
Dinosaur And The Flirt.


The two of you got back to working. You would sometimes throw paper balls at Myungsoo to disturb him. But it didn’t work. He was really concentrating.

You pouted. You didn’t felt like working and you wanted Myungsoo to talk to you. But at the same time, you don’t want to fail this project. So you let him be.

You eyes wander around the café. You suddenly saw someone looking at you. Wait- no, the both of you. The girl was staring at you intently. You could sense her dark aura behind her. She was staring daggers at you which was giving you the chill.

You slowly looked away pretending you didn’t see her and continued to do your work. You felt cold chills down your spine and felt uncomfortable. You turned behind to see the girl that was staring angrily at you just now was sitting at the table behind you.

*Oh god. What the heck is wrong with her?* You thought inside your head.

You hear the sound of heels coming near you and you immediately thought about the scary girl. *She’s coming here. Oh no.*

You decided to look at the papers and not look at her. She’s too scary. Although you are hot-tempered too, she’s way out of league. She’s wearing clothes that probably cost about your lifetime’s saving. You don’t dare to mess with these type of people. You’re just lazy to deal with their mess.

“Oppa!” Her voice could be heard throughout the café.

Myungsoo looked up. His face was filled with horror. He didn’t expect the last person he’d want to meet would be here. And you’re here too. Which is a big no.

“Uhmm… Hi, Heejin.” Myungsoo greeted. He looked hesitantly at you and back to Heejin.

You look confusingly at Myungsoo. When you look at the girl, she immediately threw daggers at you. You immediately shrunk back to your seat.

“Uhmm… ~~~~~, this is Heejin. Heejin, this is ~~~~~.” Myungsoo introduced.

“H-hello, Heejin-ssi. I-I’m Park ~~~~~. Ni-nice to meet you.” You stood up and bowed 90 degrees.

Heejin folded her arms arrogantly and nodded. “I’m Heejin. Lee Heejin.” She took a seat beside Myungsoo and looked at him lovingly.

“Oppa, what are you doing?” She asked.

*Her tone is totally different from how she spoke to me. How does Myungsoo know her?* You thought. You felt a little weird as to how Heejin sat beside Myungsoo so easily, how she hugged Myungsoo’s arm bravely.

To be honest, you felt like slapping Heejin’s hand away from Myungsoo and leave the café. Her attitude was getting to you.

“We’re doing a project. Me and Myungsoo are partners. We were doing quite well until you came in though.” You answered bravely.

Heejin stared at you in disbelief.

You calmly drink your lemon tea as if nothing happened. But inside you were trembling in fear.

*I just talked back to a rich girl. Let me die.* You dreadfully thought.

Myungsoo stared at you too. He cautiously looked at Heejin. “Erm, Heejin.. Aren’t you doing the same project? Yeah, we’re doing that project.”

*We’re doing the same project?!* You thought inside your head.You accidentally choked on your drink.

“~~~~~, are you okay? What the happened?” Myungsoo rushed over to you and your back.

Heejin saw how Myungsoo was so caring for you and it made her jealous. She clenched her fist and teeth.  She was scared of losing Myungsoo to you. To a normal, ordinary girl. That’ll break her pride.

“~~~~~-ssi, are you okay?” Heejin asked cutely, pretending to be kind to you. You saw through her immediately.

“I’m fine, thank you.” You recomposed yourself.

“Yah, don’t go scaring me off like that. You scared me there.” Myungsoo said.

Your eyes widened. *I-is he worried for me?*

“S-sorry. I won’t do it again. I’m fine now, aren’t I?” You smiled warmly at him.

Without warning, he pulled you in for a hug. His strong arms were wrapped around you. Your heart was beating loudly. Same goes for Myungsoo.

Both of you forgot about Heejin, totally.

Heejin pretended to clear to break you and Myungsoo aka her future husband, apart. She couldn’t stand the thought of you hugging her ‘property’. 

“I’m sorry but I have to go now. We’ll meet again, ~~~~~-ssi.” Heejin said and left.

*I don’t know why but that sound like a threat to me.* You gulped.


Sorry for the short and late update guys! 

Thank you for the subbies guys! 

Love you! ^^

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update soon plss...this story is daebak you can know
wow, nice fic! pls update soon!
hehe, Myungsoo is obviously jealous. Don’t worry Sungyeol, I think your starting to make her like you. Well, if she hadn’t found out that you were rivals. Worst is Sungyeol is in the same team with Heejin. I wonder who’s that guy that was so scared to her? Don’t be so hard to Sungyeol, I think he’s a fair player. Unlike those dirty players, maybe like Heejin. Lol! UPDATE MORE PLZ..
I love this fanfic :D<br />
Please update soon!~<br />
Yehay ! Sungyeol ah <3 whats myungsoo gonna do :O
Aww.. Myungsoo is getting used to affectionate skinships with her now huh. Hehe just after she realized her feelings for Myungsoo, SUngyeol appeared. Yes! Haha Love triangle between Sungyeol, Myungsoo & her, love it! UPDATE MORE PLS.
Myungsoo-ah ! <3 Update soon ^^