
Dinosaur And The Flirt.


Myungsoo finally reached the apartment. Walking along the hallway, he stopped in front of your apartment. Looking around to see if there’s anyone, he typed in the password of your house.

He saw the password to your house when you discuss about the project this morning but he acted as if he didn’t know a thing.

Typing in the password, he successfully trespassed into your house. Smiling in victory, he stepped into the house. Looking around, it was messy but it’s just the way you are.

*Just like a boy.* He thought to himself.

He went to your room and saw you sleeping rather peacefully. Your leg was over the pillow and your arms were spread out. Your mouth was wide open. Your laptop was beside you along with some papers.

Myungsoo laughed to himself. You stirred in your sleep and Myungsoo covered his mouth realizing that he laughed too loudly. Myungsoo went over to you and admire your sleeping position. He pushed away your fringe to the side. He softly touched your eyebrows, nose then your soft, small lips.

Myungsoo’s heart suddenly beat faster than usual. He could feel his face getting hot. Was he blushing?  Oh yes, he was blushing. Because of you. He never felt like it before. He placed his hand over his heart and gazed at you lovingly.

He softly touched your lips and smiled to himself. He wondered to himself how those lips taste like. He kiss your forehead. When he was about to walk away, you grabbed his hand, making him unable to move. You pulled him down and he fell on you. He was extremely close to you. He could kiss you anytime.

But you rolled to the side, still holding onto him. *Is this girl dreaming of me in her dreams? Cute.*

“Go and die, Kim Myungsoo.” You mumbled in your sleep. Unfortunately, Myungsoo heard it.

*What? This girl.* Myungsoo glared at you.

All of a sudden, Myungsoo was beside you. You were sleeping but facing him. He also stared at you while you were sleeping. He smiled to himself. Without knowing, he fell asleep beside you.

The next morning, you wake up to find someone hugging you like a bolster. You looked to the side thinking you were going to kill whoever that was. You looked to the side to find out it was no other than the flirt, Kim Myungsoo.

You rolled your eyes in frustration and with all your might, you pushed him away. “YAH! KIM MYUNGSOO! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?!”

Myungsoo rubbed his eyes sleepily, “What? Oh. Good morning baby.”

You let out a sigh, “Baby? Yah, I told you not to call me baby right? You flirt! And most importantly, what are you doing here?!”

“I have my ways. Now, let’s go to sleep.” He pulled your wrist down.

A blush crept up your cheeks. You were feeling hot all of a sudden.

“Y-YAH! Don’t joke around! Get out of here! NOW!” You pushed him off the bed.

“Baby!” He wailed.

“Don’t ‘baby’ me! Out!” You pointed to the door.

You slammed the door at his face and leaned against the door.

“How the heck did he get in?” You asked yourself.

You shook your head. “No. I should get ready for work now.” 

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update soon plss...this story is daebak you can know
wow, nice fic! pls update soon!
hehe, Myungsoo is obviously jealous. Don’t worry Sungyeol, I think your starting to make her like you. Well, if she hadn’t found out that you were rivals. Worst is Sungyeol is in the same team with Heejin. I wonder who’s that guy that was so scared to her? Don’t be so hard to Sungyeol, I think he’s a fair player. Unlike those dirty players, maybe like Heejin. Lol! UPDATE MORE PLZ..
I love this fanfic :D<br />
Please update soon!~<br />
Yehay ! Sungyeol ah <3 whats myungsoo gonna do :O
Aww.. Myungsoo is getting used to affectionate skinships with her now huh. Hehe just after she realized her feelings for Myungsoo, SUngyeol appeared. Yes! Haha Love triangle between Sungyeol, Myungsoo & her, love it! UPDATE MORE PLS.
Myungsoo-ah ! <3 Update soon ^^