
Dinosaur And The Flirt.


“Myungsoo-ah!” You waved at him when he was at the hallway.

He looked up and saw you. His heart skipped a beat when he saw you being so carefree. But the scene that happened at the rooftop made him angry again.

He pretended he didn’t see you and walked the other way.

You scoffed at his childish behavior. You shrugged your shoulders and let him be by himself for a while.

Myungsoo took a peek behind him at the corner of his eyes. When he saw that there was no sight of you, he went angry again.

*What?! She didn’t even console me or anything? She should be with me trying to make me happy when she saw me ignoring her!* He gritted his teeth with that thought in his mind.

“Fine. Park ~~~~~, you want to play? Bring it on. We’ll see who ignore the other the longest.” Myungsoo smirked and stomped off, determined to win this (self) competition.


You was confused with Myungsoo’s behavior. Whenever you tried to get close to him, he would glare at you like you did something wrong.

You didn’t want to get on his bad side, so you let him be and do your own work. After all, you have a lot of work to do. And you don’t want to waste any time.


Myungsoo secretly peeked at you when you weren’t looking. It was like as if he wanted you to talk to him but also at the same time ignoring you. He so desperately wants to talk to you and hear your beautiful voice. But he wants you to take the initiative and talk to him first.

He couldn’t even concentrate on his own work. You were always on his mind, disturbing him in the process. Despite that, he was happy because at least he could day dream about you.

“Kim Myungsoo! Don’t slack!” The boss shouted at him.

He immediately jerked from his slouching position and sat up straight.

“Park ~~~~~ please do something about this slacker here.” The boss asked, dramatically ‘fanning’ himself.

You nodded your head and walked over to his table.

Seeing this, myungsoo tidied his table and make sure that nothing inappropriate was there.

After tidying, he quickly put on a poker face and acted like as if you weren’t there.

“Myungsoo-ah…” You took a chair and sat beside him, “Why aren’t you doing your work?”

“I am. Can’t you see? I’m reading the materials.” He stated without looking at you.

“But the book is upside down.” You said, smirking.

Myungsoo quickly put the book at the correct position. “I knew that. I just wanted to know how it feels like reading upside down…”

You chuckled, “Haha yeah right.”

“H-hey! Don’t laugh!” He hissed.

“Whatever.” You stopped laughing, “Now you’re talking to me.” You smiled.

Myungsoo realized this and mentally slapped himself. *Kim Myungsoo, you’re hopeless.”

“Who said I am. I was just replying to you. That’s basic manners.”

“Oh really. How come you know so much about manners?”

“I’m human after all.”

“Good. Now we’re talking for real.” You giggled.

Myungsoo faceplamed himself. “Okay, look here miss ~~~~~, I’m trying to ignore you. Why are you disturbing me?”

“Ignore me? Why? What did I do?”

“You went- I mean… something. Because of something, I’m ignoring you.”

“Okay. Whatever it is, I’m sorry… I don’t want to stop being your friend. I don’t want to lose my only friend. “ You pleaded.

“Only friend? What about that guy on the rooftop? You look extremely close with that guy.” Myungsoo blurted out.

You raised an eyebrow. “Sungyeol? Ah! You’re jealous of him? Because I was close with him?”

He hesitated before answering, “Well… yeah…”

You smiled. You pinch his cheeks. “You’re my best friend! Sungyeol is maybe a friend. We just met recently! Really! “

He puffed his cheeks, “Really?”

You nodded.


You and Myungsoo were back on good terms. As usual, you both are quarelling over small matters. Myungsoo a bit of your ice cream that makes you mad.

No one takes your food.

You got revenge my secretly drinking his drink all finish. Myungsoo got mad. As a result, you both were kicked out.

Although you were happy about his company something else made you very uneasy. From when both of you left the office, a black car have been following you ever since.

You took note of the plate number in case something happens. You didn’t want to tell Myungsoo because you didn’t want him to get worked up and cause bigger problems. 

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update soon plss...this story is daebak you can know
wow, nice fic! pls update soon!
hehe, Myungsoo is obviously jealous. Don’t worry Sungyeol, I think your starting to make her like you. Well, if she hadn’t found out that you were rivals. Worst is Sungyeol is in the same team with Heejin. I wonder who’s that guy that was so scared to her? Don’t be so hard to Sungyeol, I think he’s a fair player. Unlike those dirty players, maybe like Heejin. Lol! UPDATE MORE PLZ..
I love this fanfic :D<br />
Please update soon!~<br />
Yehay ! Sungyeol ah <3 whats myungsoo gonna do :O
Aww.. Myungsoo is getting used to affectionate skinships with her now huh. Hehe just after she realized her feelings for Myungsoo, SUngyeol appeared. Yes! Haha Love triangle between Sungyeol, Myungsoo & her, love it! UPDATE MORE PLS.
Myungsoo-ah ! <3 Update soon ^^