool!”

*Park ~~~~~, you’re cute. If only I had met you sooner, I would definitely make you fall in love with me. This jerk that you like obviously don’t deserve you.* Sungyeol thought as he looked at you who was staring at the sky.


“Hey, have you seen ~~~~~?” Myungsoo asked.

“Oh she’s on the rooftop with a guy.”

“A guy?!” Myungsoo roared. “Why didn’t you stop them?!” Myungsoo said and ran to the rooftop.

“What the.” The guy stood there, stunned.


Myungsoo ran up the staircase to the rooftop. The thought of her being with a guy sickens him .

As he got closer to the door of the rooftop, he could see two figures standing close to each other. It got even familiar when he was standing in front of the glass door.

It was you and Sungyeol chatting happily. Too happily in Myungsoo's eyes.


What do you think Sungyeol's role is playing? 

Myungsoo's getting jealous! 

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Sorry for the long wait!


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update soon plss...this story is daebak you can know
wow, nice fic! pls update soon!
hehe, Myungsoo is obviously jealous. Don’t worry Sungyeol, I think your starting to make her like you. Well, if she hadn’t found out that you were rivals. Worst is Sungyeol is in the same team with Heejin. I wonder who’s that guy that was so scared to her? Don’t be so hard to Sungyeol, I think he’s a fair player. Unlike those dirty players, maybe like Heejin. Lol! UPDATE MORE PLZ..
I love this fanfic :D<br />
Please update soon!~<br />
Yehay ! Sungyeol ah <3 whats myungsoo gonna do :O
Aww.. Myungsoo is getting used to affectionate skinships with her now huh. Hehe just after she realized her feelings for Myungsoo, SUngyeol appeared. Yes! Haha Love triangle between Sungyeol, Myungsoo & her, love it! UPDATE MORE PLS.
Myungsoo-ah ! <3 Update soon ^^